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Old 06-11-2002, 12:03 AM   #261
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Maew and Kal were at the fore of the host's right flank. Kal had left Linsul with fond words; no horses were entering the mines save those that helped bear the great wooden bridges that would be used to span the gap from the First Hall. Just before dawn the scermishers had cleared the orcs and held the outer doorway, but within they reported frightening numbers of foes. Then, just as light first touched the peak of Zirak-Zigil far far above them, a trumpet sounded and they plunged into the dark.

The orcs within had not been idle, they peeked out from every crevas and eyot in the rock with black arrows knocked onto their bows, and many more waited on the floor and beyond the arched doorways to other levels. They had the advantage, their enemy had to force it's troop through the narrowed doors, but in that moment, Maew knew that the first hall at least would be taken. Steadily they gained ground, Gondorim archers snipeing at orcish ones until the vast orcish host rushed forward to greet them.

Maew felt rather than saw the battle around him. He instinctively moved away from the line of soldiers, knowing that in his bloodlust he might unwitingly injure a friend, andin the tide of the attack was swept away from Kal. Once again redness decended on his sight, the blur of his sword rang about his head. Kal had stayed with the archers, and her oddly crafted arrows ended many an orcish sneer. Dimly Maew heard her call his name, but he did not heed it. The flash and clang of metal comsumed his being. The main host had swept beyond him now, swinging away to the left towards the second hall, but to him it was but a passing blur on the edge of his vision, seemingly unrelated to the fighting at hand. He felt a crooked blade slice through leather and flesh at his shoulder, and dispatched the blade's owner with a thrust, but as he did so, he exposed his back to the archers who still inhabited the overlooking galleries. Sharply, the pain in his back appeared, bringing him to his knees. Bile and blood rose in his throat and darkness clogged his vision. Acutely, he was aware of the pain both in his back and stomach now. His breath came in gasps Why can I not get air into my lungs? and he collapsed on the body before him, yet he did not notice. The battle passed on before him, the fist hall at least had been taken. All thought left him. Slowly he felt his senses fail, first sight, them the smell of the orc benieth him, then even the ringing clang of the battle and the trundle of the carts bringing the bridges. All he was left with was the pain within him and the hot splash of his own blood, and then, in the end, that too stopped, and he welcomed the relief.
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Old 06-11-2002, 12:28 AM   #262
samwise of the shire
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(I'm supposed to write for Katt until she can think fo something)
Katt smiled at her hobbit companion"I'd be happy to be your assistant Alaird." Alaird smiled back at her and then noticed how pretty her eyes were"No Alaird. Dont do this. You're a warrior. You cant be weak." He nodded "Right then. What do you have in the way of herbs?" Katt named them off and Alaird nodded approvingly. "Now where should we set up the hospice? I mean Outside inside what?" Katt asked Alaird thought about this new problem for awhile "I'll ask Halbarad what he advises."
Alaird trotted Perri up to where Laredith sat talking with Lara and Halbarad. He waited until they were finished and then Alaird spoke to Laredith "Katt and I were wonderin'. Where would the best place for the wounded to be? I mean you seem the best to ask." Laredith thought and then spoke...
Jesus is my all in all
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Old 06-11-2002, 11:02 AM   #263
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"Hmmm..." Laredith thought. Finally, she was wanted again! "Well, it seems like the best place would be outside. I mean, I think some fresh air would be helpful to the wounded." She then began to help Alaird with the wounded.
"You're rum little creatures, you humans." --Bree, from HHB
ohh...and by the way...
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Old 06-11-2002, 12:05 PM   #264
Finrod Felagund
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Fimbren suddenly grew alarmed.
"Keep going!", he said, "we must reach the chamber of Mazarbul and beyond if possible, the battle has started!"
Everyone was suprised, how did he know. Yet they followed him for he had been to Moria once before and had very good eyes.
"Alaird and Katt shall stay here with a few elves and Gondorians the rest on, quickly!"
And everyone went into the cave.

(OOC: Alaird, Katt, come in after us later! )
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Old 06-11-2002, 05:18 PM   #265
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"Huh? Where am I?" said Eäráng. He found himself in the Mines of Moria, and his head was pounding furiously. Obviously that fall at the wings of the Balrog was not good for his head. He decided to look further into the caves, and found the either very seriously hurt or dead Maew, in his own blood, stabbed and shot in the back by Orkish arrows and a large gash in the shoulder. He heard some scurrying and found an Orc that had gotten lost. Using Maew's blade, he sliced the Orc's head cleanly off his shoulders. "Hmm, this seems like a very fine blade. I think I shall take it with me." His own blade Glamdring was thrown into the abyss, lost forever, along with its mate Orcrist, never to be seen by eyes again. He journeyed down the Mines, only to discover that there was a warpath laid, he knew, by Fimbren. Thousands of Orcs lay on the ground, blood spewing from severed veins. Eäráng knew that this occured only about half an hour ago, so that meant that Fimbren was not too far into the caves.

Several lone Orcs had found their way into Eäráng's path through the mess, and havoc had ensued. Their heads had come clean off, and they still had looks of surprise on them. Eäráng had heard the voices of the warriors that were here to save Moria, and hurried to meet them, not knowing who they were...
I am Eäráng the Great!!! Bow before my Silmaril!!!
*Iluvatar kills him*
Oh, drat it!
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Old 06-12-2002, 12:28 PM   #266
Finrod Felagund
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OOC: don't forget the company and I are coming from Hollin and the Gondorians with Maew from the other side.
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Old 06-12-2002, 04:39 PM   #267
Nariel Starfire
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It was long before Kal noticed that Maew was not fighting beside her. she feared that, in his doomsday mood, he would allow himself to be killed. "Maew!" she called. "MAEW!!!!" She doubted he could hear her in the din of the battle, so she gave up her useless calling. Soon she was out of axes to shoot. She began picking up arrows from dead orcs and men surrounding her. Then, those were used. Now she must join in combat. Taking her sword, she stepped over bodies of men and orcs alive, realising that Death had no favorites. She stepped over a body with an arrow in its back. It looked familiar. She turned it over and recognized the face. Putting her fingers to his neck, she realised with more than great dismay that Maew was dead.
"NOOO!" She cried. In anger, she struck down more orcs than she could count. Before she knew it, she was on the other side of the host, near the edge of the ravine that had swallowed up so many. Still there were orcs to hunt. So, with anger fueling her exhausted body, she dove into the middle of the battle, hoping in some way to avenge her friend.
It is the failed skydiver who leaves an impression upon the earth.

"But what about the R.O.U.Ses?"

Yours Truly, The Tisroc
-You forgot to say "May he live forever"
-That's because I don't want him to live forever!
- The Horse and his Boy--C.S. Lewis
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Old 06-13-2002, 12:40 AM   #268
samwise of the shire
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OOC:Righto Finrod!Ok Laredith are you gong to be an extra assistant? Or will you be going into battle?
Alaird was glad of Larediths advice and took it gladly. While the other prepared for battle he prepared his camp with Katts and Larediths help. He then loosend his sword in it's sheath and prepared his staff and laid it close to the fire where a small grey tent had been set up and inside were the herbs and bandages and some bedrolls for those who were greviously injured. Katt went in search for water and Laredith brought Earang over for bandaging despite numerous protests that he was fine, but Alaird silenced him with a glower and a nod indicating where he was to sit."Well Master Earang of all the wounds of any man I have ever seen you have had the most. In our last battle you took a knock across the head and here you are with yet another terrible head wound. I'm suprised you haven't gone mad with all the bangings." Earang laughed at the hobbits pertness "Nay, I am not yet mad master Hobytlan but I do think that if I stay in your company I shall be soon." He rose and left.
Katt in the meanwhile filled up her pans and brought them back to camp without too much trouble. She did think once that there was a grey blurr of movement in the bushes to her right but she thought nothing of it, but she did not hear the stealthy pad of bare goblin feet behind her. She walke don as a company of orcs watched her from the shadows of the bushes. They would wait until nightfall to strike and then they would have prisoners and horse flesh.
By the time Katt walked into camp there was Alaird sitting by the fire smoking a pipe and thinking as he gazed into the flames. She brought him the pots and he laid them to start boiling on the flames. She sat down next to him to bring out her herbs and sort them for quick use but before she could Alaird pulled Sting half way out of the hilt for some reason he knew not why and it shimmered at the edges. "Orcs" he whispered to Katt. "Go and tell the others to be on alert. They are not near but tell them to be ready." Katt nodded and slipped off towards those who could do battle. Alaird grippe his staff and held onto Perris bridle. He was ready...
ps. Who's with the herb party?
Jesus is my all in all
People who are so concerned with escapism do have a name...we call them jailers.
~J.R.R Tolkien
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Old 06-13-2002, 12:55 AM   #269
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Soon the company was engulfed in a sea of orcs issuing from many fissures in the wall. Halbarad glanced around and then realized the folly of coming to this dreadful place. As he looked at the snarling faces of the orcs he remembered his fallen father and rage sprouted within him. Screaming "Halbarad of the Dunedain!" he plunged into the orcs, caring not what might befall him. Very soon the entire companies hearts were afire. The battle there was long and horrible, for the numbers of the orcs were renewed while theirs dwindled. Still screaming with tears in his eyes Halbarad struck at the chest of an orc and his sword was notched. The huge orc then overbore him and had him on the ground. As the breath of the orc was on Halbarad's face, the orcs entire head was soon of its shoulders. The face of Halbarad was covered with a mixture of both his own and the orcs blood. When he looked up Lara was standing above him.
Why can we not be sober..
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Old 06-14-2002, 01:27 PM   #270
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The Balrog's Revenge...

Eäráng, using Maew's blade, had hacked and slashed his way through walls of Orcs. He now found himself in a chamber, and it was nothing like he had seen before. The cavern walls were vaulted, very high and very dark. The only thing he could see was the remains of several Orcs that had preserved themselves in this tomb. He found a book, lying open, that had not been as well preserved. There was also a tomb in this chamber, and Eäráng now knew where he was... So did the Balrog.

Eäráng saw the runes on the tomb, and it said:


He knew that he was in the same place that the Fellowship of the Ring had been in some odd years earlier. The Balrog only knew where the unsuspecting elf was. Eäráng, wounded beyond comprehension, turned and saw that the large shadow of the Balrog was behind him, complete with sword and whip. The Balrog picked up the small elf, and with one last breath the elf was gone, swallowed up in the Balrog's maw. Maew's sword fell down, clattering to the ground right in front of the fiery demon. It gave one flash of light, knocking the Balrog to the ground, turned a black hue, then disinegrated. That was the end of Eäráng. No funeral, no honor. Just gone in an instant.
I am Eäráng the Great!!! Bow before my Silmaril!!!
*Iluvatar kills him*
Oh, drat it!
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Old 06-14-2002, 01:53 PM   #271
Finrod Felagund
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Fimbren entered the chamber of Mazarbul just in time to see Earang swallowed up by a huge dark shadow. His breath caught in his throat. "A Balrog!" he cried. Another balrog, even after what Mithrandier did, another came. Lara, Halbarad and the rest entered the chamber. They all gasped and stepped back. "Go through the chamber!" yelled Fimbren, "I'll hold off the Balrog, you must get through to the dwarves and Gondorians!"
Then, drawing his two swords he advanced. One of his swords was glowing a bright blue-white.
"Do you see this?" asked Fimbren, "It was made in Valinor and has been the bane of more than one Balrog."
He held up his other sword, black as the balrog.
"This," said Fimbren, "is Anguirel, mate of Aglachel or Gurthang, which slew your master Morgoth's pet, Glaurung."
Fimbren advanced his armour and weapons flashing and the Balrog blinked. "GO NOW!!!!!!" screamed Fimbren.
Everyone ran to the other side f the chamber except for Lara and Halbarad, who drew their weapons.
"NO!" shouted Fimbren. "I will say the same as Mithrandir, this foe is too much for you. Fly! I have fought Balrogs before." Then to Halbarad he said, "Look into the night sky, there is Earendil, who the Dunedain called Gil-Estel, the star of hope. Child of Elf and man, he was the saviour of the children of Iluvatar. He carried the light of the Valar in the gem of Feanor to Valinor and was set in the sky. This same light saved Sam and Frodo from the watchers and Shelob. See the star of hope, and remember the firstborn, the eldar, the elves. And we shall remember our brothers and sisters, the second comers, the edain, men. Now go!"
Halbarad saluted and the company ran out the door where sounds of another battle could be heard.

Then Fimbren turned to the balrog.
"Remeber Gothmog your lord?" he smiled, "slain by my friend Ecthelion, and the balrog slain the same day by Glorfindel, and those slain by Rog and the house of the hammer of wrath, and the balrog destroyed in this very city by Mithrandir, and the seven great wounds of your king Morgoth by my king Fingolfin? Prepare for thy doom."
The balrog's sword appeared, red and glowing and his whip cracked at fimbren, but Anguirel slashes the tails from the whip and the balrog cast it aside, useless.
He slashed at Fimbren with his sword but Fimbren dove under and drawing back both arms, he slashed the balrog's legs with his noldorin sword and stabbed deeply into the Balrog's chest with Anguirel. The balrog gave a great cry and the cavern shook. Fimbren pulled out his swords and ran back, pulling out his bow and firing half a dozen arrows into the balrog's face and running from the chamber as the balrog fell, and twitched a few times, no to move again.

Last edited by Finrod Felagund : 06-14-2002 at 02:05 PM.
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Old 06-14-2002, 07:26 PM   #272
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OOC: yes, Alaird, I will stay with you to help the wounded.

Laredith sat with Alaird and thought. "I have a feeling that something terrible is going on in there. I wish I could go in there!" she said to herself. It was just audible so that Alaird heard it.

"Well, it would seem that your skills would best be used here. We don't need you dying," Alaird told her.

"Oh, and why not? I'm useless. Might as well die heroically in battle," Laredith moaned. Alaird thought for a bit, and then answered her.

"But you've done a lot for us. You alerted us to the strange riders, you found the strange...thing, and you are helping me. You are not useless. Besides, didn't Pippin and Merry (especially Merry) felt they were useless, but in reality they were vital additions to the fellowship," Alaird told her. Laredith nodded and thought upon his words.
"You're rum little creatures, you humans." --Bree, from HHB
ohh...and by the way...
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Old 06-14-2002, 10:24 PM   #273
Handmaiden of Yavanna
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Lara fought beside her companions, the orcs seeming to grow less numourous and horrifying as they fought.

"We're winning!" Lara thought to herself.

She then looked around. Everyone could still be seen alive and fighting except... Halbarad.

Lara looked around frantically, trying to find her friend. And she did, underneath a dead orc. Alive. She knelt to the ground and pushed the orc off of the captain with all of her might. Halbarad breathed still, his face red, and black with orc blood and his own. A large gash ran down the captain's forehead.

"Halbarad," Lara said, "Halbarad, are you gravely hurt?"

"No," He said trying to sit up, "I believe I can walk,"

"We need to get you to Alaird," She answered, looking around, "You must live,"

Halbarad chuckled, "And you just noticed that?"

Halbarad was stading but he walked with a limp. The two soon were out of the mine and into the now hazy sunshine. The light stung Lara'a eyes as she helped her wounded friend along. They reached Alaird in one piece but just barely.

"Alaird," Lara said as they two aproached the hobbit, "Halbarad's been wounded. Can you do anything?"
She wandered wayward for a time, from the gardens of the gods to climb the everlasting mountains free that look upon the outmost sea, and never wandered back but stayed softly singing from glade to glade.
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Old 06-15-2002, 07:59 PM   #274
samwise of the shire
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Alaird smiled at Laredith. She stared into the flames in deep thought. Alaird stood, his hand on his sword hilt. Laredith noticed his uneasiness and asked"What troubles you Alaird?Why so restless? Nothing is going to happen." "I'm not so sure of that Laredith. I drew Sting a moment ago and it glowed blue. A sure sign of evil. I think it's orcs as they seem to be the foes here, but who knows what may be hidden in the depths of Moria. Who knows?" Laredith nodded "I've been aware of their presence for awhile. Some bushes swayed without the wind and there's a stench in the air only an orc can produce. They'll wait till nightfall. I suggest you add more wood to the fire and move closer to the Gondorian camp." Alaird nodded at his friends advice "Katt has gone to warn the Gondorians of the attack and I've seen a few move into the shadows and more loosen their swords." It was then that Katt returned with Halbarad and Lara in tow.
"Halbarad's wounded. Can you help him?" Lara sked with worry in her eyes. "Sit him down on this rock here. Laredith I want you to get some sage,yarrow,and shepherds purse and you Katt please get bandages and add more wood on the fire." Alaird then turned his attention to Halbarads wound. It was deep but thankfully no bone was visible, but what Alaird worried about was poison. After a few moments of insepcting the wound Alaird proclaimed the wound unpoisoned. No one saw it but Lara sighed with relief.
Laredith set out the herbs and ground them and Katt removed the now boiling water from the fire to cool for a poultice. The hobbit lass dipped the bandages in the water as Laredith used some dried herbs to make a paste and smear it across the bandage. Alaird then took the bandage and wrapped it across the wound. As they worked none of them noticed that the shodws were lengthening as the sun set behind the western mountains...
Jesus is my all in all
People who are so concerned with escapism do have a name...we call them jailers.
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Old 06-16-2002, 09:50 PM   #275
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A man sat at a fire in the Gondorian camp. He was tired, cold, and very wet, mostly from persperation. This was going to be a long night, he told himself. He brushed some hair out of his face, and nodded to himself. He was musing on what was out there, about any evil that was out there. He, being an old man himself, became very tensed, for he sensed an evil coming closer to the camp. One of his fellow soldiers, a captain by the looks of it, came to him. "What are you thinking about, huh?" the captain asked his soldier. "Evil." was the soldier's answer. "I really don't like you when you're like this, Falinaur. You really creep me out when you pull this thing on me." Yeah, you wish, the soldier said to himself. You aren't an elf trapped in a man's body, he thought.

He really didn't know how he ended up in this position. The last thing he knew was that he was swallowed up by a Balrog. That was it. He hadn't wanted to end up in a body, especially that of a man, who was mortal. Well, his name Falinaur was still used. That was good. No one knew who he really was. That was good too. He was in a mortal body. That wasn't good. He needed to get to Fimbren fast. Maybe he knew how to get his old self back...
I am Eäráng the Great!!! Bow before my Silmaril!!!
*Iluvatar kills him*
Oh, drat it!
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Old 06-17-2002, 08:42 AM   #276
Finrod Felagund
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Fimbren saw Lara and Halbarad go past back out of the caves but ignored them. He had had a sudden feeling that something was terribly wrong. He entered another chamber to find most of the company engulfed in a new wave of orcs but these were weak grunts. The orcs seemed to be losing.
Suddenly the Rivendell elves shouted in horror. Fimbren looked up.
"Another Balrog!" screamed Kalnarnan.
Fimbren swore to himself, he had already used so much strength. He was about to charge the balrog when the sound of elven bows twanged and several spears went flying through the air. The balrog roared as several Arrows and spears met their mark. Then Fimbren ran, Noldorin sword drawn anmd shining. He vaguely saw someone beside him. He turned to see that it was Kal. He was quite suprised that she hadn't left him to the Balrog but pleased nothenless. With the arrows pelting this Balrog, they made short work of it but before it fell it's whip slashed at Kal's head and she fell, a great gash from her head. Fimbren hewed te Balrog and it fell. Fimbren knelt down to cradle Kal's head in his lap and she awoke.
"You must get up" said Fimbren, "We've gotten too far to go back now unless you must" Kal nodded and Fimbren helped her to her feet. Then they continued on. Desperate to meet up with the Gondorians and Dwarves.
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Old 06-17-2002, 04:35 PM   #277
samwise of the shire
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Alaird finished Halbarads poultice. "You wont be able to back into the battle until the wound is entirely healed which will be a day or two at the most." The hobbit then turned to Lara "You can return back to the battle front Lara. If we're lucky we'll see you before the end of all." She gave one glance towards Halbarad who was gazing over his shoulder at her and then whispered "I will return if I am left alive" and then she left.
Laredith began taking down the tent with Katts help and moving it closer to the Gondorians for protection. Alaird followed and half drew Sting and it glowed faintly. Suddenly it blazed in a sudden blue fire like a star that had fallen to earth. Alaird had no time to think for an orc a chieftain of orcs had begun the attack. It had sighted out the young hobbit as the most likely prey and it had sprung giving the signal to it's followers. Alaird had turned too late and saw the orc spring from the shadows. He fell with the creature on top of him, his last thought being before his head hit a rock hidden under the earth was "This is the end."
Jesus is my all in all
People who are so concerned with escapism do have a name...we call them jailers.
~J.R.R Tolkien
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Old 06-17-2002, 07:15 PM   #278
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The Gondorian camp was ablaze. There were attacking Orcs, some as big as trees, attacking the camp. Falinaur rose his sword over his head, eager for some action. The Gondorian blade he now wielded was not as strong as his other swords, but it still cut through Orcs, nonetheless. He had hewn an Orc down when he remembered something, back at Bree...

Maew and Lara weren't trusting of him, or at least Maew wasn't, so he needed a sign to redeem himself. He took out a ring, gold with a red stone in the middle. It was a very beautiful ring, as it was made by the Elven-smiths. He held it up for them and asked, "Is that the proof you need?"

Falinaur reached into his breast pocket and beheld the most beautiful spectacle he'd ever seen. The ring Narya was emblazoned with his crest, and it was fitted just for him. He put on the ring, and he was instantly transformed into his old self, his old elven self! He had the ring on now and was killing Orcs, left and right. He found Alaird and had him in his arms, now, protecting the unconcious Halfling from the darts and spears of the enemy.
I am Eäráng the Great!!! Bow before my Silmaril!!!
*Iluvatar kills him*
Oh, drat it!
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Old 06-18-2002, 09:05 AM   #279
Finrod Felagund
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Fimbren continued on, seeing many dead orcs and Gondorians and realzing with suprise that there wasn't a single dwarf among them.
He saw a crack in the ground before him and prepared to leap. As he leaped, an orc, not quite dead, grabbed at his legs and he toppled down into the chasm.
When he came to, he was in a darkness so thick that he could feel it. He pulled out his Noldorin sword which glowed faintly. He noticed two glowing blue shapes and rrealized that they were Noldorin swords. He went and picked them up and was shocked to see that one was the sword Glamdring ansd the other Orcrist. He picked them up and ran on deep beneath the earth. Several times he felt something brush past him but he kept running until he found a stairway. So he went up the stairs. They went up and up and up. They opened onto a new level several times. He kept going for what seemed like forever as he got higher he found the stairs cracked and covered in debris and burn marks. He then realized that this was the endless stair.
Finally he came out into a tower, the roof of which had collapsed.
It was Durin's Tower, he realized and he looked out. There on the side of the mountain were some of his companions, those who had remained behind. On the other side was the remaining Gondorians who had not gone into the mines. And in the dikstance and moving forest. Ent? he thought, but then he looked closer, it was the dwarves at last. He ran down the stairs to the first level and came out to see the cracked remains of Durin's Bridge which Gandalf had destroyed so long ago.
Then suddenly, as if summoned by the memory of that battle two balrogs appeared before him. One was the largest he had ever seen save for Gothmog himself.
Fimbren's mind raced, he had no chance against two balrogs. Yet he braced himself. On the ground next to him he saw an axe, it shone in the firelight. he quickly realized that it was Durin's axe and picked it up. Then with the axe in his hand and four swords in his belt, he slowly moved forward, prepared for his doom, wishing that he had Earang there to help, or Kal or Lara, even Halbarad or Dai or Katt, Alaird, Kal, Maew or Laredith. But then, they were dead or disappeared, he thought. Oh well, I won't go without a fight.

Last edited by Finrod Felagund : 06-18-2002 at 09:08 AM.
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Old 06-20-2002, 04:30 PM   #280
Nariel Starfire
Elven Warrior
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: La La Land
Posts: 309
Kal woke up and found it hard to breathe. There was a body on top of her. BLack armor told her it was an orc. Now she remembered. It had tried to sneak up on her, but her keen elvish ears had picked it up. She remembered drawing her sword and swinging around. The orc's head had flown off, but the body fell forward and before she could get out of the way, a shoulder spike had pinned her down and knocked her unconscious. She mentally added another wound to her growing list.
The group had been separated somehow. There was no one to help her. So with a heave, she sat up and threw the body off of her. She took a piece of her tunic and shoved it into the wound in her arm, hoping to stop the bleeding. Then she tried to stand: too fast. She found herself on her posterior. Let's try this again. She moved so that she was on her hands and knees. Then she rose slowly. Her head swam, but she forced herself forward. Fimbren had been right. It was too late to turn back now. Ahead of her was a flight of stairs. She stumbled up it, and found herself in a tower. There was Fimbren, his back to her. He was poised for battle and soon she found out why. There was a flickering shadow around the corner. She took her place next to him and drew her sword.

"Are you alright, Kal?" asked Fimbren.
"Never better," she joked.
Fimbren sighed. "Kal?"
"Yes dear?" she gave him a mischevious grin.
"I'm sorry for any problems I may have caused for you in the past."
"I don't think this is the time for apologies, friend. Get me out of here alive and I'll forget the whole thing."
It is the failed skydiver who leaves an impression upon the earth.

"But what about the R.O.U.Ses?"

Yours Truly, The Tisroc
-You forgot to say "May he live forever"
-That's because I don't want him to live forever!
- The Horse and his Boy--C.S. Lewis
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