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Old 04-16-2001, 08:37 PM   #321
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
In Vardor's Lair.

*This took place during the previous night, shortly after Vardor's battle with the guardian.*

Vardor materialized out of the shadows, his robes torn and blackened, and his power weakened from overuse. He had never over exerted himself so much in years and years. The guardian had been cunning, but every opponent Vardor had fought had always been overcome. This one was no exception.

Quickly walking down the steps from his chamber, he entered the hall and summoned his generals. "Marshal the troops and bring them towards the eastern checkpoint with all speed. You may leave a guard of about a hundred men here, but this place is no longer important."

"It isn't?" asked one of his generals, his jaw dropping at the sudden and stunning news.

"All of our work here is irrelevant now. The darkness is coming, and all is ending. Prepare for a journey to Ethrilien. All of the bat steeds must be mounted and ridden there in all haste. They will be mounted by only the best and the strongest. The footsoldiers will have to catch up as best they can. How long will it take for a flight to Ethrilien at maximum speed?"

"A day or two for the warriors on bats. The footsoldiers would get there in about a week and a half."

"Too long. Any with speedy mounts must be sent out, but all which cannot I suppose we'll have to leave behind."

"Yes sir," he said, sounding relieved.

"You are all dismissed to begin your separate tasks."

They quickly bowed and left him, scurrying out to get their jobs done at as fast a pace as possible.
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Old 04-18-2001, 02:59 AM   #322
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: In Vardor's Lair.

*Ok, I'm caught again, right? (confused look) If not, disregard this post and I'll delete it next time I'm back. *

Dania's tongue was thick, and her mouth dry from the cotton gag they'd shoved in her mouth. She could feel the dried blood around her lips from where she'd been beaten nearly senseless. She'd not made a sound, which infuriated her tormenter all the more. She'd never been able to see who it was, they were in silhouette the throughout the ordeal. She wasn't even sure what it was they wanted from her.
To exhausted with pain and loss of blood to do anything more, she fell back against the tree trunk. She wouldn't let herself sleep, she had to gather as much information as she could. She had to know, she had to listen to the distant voices by the small campfire. Had to... Don't let.. Sleep...
Within moments her mind succumbed to the pleadings of her weary body, and she slept fitfully.
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Old 04-18-2001, 03:54 AM   #323
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: In Vardor's Lair.

*I'm afraid I don't quite understand that post. It's Ayna that they've captured and beat up, but she wasn't around any tree trunks or campfire either. Right now they are preparing to take off on Aetoo's back to rescue Ayna.*
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Old 04-20-2001, 01:37 AM   #324
Posts: n/a
To Take Flight

Slythre and the others followed warily as Aetoo turned and walked deeper into the woods. Fortunately no treachery occured, and moments later they stepped into a large clearing, dimly lit by the cloud-shrouded moon overhead.

Aetoo stepped into the center, and shook his head, his long hair flying out behind him.

"Sstep back," rasped the broodlord, as the others started towards the center of the clearing, and they did as he said, though exchanging cautious glances as they did so.

Aetoo seemed to fold together, and then sretched, and kept stretching, his form expanding and bursting outword, skin turning to dark, jetblack scales, arms to outstretched wings - and moments later, he was there, in his monstrous beauty.

A small gasp of recognition emitted from Seetoo, but he shook his head as the others glanced at him.

The broodlord strode forward, and then glanced back, as the others hesitated.

"If you wish to ssave your friend, this is your only hope."
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Old 04-20-2001, 01:49 PM   #325
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Taking Flight

"Come," Slythre said firmly.

Stepping forward, she put one leather boot on the creature's back and then the other. Hurrying smoothly to its long backbone, she took her seat. Rather unconfortable and quite bony, but not the worst traveling arrangements she'd ever had. Especially if you counted the time she'd been a prisoner of the Taldrelan Pirates.

Jerking her head away from thoughts of the past, she beckoned to the others. "Come on, we don't have all night."

They climbed on too, Faradin first and then the others, one after another. There was room for all, although Seetoo didn't mount. Rather, he spread his own wings and flew up. Soon, Aetoo had launched himself into the air and the ground dropped away under them.

He couldn't go at his full speed with his back loaded, especially if he didn't want them all to fall off, but he could still go quite fast. The others held on tightly to whatever they could grip, and it wasn't long before they began to close the distance between themselves and Vardor's Lair.
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Old 04-23-2001, 02:56 AM   #326
Posts: n/a
Re: Taking Flight

As they took flight, the experience was heartshaking - even though they had flown upon eagles before, they now found themselves moving through the air at impossible speeds, not even sure how they remained upon the great form beneath them despite the buffeting force of the wind.

The time passed quickly, though, and soon a place rose before them, a cliffside dwelling that none would have found on their own.

Aetoo circled overhead, and prepared to land, and force entrance.

Sorry for the short post, I am rather busy with numerous papers (including a 20 paper) and some other stuff coming do this week...
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Old 04-24-2001, 04:50 AM   #327
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: In Vardor's Lair

The instant they landed, orc guards rushed out from their places of concealment and a tall man in a red cloak walked out from the door of the dark keep.

"What is your purpose in coming here?" he asked in a harsh voice, his cold eyes darting from one to another of them.

They did not give him time to say anymore.

Seetoo and Aetoo began dispatching of the orcs as Slythre pulled her dagger from the man's throat.

All of the bodies crumpled to the ground at once, and then they moved to the doorway. Orcs with daggers and blades leapt out, shouting their warcries only to face death on the other side. But as the door slammed shut and bolts drew, Aetoo reached it and tore it off its hinges, throwing it inside on top of the guardians.

Moving swiftly, they cut down all opponents, cold steel flickering in the torchlight as they made short work of all who dared oppose them.

Ayna's eyes fluttered open and she looked around the dank cell she had been thrown into. It was completely bare of furniture and made of cold stone. After they had stripped her naked and bound her to the chair, it had become worse than she had believed possible. Everything was gone, hope included. After they had finished with her, they had thrown her aside, one more piece of now useless baggage to be cast aside while they completed their plans.

Misery and pain both flooded her, and she looked down at the dozens of bloody streaks that criss crossed her arms, legs, sides and back.

Every movement was pain. But deeper than all the physical injuries that tore at her body was the shame that she had given in in the end. She couldn't have helped it, and she doubted that anyone else could have done better. But she should have somehow been stronger. And now the entire world would have to pay the price.

Unless she could escape and warn them, that is.

She struggled to stand but failed miserably as her legs screamed in protest at the slightest movement.

With a cry, she sank back to the floor, a thousand cuts and wounds in her flesh burning like fire. Her eyes misted with tears as she looked up again at the prison door.

Was that sounds from outside? Angry shouts and the clashing of swords. Orcish yowls and battlecries.

"Ayna!" came a call from the hallway outside.

"I'm here!" she managed to respond, crawling towards the door.

More clashing steel and two more orcish cries. Than the sounds of running feet crossed the hallway.

In an instant, the door was rent to pieces which were thrown down in shreds. Slythre and Harnauro entered, weapons drawn.

At the sight of Ayna, Slythre gaped for a moment in horrified silence.

Flashbacks filled Slythre's mind for a moment. Burning fire and cruel hands filled her vision. But what she had endured might not be as great as what Ayna had gone through, and she struggled back to the present.

"Ayna?" she asked, taking a step closer.

Then, she pulled herself together. "Harnauro, go and find something to bind the worst of those injuries. And something for her to wear. But hurry, we don't have much time before they send something else after us. Something that Aetoo cannot eliminate so easily."

Quickly, she strode up to Ayna and lowered herself to one knee beside her, taking note of the injuries.

After her wounds had been looked to, she was clad in the rough orcish clothes and supported by Seetoo and Faradin as they hurried out the corridor and away from the place.

"As soon as we are away from here," Slythre said grimly to Harnauro, "she'll have a lot of explaining to do."
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Old 04-24-2001, 01:26 PM   #328
Posts: n/a
Re: In Vardor's Lair

As they were leaving, the noises of clashing and conflict began to die down in the distance and fade away, and in moments, Aetoo was suddenly before them, eyes sparkling dangerously.

"They aren't here!" He cried, his voice, normally melodic, catching up into a snarl.

His eyes light upon Ayna, and he steps forward, snatching her from Slythre's grasp, lifting her, and shaking her violently, ignoring her gasps of pain.

"Where are they??" His face, contorted with rage, screamed into her own.

Harnauro grabbed one of Aetoo's hands, intended to pull him off of her, but was rewarded with a backhand slap, sending him hurling down the corridor into the wall.

"You won't get any answers that way!" Slythre cried out in desperation, her dagger drawn just in case. Fortunately, her words seemed to penetrate Aetoo's ears, and he realized Ayna had fainted under the pain.

Dropping her, he turned to Slythre and said, "Have her ready to tell us what she knows as soon as possible!" Then he was gone.
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Old 04-25-2001, 11:05 AM   #329
Posts: n/a
A new menace.

Ulrog sighed his relief at the news that Vardor wasn't in his lair. When Seetoo had ruined his attempted escape he'd had no option but to go along with his captors, and hadn't been looking forward to a confrontation with his old master.
He looked around, and sniffed the air. There was something else here. Something nasty. It made sense. Vardor would leave more for them than a few orcs. Ulrog picked up a curved orcish sword from the ground and looked up, just in time to see a giant spider drop from the ceiling. He could see others dropping to the ground behind it. Ulrog swung quickly, hitting the creature in its revolting multi-eyed head, which served only to make it angry. Screeching, he ran amoung the others, the spider charging after him.
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Old 04-26-2001, 04:27 AM   #330
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: In Vardor's Lair

*By the way, Vardor left no magical creatures here to guard, or anything else which is highly dangerous. But he didn't leave anything worth saving in his keep either. Sorry to not be able to post sooner, but our computer has not been functioning properly at all lately.*

Seetoo dashed around the corner, and being the last of the company to pass through there, he slammed the door and slid the bolt shut, blocking off the spiders. The fight had been quick and efficient, him and Harnauro alone being more than a match for their multilegged adversaries.

And the spiders were cowards at heart. Perhaps even more so than these orcs.

Faradin sheathed his sword and stepped over to help Slythre with Ayna while Gungar and Harnauro took the lead.

"We have what we're after," Slythre said. "Anyone remember the way out?"

"That way," Gungar pointed as they reached a hall.

Quickly crossing to the far end of the hall, they dispatched of a couple more orc soldiers before rushing out upon the platform they'd landed upon.

"Where did Aetoo get off to?" Faradin murmured in anger as he lowered Ayna gently to the floor. "I may not like the rogue any more than the . . ." he choked back what he'd been about to say. "Anyway, he's our only way out of here, unless we want to climb."
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Old 04-26-2001, 04:37 AM   #331
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: In Vardor's Lair

Narsh was being dragged across a stone, slimy floor when he first heard the shouts begin to ring throughout the keep. The orcs holding his arms paused and turned their heads, worried expressions on their faces.

"Come on," one of them said in his guttural voice. "Let's dump him in the nearest cell and get out. I don't like the way those noises are sounding."

The others couldn't drop the opportunity to sneer at him, even if they felt the same way.

"Why you cowardly scum!" the nearest one to him snarled. "The master said where we put him, and that's where he'll go. We'll not have the snot faced likes of you changing his orders now, shall we?"

The orc piped up defensively and Narsh was dropped to the ground. Several of the others had joined in, sneering derisively at each other. Until one of them drew a dagger and was promptly hit in the face.

And that was how the dagger slid within reach of the bound elf. At least that was the account given by the only two orcs to survive the incident, shortly before their execution.
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Old 04-26-2001, 01:27 PM   #332
Posts: n/a
Re: In Vardor's Lair

As they looked about the platform, a shadow shifting behind them caused Faradin to spin about, sword in hand. The form of the Broodlord stepped away from the alcove he had come out of, and Faradin - slowly - lowered his blade.

"My companion shall be joining uss shortly - he is searching the keep. Hass the girl regained her senses, yet?"
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Old 04-26-2001, 02:13 PM   #333
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: In Vardor's Lair

"She's coming to," Slythre said quietly. "It won't be too long, now."

Ayna's eyes fluttered and she let out a low moan.

"I'm afraid we don't have the time to allow her to recover properly before answering us," Slythre said.

Ayna's eyes opened and she looked up at them, vaguely as if not seeing. "Who was that? Was it the . . ."

"It was a person called Aetoo," Slythre said impatiently. "He is one of our traveling companions, and he appears to have a temper we didn't know existed. But is imperative that you tell us everything you can about these enemies."

The broodlord took a step closer, his face revealing his excitement.

"Yes," Ayna said, her face suddenly filling with concern and realization. "I will tell you everything I can. Our people were given a safekeeping to take care of by the Valar, my family in particular. When the Valar left after the War of Wrath, they entrusted us with this secret and told us to bury it well and deep, hiding it so that none could find it but the owner. Our people traveled a long time until they found out of the way places to settle down, places where they could watch the progress of the world and not be a part of it. That was the best method they knew of to do as we were told. Our kingdom split into three shortly after that, one third traveling to the eagle kingdom, one traveling to the valley of Ethrilien, and another traveling to a hill country not far from there. Whoever decided that we should encamp in Ethrilien did so out of an arrogant opinion that we can best watch over what we were told to protect by being almost directly at its location."

She took a deep breath before continuing. "When the War of Wrath ended, the Valar locked Morgoth away from this world using an unbreakable barrier, the center of which is a certain castle. It is a castle in the clouds, and its occupants are the ones who watch over this prison. A clasp was made, its magic keeping the castle invisible, and a key. So that no one would be able to find the clasp and then be able to use it to capture both the castle and the key in one blow, they entrusted the key to a certain family. My family. We didn't know for a long time until it was too late that Vardor was hunting us down and attempting to find a way to release his master. He has hunted me for months, and he has killed every other member of my family, as well as everyone in the hill country. Anyone who was given this information would be put in mortal danger, as they would immediately be named on his list of people he must kill. He has never that I know of failed to kill any of those. I was hoping to take the key to Saruman or Elrond. Or maybe Galadriel, one of those who is powerful in magic and wisdom and will know how to take care of this properly."

"Why didn't the Valar take these things with them?" Slythre asked.

"I am not sure. I don't think anyone truly knows, but it is my personal opinion that they didn't want magical items which contained such evil in their kingdom. Morgoth had done enough to them already without having his stench constantly pervading their magical realm in the Blessed Lands."

"In that case our next destination is certain," Faradin said as he looked up. "We must go to Ethrilien, get there before them if we can and do everything in our power to hinder them from accomplishing their goal."

"The different Maiar who defend the castle will do their best to fight back," Ayna said. "Therefore we have a little bit of time."

"Not enough to warn one of those really powerful people you mentioned," Gungar muttered.

"We have little time," said the broodlord in excitement. He was already dashing towards the castle, but he didn't get very far before being tackled to the ground from behind.

Harnauro and Faradin held him pinned for a moment, the wolfman breathing fast and hard. "You won't leave us and tell Aetoo. Then you will go and leave us behind, I have no doubt. You may be able to do something about this and you may not, but it would be best for all if we could face it together, not apart."
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Old 04-26-2001, 05:47 PM   #334
Posts: n/a
Re: In Vardor's Lair

The broodlord breathed lightly, his breath hissing out, but said nothing for a long moment, then finally, "You undersstand me little - I have every reason for you and your companionss to join us in this battle. More hinges on it than you may know!"

The others looked doubtful, but before any more was said, Harnauro and Faradin suddenly found themselves in the air, being held by a very angry looking Aetoo. "Treachery!" he cried out, as the broodlord slowly got to his feet.

As it seemed violence was on the verge of breaking out, as Slythre and the others laid hands to weapons, and Faradin and Harnauro prepared to free themselves bodily, the broodlord said to his companion, respectfully, "Let them be - they know now where our goal iss. Let uss take them there, as per the plan."

Aetoo scowled, then nodded, and lowered the two figures in his grasp. "Very well. We will leave as soon as possible."
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Old 04-26-2001, 06:15 PM   #335
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: In Vardor's Lair

"What remains to be done?" Slythre asked as she doubtfully fingered the hilt of her weapon.

She trusted these beings less and less, but if they didn't intend to simply dispose of them now that they had what they needed, perhaps they were worth continuing with. But only as long as it was absolutely necessary; she didn't intend to take risks. She had no doubt these creatures would not blanch at killing them should it fit their purposes, and she did not intend to leave that as an option for too long.
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Old 04-29-2001, 02:03 AM   #336
Posts: n/a
Re: In Vardor's Lair

"If you know where our goal lies, then nothing," barks Aetoo back at her, his harsh tone contrasting greatly with his melodious voice. "Let us be off!"
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Old 04-29-2001, 04:12 AM   #337
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: In Vardor's Lair

Slythre sighed and scrambled onto Aetoo's back, as his wings spread. He stretched them briefly before pulling them back in.

The rest of the company pulled up onto the creature as well, and a moment later they were airborn.

Narsh dashed out onto the platform just in time to see the monstrous animal take off, soaring upwards into the night sky and disappearing in the darkness.

He waited a moment, watching the place where it had disappeared. Then, he walked to the edge of the platform, looking down the cliff edge. Suddenly, he noticed something and squinted off into the distance, his keen elvish vision picking up a thin line of black specks moving along the ground below, leaving some sort of underground cavern.

Narsh waited only a moment to be certain before sliding his sword back into his sheath. Then, he flattened at the cliff edge and slung his legs over it, quickly beginning to climb down.

When he dropped to the bottom, he could see most of the last of the troops leaving. Sliding into the back of the line, he pulled his cloak more tightly around himself and continued along with them.
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Old 04-29-2001, 05:31 PM   #338
Posts: n/a
Re: In Vardor's Lair

*Um, not quite. Aetoo and the broodlord wouldn't really have mentioned anything about their master to the companions - but don't worry, he'll know where to go. But their destination would be directly to the goal.*
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Old 04-29-2001, 05:37 PM   #339
Posts: n/a
A Visitor's Stay

Mal sighed.

He had been trapped in the stone lair for days, now, and still had found little to encourage him - his power seemed gone, and he seemed to be contained in a completely enclosed stone cave. None of the passages he had followed had lead to any exits he had seen, and the dark warrior that was his captor seemed to appear and vanish at whim, as did the meals Mal found in one of the rooms, on a cold stone table.

Even as he thought this, he felt the black armored man's presence behind him, and slowly turned around.

"How is our guest feeling today?" the man asked, and Mal swore he detected a note of mocking in the tone.

"Somewhat ill, but nothing some fresh air cannot cure," Mal tossed back, managing to lean back in the stiff-backed stone chair he was in.

THe man said nothing in response, and then bowed grimly, and said, "You may find yourself gaining that wish before long - my master may have need of your services shortly."
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Old 04-29-2001, 06:27 PM   #340
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
More visitors approaching! :)

The wind whistled by and Slythre squinted down at the ground moving past far below. The sun had just started its rise into the sky, and they could see the land for acre upon acre in every direction.

"How long?" she asked wearily. It had been a tiring night's work and the two long rides had left them exhausted.

"Not long, I expect," the broodlord answered. A moment later he pointed out at the ground far below. "Look! There it is."

Slythre squinted down and Harnauro looked as well. What had seemed a patch of greenery in the scenery was now increasing in size as they swept downwards to meet it, Aetoo gliding in for a careful landing. Careful, as he did not want any of those on his back to fall.

"We've arrived," the broodlord said, a smile creasing his face.
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