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Old 02-06-2004, 11:47 PM   #241
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"Why not. You guys in agreement?"


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Old 02-07-2004, 10:59 PM   #242
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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whoops, I'm back. sorry guys.

ic: "No, I dont think we can trust him." said Eragon
"I think you're wrong. We should trust him." said Brom.
Saphira growled. <I dont like this, but I think we should trust brom>
"okay. whatever you say." grumbled Eragon.

well, I dont know what to do, so someone do something.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 02-14-2004, 12:56 PM   #243
Akamai Deredal
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Nyaki opened one eye, drawing herself half out of her deep slumber. Her Rider was distressed, and angry, she could sense it. A low growl rumbled through her chest and throat, causing a slight vibration to ripple along the ground. <Siuahn... What's going on?>
<Terin's come back... but because of her Banuien's been captured...> The rider responded, her heart heavy with ill news.
<Who is this other human I smell with Terin? Is he on our side, or hers?> Another growl.
<They're both on ours, Nyaki, calm yourself. Brom said this Jerome is to be trusted, and so we must listen. We may not like it, but we must listen.>
<You're getting wiser, hatchling. Much wiser. Perhaps we should stay in Brom's company. You seem to learn much more through him and his elven companion, Banuien.>
<There won't be half as much for me to learn if we do not get her back. Who knows what the Ra'zac will do to her...>
This time Nyaki's growl erupted into a full-throated roar, her anger and outrage washing over all the Riders, and startling all of them to no end. Several jumped, while one or two let out a shout--or swear in some cases.
<Ra'zac?! They have Banuien?> Another vengeful roar escaped the dragon, causing Brom to yell at Siuahn to calm Nyaki down before she drew attention to them all and got them all killed or captured.
<Enough, Nyaki! You'll get us all killed! We'll get her back, and we'll kill as many of the Ra'zac as we can possibly manage, but we can't do that if you don't shut up!>
Rage still boiled in the dragon's veins, but she did what she could to rein her anger in. <If only to keep you alive, Siuahn. We need to leave now though, or they'll surely find us. Forgive me... I didn't realize they were so near...>
<Or else you would have killed them already, I know. Come find us. We fly today...>
Nyaki rose from where she lay and carefully trudged her way through the trees and underbrush. Too many things were going on, and too many emotions ran through her mind, as well as Siuahn's. She closed her mind completely, to give herself time to think, but before she did, she sensed that her Rider had done nearly the same.

OOC: Sorry it's so long... Didn't know what I was doing... But the thread is dying, and I'm in a writing mood. It's what happens when you get cooped up all weekend with no one to talk to. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Shadows of a Midnight Rain All writers of any sort, are welcome to come and share their works.

Potius mori quam foedari...
Death before dishonour...
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Old 02-15-2004, 04:04 AM   #244
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ooc: cool post, Akai!

and soz peoples, but i'm gonna do a long one as well...

ic: Banuien woke slowly, idly straying between consciousness and stupor. A small trickle of blood had seeped through her hair and had left a sticky brown trail across her cheek, dribbling down onto her nose. She kept her eyes shut, trying to keep attention from her; but she moaned softly, and almost involuntarily curled into a ball.

Her hands were no longer bound, and she had no recollection of what may have caused the slight rawness on her wrists; and slowly her transportation (a small, horse-drawn cart) was coming to a halt.

A man appeared at the only exit of the small compartment; he held out a hand and she took it uncertainly, allowing herself to be led along a cold stone path up to a large fortress.

She was brought before a large throne, upon which sat a tall man; his mantle was black and he was crowned with iron, yet he wore the guise of a fair and kindly being. There was a slight hint of conceit in his voice that Banuien didn't detect as he spoke:


"Banuien…?" she replied.

"You don't remember," he muttered dubiously.


Galbatorix leaned back in his dais and stared at his nails pensively. Suddenly a light came to his eyes. "Tell me, child: what does the name Snǽspenna mean to you?"

Snǽspenna had been the name of Banuien's dragon; Galbatorix had slain him cruelly before her, but now no recall of the incident crossed her mind. She shook her head. "Nothing," she stated simply. Galbatorix stood suddenly; "Leave us," he waved away the officials who had escorted Banuien to the castle. He descended the stone steps and stood in front of her.

"You don't remember me?" he asked; but now his voice was softened, and he appeared more than ever a just, compassionate being. Banuien shook her head again, guilt and pity welling in her heart.

"What would you expect me to remember?" she asked softly.

Galbatorix gazed at her piercingly, as an earnest man moved near to tears. "What have they done to you?" he sighed.

"Who?" asked Banuien; her voice was deeper, and Galbatorix could hear it in her utterance that she was not wholly won over: Banuien seemed to feel smothered by his advance, he being to her a complete stranger, and she was deliberately aloof because of it. Galbatorix shook his head, trying to think of what to say that might gain her trust; suddenly a thought came to him.

Vanimalda cwenda nîn, he murmured, cupping her face in his hand. Banuien lips parted slightly and her eyes narrowed at the extract from this language that she had almost forgotten she knew.*

Manach? she whispered.

Galbatorix smiled grimly and looked to the floor. Renich dórimar vîn? he asked solemnly.

Banuien thought for a moment. Rennin…Ennorath

I Danas? Galbatorix frowned a little.


Galbatorix sighed again. "I do not know what has happened to you," he said, resting his forehead against Banuien's. "There are forces opposing us; you must not let them defeat you."

"What do you mean?" asked Banuien. Galbatorix shifted the position of Banuien's tunic tentatively; on her shoulder there were graphic burn scars that spread across her skin and out of sight. He himself had made the marks, and it was a great advantage that this was not remembered; he feigned outrage and grief at the sight and turned away. Banuien, strangely to her, did not feel concerned with the marks; she waited patiently for Galbatorix to turn back to her.

"Your name is Dunnealc," said Galbatorix, looking back. "At least remember that – for now. I will say no more tonight; but welcome home, my love."

*The languages I used were Elvish, a mixture of Quenya and Nandorin. They're kind of crude, but anyway, these are the meanings:

Snǽspenna – Cloud-cleaver
Vanimalda cwenda nîn – My lovely elf
Manach? – Who are you?
Renich dórimar vîn? – Do you remember our homeland?
Rennin…Ennorath – I remember Middle-earth
I Danas? – The Nandor? (the kindred of Elves Banuien belongs to)
Man?…law – What?…no
Dunnealc – Black Swan
Lothên will be found!

Telperinai pennar niei rossenen,
iéni únótimai be m?*ri Aiaro!
Man erca óre nio ettuccuba?
S?* mapuba Ulmo ciria ma
be findi-falla; Baradis mentuba
i Elestel i en tulia me
Annúne pella, nimpei srestanai
or helle cúna, helle rácina.
Nan merin minia lóte elanar
an sire cenin Ennor tellabe.
Namárie! Autame Balinórena,
Ennórelo autai! Namárie!

Last edited by Eärloth : 02-15-2004 at 04:21 AM.
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Old 02-15-2004, 12:07 PM   #245
Akamai Deredal
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OOC: ... *blinks once or twice* Earloth... that was... amazing! Wow... That deserves a medal of somesort... *searches through her room* Aie! I can't find one... But... you, my friend, are an incredible writer. And as such... you should write more. @_@ Yes, you must write more. For the sake of my sanity. Our sanity, yessss my precioussss.

(well that was useless... Might as well write so we don't get yelled at by the mods for like the hundredth time )

Wait! I just realized something... We lost Banuien! Noooo! Come back to the light, my child! Come baaaack! Earloth, you make her come back soon! And don't make her kill uuuus! (does this mean all of us must turn our back on our fellowship? lol) Back to posting!

Siuahn did not wait for the others to join her in departured; she knew they would catch up in time. As soon as Nyaki reached the clearing and lowered herself nearer to the ground, the young woman leapt upon the dragon's saddled back.
Nyaki's bronze eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of Jerome and Terin, and the young dragon snorted angrily, tendrils of smoke curling from her nostrils as she did so. After a moment, she felt Siuah's mind reopen, most of the anger and confusion still present, but not as prominent as before.
<I can smell those creatures, Siuahn.>
<I know, Nyaki. I've seen them as well.> Nyaki felt the sudden disgust and fear ripple through her Rider's body, as well as her mind, and let out a comforting whine as she reared back onto her hind legs.
<Will the others follow?> She inquired, her forelegs clawing gently at the air as she waited.
Siuahn looked at her companions who were doing much the same as she was. <By the looks of it... But right now, I do not really care. Let us go and avoid the Ra'zac. We must be alive if we are to find Banuien.>
A low trumpet of agreement was Nyaki's only answer as she pushed off the ground with all her strength, hurling herself bodily into the air. Deep furrows were left in the ground by her claws, a literal beacon for any followers, but once all were in the air, there would no longer be a trail.
Unfurling her wings, Nyaki drew herself ever higher into the sky, gliding past clouds, or through them. Soon enough, both Siauhn and Nyaki were drenched with the light moisture in the air, but neither seemed to care.
<Eragon... What do we do now? Where do we go? Or should we just give up?> Siuahn called out to the young man silently, unable to see where he was because of the dense fog around them. But she knew he was there, and she desperately needed someone to talk to. A friend.
Shadows of a Midnight Rain All writers of any sort, are welcome to come and share their works.

Potius mori quam foedari...
Death before dishonour...
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Old 02-17-2004, 01:30 AM   #246
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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*gapes* ok, so....are you human? *looks at earloth strangely* I seriously doubt it. so, earloth, how many novels have you written? Thats just amazing, i say! I feel inferior! wait...I've always been inferior!

ic: <I don't know what we have to do. I don't know where we have to go. But we will not give up. Our travels, our hopes, our very lives, are not in vain. If we give up hope now, it will never be regained. And that is all we have.> replied Eragon to Siuahn. Then he smiled. He smiled through all his pain, his worry, and through all the fog enveloping him and his soul.
<Siuahn. I'm glad you are here.> he said simply.
Eragon tripped over a stray root, or maybe a rock, into something wet. His face was smeared with the liquid, though he couldn't figure out what it was. He rubbed some of it off with his hand, and looked at it. It was red.
<It is blood> he said in his thoughts.
<What?> asked Siuahn, who had heard him.
<I've just fallen into a pool of blood> replied Eragon as he stood.
"Brom! Come here!" Eragon shouted, forgetting secretivity.
But brom didn't come. Eragon heard a rustling of bushes and someone burst out beside him. He hurriedly unsheathed Zar'roc.
"Whoa, there!" said Suiahn.
"Sorry." replied Eragon, sheathing his sword.
"So, what is it?"
"Blood. Probably Banuien's." Eragon said softly.
"Is there a trail?' asked Suiahn.
Eragon looked down. It was hard in the mist, but he could make out a dark line of blood leading away from them.
"Follow me!" he said, leaning down and following the trail.
They followed the blood for about twenty yards.
"That's alot of blood." Siuahn said dismally.
Eragon didn't speak. He ran into something...someone.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 02-17-2004, 05:08 AM   #247
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ooc; Ngaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww, sweeet, u guys!!!

Lol, funny Akai; and most excellent post!! I luuv Siuahn, she's such an elaborate character!!

Pip: never inferior! Seeing as you have discovered my inhumanity over just the INTERNET, i would assume your intellect to be exceptional...you just keep it to YOURSELF, however. *shifty-eyes*

Galbatorix led Banuien deep inside the fortress; it was a labyrinth of high arched halls, stony grey-black in colour and cold; their footsteps echoed throughout the passages, but their voices descended into the silence under the heavy eyes of adamantine gargoyles lined against the walls.

*Man hýn? asked Banuien.

Galbatorix sighed. Írë fael vi dórimar vîn, hýn túlë; Urulóki tîn a aicanáro ar carananca yali nuruhuinë an fuinë Hithaeglir –

Dan annan?

Melko isto; ananta hýn ú-carvanwa le.

Man hýn? Banuien asked again.

Er, istonin ná Brom a er Eragon. he spoke these names warily, in case they might spark some memory in Banuien. S*, he said, more firmly now: amin nuhta. Avo maquet.

Dan –


Banuien sighed and looked at her feet as she followed him. He led her down another corridor and left her in a shadowy room, with a black four-poster bed lined against the far wall.

"I will have clothes brought for you;" said Galbatorix. "For the time being, stay out of sight; we do not know what may be lurking outside your very window."

Banuien glanced at the window, then back to Galbatorix. "Then why do I have this room?" she asked. The King simply slammed the door.

*Man hýn? - Who are they?
Írë fael vi dórimar vîn, hýn túlë; Urulóki tîn a aicanáro ar carananca yali nuruhuinë an fuinë Hithaeglir - In a peaceful time, they came; their dragons with fell fire and red tooth summoned the shadow of death to the shadow of the (Misty) Mountains
Dan annan? - But why?
Melko isto; ananta hýn ú-carvanwa le - Melkor knows; but as yet they have not ended you.
Er, istonin ná Brom a er Eragon - One I know as Brom and another as Eragon
S*, amin nuhta. Avo maquet. - Now I will say no more. Stop asking questions.
Dan - but
Law - no
Lothên will be found!

Telperinai pennar niei rossenen,
iéni únótimai be m?*ri Aiaro!
Man erca óre nio ettuccuba?
S?* mapuba Ulmo ciria ma
be findi-falla; Baradis mentuba
i Elestel i en tulia me
Annúne pella, nimpei srestanai
or helle cúna, helle rácina.
Nan merin minia lóte elanar
an sire cenin Ennor tellabe.
Namárie! Autame Balinórena,
Ennórelo autai! Namárie!

Last edited by Eärloth : 02-17-2004 at 06:13 AM.
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Old 02-17-2004, 11:03 PM   #248
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OOC:I'm sooooooooooo sorry I've been really busy guys....just you wait though. When we actually start doing real stuff in Drama and I have to memorize lines it'll be heck getting me on longer than three minutes. Really awsome posts guys! I love 'em! Now how in the world do I equal them? Hey Earloth, what happened to your charater? Did she get hit on the head and forget who she was? Pip I"m asuming that Brom is dead now...I won't post anyhting aoubt it till I know for certain though.

<Oh, Cream what have I done! I don't know why I let any of this happen! I should have known Brom wouldn't lie to us! I was so easily sucked in! Now none of them are going to trust me again!> Terin all but wailed to her dragon. <Well now I wouldn't say that.> Was all that Camnete replied with. <What do you mean? You speak in riddles to much.> <I can't help myself. It's fun. They may never trust you like they used to and it will take quit a wihle to win back their trust...but you've made a start.> <How so?> <Well you could've run off with Jerome. You didn't make exsues either. You told them it was your fault...and that's a start.> At the mention of Jerome's name the majestic creature felt confusion and a jumble of other emotions. <I suppose.>
MEANWHILE...Jerome is talking to Snowdream. (his dragon)
<What do you think is going to happen?> Jerome asked his dragon. <I really don't know. You know for all that we pretend to know and be smart about...there are twelve other things we should improve on.> <Don't I know it.> <And just what is that supposed to mean?!> But he never got a chance to answer. As soon as they landed they were in off following the trail of blood. Eraloth found where it ended frist when the others saw some just stood still not wanting to believe what their eyes were telling them, some fell to their knees and stared and cried silent but painful tears of grief. In Terin's case it was the former. She couldn't believe after what she had done, now this, she never had a chance to patch things up...and now she never would,

Okay I know I said I wouldn't say anyhitng about who it was...but I couldn't help myself! I do hope that was Brom though...other wise I gotta come edit this thing.
Bah, Bah black sheep have oyu any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full! One for the master, one for the dame, one for the little boy who lives down the lane!
Bah, bah black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full.

I'll be gone for a while. But never fear! "I shall return anon!"
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Old 02-19-2004, 05:46 AM   #249
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Lothên will be found!

Telperinai pennar niei rossenen,
iéni únótimai be m?*ri Aiaro!
Man erca óre nio ettuccuba?
S?* mapuba Ulmo ciria ma
be findi-falla; Baradis mentuba
i Elestel i en tulia me
Annúne pella, nimpei srestanai
or helle cúna, helle rácina.
Nan merin minia lóte elanar
an sire cenin Ennor tellabe.
Namárie! Autame Balinórena,
Ennórelo autai! Namárie!

Last edited by Eärloth : 02-19-2004 at 05:47 AM.
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Old 02-19-2004, 10:06 AM   #250
Akamai Deredal
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I hope that isn't Brom's blood. I'll cry. Really. >.> <.< Eraloth's right... No one can post again till Pip clarifies what the helck is going on. (Yes, helck is a word :P) I mean, yeesh Pip! What were ya thinking? You know how imaginative we are... There's a bazillion things we could come up with if you just leave us hanging like that. *thwacks Pip lightly over the head* Do that again, and I'm grounding you from your tea! Now get back here and fill us all in! Please? *smiles apologetically and hands Pip the tea back, as long as a bag of ice, and a big stick to fend off the entourage of disgruntled Inheiritance participants*

Okay... that post was useless... Sort of. Oh I don't know... *waits for the mods to jump on the thread and tear it to pieces* >.> <.<
Shadows of a Midnight Rain All writers of any sort, are welcome to come and share their works.

Potius mori quam foedari...
Death before dishonour...
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Old 02-19-2004, 07:23 PM   #251
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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whoops! sorry guys *giggles* I didnt mean to leave you like that...well, not really. *ties ice bag to head and sips tea* now, I figured it was Banuien's blood and we were all going to save her, lol. but I think it might be brom. oh, well, we'll find out. I figured someone would pick up where I left, but I guess not, lol.

ic: "Who goes there?" came a harsh voice right in front of Eragon. He hastily unsheathed Zar'roc and pointed it in the vague direction of the voice.
"Stop right there! I have you!" he said as the man came into clear view. He was tall and muscular, and had his sword at his side. He smiled,
"No, I don't believe you do." came a voice from behind Siuahn. Eragon's heart dropped. As he looked around, he saw at least twenty soldiers standing around them. He looked at Siuahn, who was standing at arrow-point.
"You'll have to come with us." said the man whom Eragon was threatening. There was nothing they could do. He tried contacting Saphira, but she was out of range
<I'm sorry> he said to Suiahn as he dropped Zar'roc.
<You did all you could do> Siuahn replied.
The men seized them and took thier weapons. They were being led to Gil'Lead, capital of the Empire.

okay, I have a bit of a plan, so no one rescue us yet! or kill anyone, lol. is that satisfactory?

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 02-21-2004, 01:05 AM   #252
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Originally posted by Fimbrethil
[But he never got a chance to answer. As soon as they landed they were in off following the trail of blood. Eraloth found where it ended frist when the others saw some just stood still not wanting to believe what their eyes were telling them, some fell to their knees and stared and cried silent but painful tears of grief. In Terin's case it was the former. She couldn't believe after what she had done, now this, she never had a chance to patch things up...and now she never would,

Okay I know I said I wouldn't say anyhitng about who it was...but I couldn't help myself! I do hope that was Brom though...other wise I gotta come edit this thing. [/B]
HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!! I did to take up where you left off! So who all is captured? I assume I've been left behind....and JErome and a couple other people I think.
Bah, Bah black sheep have oyu any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full! One for the master, one for the dame, one for the little boy who lives down the lane!
Bah, bah black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full.

I'll be gone for a while. But never fear! "I shall return anon!"
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Old 02-21-2004, 01:23 AM   #253
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Eragon and Siuahn were just captured and me and akai have a plan, so no one save me! and Banuien was taken, of course. I am supposing Brom died. Um, well, That was a bit unceremonial, eh, pip? okay, now I am talking to myself ! ATTACK LLAMA!

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 02-22-2004, 11:02 PM   #254
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You and Akai need to but this plan to work...I'm gettin bored.
Bah, Bah black sheep have oyu any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full! One for the master, one for the dame, one for the little boy who lives down the lane!
Bah, bah black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full.

I'll be gone for a while. But never fear! "I shall return anon!"
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Old 02-29-2004, 03:11 AM   #255
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eeek! it was alive! its dying again! I must do some postage!

ic; Eragon and Siuahn were bound and led northwards. He could not really tell where they were going, but after a while, he could see city walls ahead. They were moving back towards Gil'Lead. Before he knew it, they were in the city and being put into cells. The guards threw them into the same cell, which Eragon thought was rather stupid. The guards back away and locked the door.
"I'm sorry." said Eragon.
"It's not your fault. No one is to fault."
"Can you talk to Nyaki?"
Suiahn shook her head, "No. Everything is like a thick mist."
"Me too. I think all we need is some food and rest." he said, turning over on the hard rock floor.
"I wonder where the rest of them are." said Suiahn.
"Who knows." said Eragon. His thoughts stayed on Brom. Was he alive? What about Banuien? She was taken, but he did not see her in any of the cells. Surely that was not a good sign. A few hours later, the gaurd pushed two pieces of bread and a jug of water through the door. Eragon reached out and took a big bite of the bread and a swig of water. Suiahn was asleep. He thought of waking her, but decided against it. Sleep is what they needed. He ate his bread, but made sure to leave enough for his friend. He layed down on the rock floor and drfting into and uneasy, but welcomed sleep.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 02-29-2004, 11:34 AM   #256
Akamai Deredal
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Siuahn woke later, to Eragon's frightened voice, and she sat up quickly, ready to defend herself and her companion, even though she knew she was in no state to. Her eyes whipped around the cell, only to find no one besides herself and Eragon within its bars, and that Eragon was actually asleep.
Resting a gentle hand on the young man's shoulder, she lightly shook his shoulder to bring him away from his troubled thoughts. The fear and concern on Eragon's face slowly faded away into peacefulness, but he did not wake up. His breathing evened out and he rolled onto his side, his back facing away from Siuahn.
Smiling despite the predicament she was in, Siuahn pushed herself from the ground, no longer worried for her friend, and walked around the cramped cell with the intention of working the stiffness from her muscles. Her mind was left within the midst of a dense, swirling fog, and her mouth felt as dry as cotton. Sitting down again, she caught a glimpse of a plate and jug beside the door, though it was near impossible to see in the fading light. Crawling over towards it, she slowly ate the bread, her mind wandering through many thoughts, mostly concerning Banuien, Brom, Raven, Terin, Jerod (and any others I can't remember... too early over here) and the dragons.
<Nyaki... I need you, where are you?> Came Siuahn's desperate call.
A small prick of acknowledgement sent a shiver through the young woman's body, and she tried again and again, but got nothing more. She had been sure it would work...
Letting out a hopeless sigh, Siuahn took a quick drink from the jug to wet her mouth before curling up in what smelled to be a clean fresh patch of straw, across from Eragon and once again falling into a sleep troubled by thoughts of the ill fates the others could have met.

OOC: Sorry it's so long. Bored, and tired, so I'm in one of my "writing moods." Sorry if I messed anyone up. >.> <.<
Shadows of a Midnight Rain All writers of any sort, are welcome to come and share their works.

Potius mori quam foedari...
Death before dishonour...
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Old 03-01-2004, 05:20 AM   #257
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ic; Banuien had been brought a bundle of stiff black robes and a heavy black cloak fastened at the throat with a nickel ore brooch fashioned in the form of a spider; her breath was bound carelessly with a firm corset, and a haematite tiara was set upon her brow like a black snake curling around her head and slithering down her forehead. Its head resting about the position of her third eye, it had burning ruby eyes and an eerily stern glare. When she had asked as to why she must have worn such sombre apparel, Galbatorix had answered her: "To pass under the eyes of our Enemies unnoticed, we are to passthrough Shadow; to do this is to become as near a part of it as we must."

Banuien had witnessed from her chamber window two figures being brought to the fortress, and heard them being led through the halls and into the dungeons, but was prohibited from in any way conversing with them. "They mean you only harm, they will do you nothing but pain," Galbatorix had informed her, and sent her back to her chambers.

She had also complained about the bare victuals the prisoners seemed to have been sentenced to live by; Galbatorix had dismissed her. "It is more than they deserve," he had said. "But if it is they who are maligned, is it not to us to be forgiving of them?" Banuien had argued. "Should we not be the better people?"

"What we have served them is more than we would have been offered should they have caught us," Galbatorix retorted, and bid her keep quiet.

Banuien left her room in the first hour of the early morning; she had not slept, and was still fully clothed. Her pale face was still painted with black makeup and the thin snake coronet still sheathed her head. She wrapped her thick cloak about her and cast the hood over her face, shadowing her elven features from light; the eyes of the snake at her brow still glistened in the shadow of the cape.

She made her way silently throughout the stone halls, losing herself frequently in the labyrinth of marble corridors. Nonetheless she slowly made her way to the deeper parts of the fortress, and at last down into the dungeons.

The two captives were asleep, breathing softly with their heads resting on their arms. She crept around to the right side of the cage, standing under the window of the dungeon. The moonlight shed a silver light on her back, but further blackened her face as she leant over one of the prisoners: he was not sleeping peacefully; his eyes were darting back and forth behind his eyelids; Banuien thought she saw his eyes flicker slightly open, but he remained as he was. She reached through the bars and touched his face momentarily; her hands were unnaturally cold, and her long nails had been filed and painted, and against the warmth of his skin these felt awkward. He did not look like an enemy.

The girl had her back to the stone, cold wall: her face was creased in a frown as though in deep dislike or concentration. Banuien could not even hear her breathing, but was not unsettled by the unconscious awareness of the human. She, too, did not appear as one who could be in any way malicious or cruel in relation to another; Banuien began to feel extremely uncomfortable. She stood up and left the dungeon, glancing momentarily back at the prisoners as she exited.

ooc; woah, long one. *soz peoples!
Lothên will be found!

Telperinai pennar niei rossenen,
iéni únótimai be m?*ri Aiaro!
Man erca óre nio ettuccuba?
S?* mapuba Ulmo ciria ma
be findi-falla; Baradis mentuba
i Elestel i en tulia me
Annúne pella, nimpei srestanai
or helle cúna, helle rácina.
Nan merin minia lóte elanar
an sire cenin Ennor tellabe.
Namárie! Autame Balinórena,
Ennórelo autai! Namárie!

Last edited by Eärloth : 03-20-2005 at 07:21 AM.
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Old 03-01-2004, 11:51 PM   #258
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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nice one, earloth and akai!

ooc; Eragon woke suddenly. Siuahn was asleep against the wall. He stood and stretched his muscles. He tried to contact Saphira again and again, but nothing happened, just clouds of mist. He stepped over to the bars and looked out, hoping to catch a glace of any prisoners, mainly Banuien. He heard the dungeon door swing open. He craned his neck to try to see who was coming. There were quite a few men waling towards them. He stepped back a little, and waited for them to come to his cell. But they didn't. He looked out of the bars. Two men were carrying a woman, who was wonderfully beautiful. She had raven hair, and a perfectly fine face, except for the blood stained bandage around her forehead. Her hair shifted around her face, revealing pointed ears. She was an elf. Eragon gasped aloud. He thought for sure that banuien was the last elf around. He watched the men place her int he cell down from his. He had to save her. The door clanged shut and the men left. He sat down in the straw and thought about what he had seen. Siuahn was waking.

gonna stop there, I don't feel like writing, lol.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 03-02-2004, 07:21 AM   #259
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Umm was that supposed to be Banuien? meh..too tired...SO tired...
Lothên will be found!

Telperinai pennar niei rossenen,
iéni únótimai be m?*ri Aiaro!
Man erca óre nio ettuccuba?
S?* mapuba Ulmo ciria ma
be findi-falla; Baradis mentuba
i Elestel i en tulia me
Annúne pella, nimpei srestanai
or helle cúna, helle rácina.
Nan merin minia lóte elanar
an sire cenin Ennor tellabe.
Namárie! Autame Balinórena,
Ennórelo autai! Namárie!

Last edited by Eärloth : 03-02-2004 at 07:27 AM.
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:29 PM   #260
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OOC: I don't think that was supposed to be you..alhtough I could be wrong. SOrry I've been gone for a while! Err...Leggy what was your characters name? I forgot it sorry!

Terin cried as she and the others silently buried Brom. "What do we do now?" She heard someone ask. " We do what Brom and the others would want. WE carry on with the mission.On to the capital...we will surpirse the King and eliminate him once and for all." Terin replied calmly althoug hinside she was in turmoil. "But what of the others? The ones captured?" Jerome asked. "We can only hope they have a plan and they meet up with us in time. I fear we may not make it out of this one." Terin said looking at the grave and saying a silent prayer. They were all on thier dragons and flying toward the capital before the sun reached the horizon.

OOC:I'm awful with names!!!
Bah, Bah black sheep have oyu any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full! One for the master, one for the dame, one for the little boy who lives down the lane!
Bah, bah black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full.

I'll be gone for a while. But never fear! "I shall return anon!"
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