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Old 06-09-2003, 01:09 AM   #241
Eccentric Chocolate Crow
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ooc: Thanks, cap'n! And...hey....PM me the plot? *puppy face* C'mon! I was part of you gals earlier one...please?

ic: Tano: ...and she was babbling something along the lines of *takes deep breath* "help me please I'm going to die help help help help it's Sarin's boat and I drifted away and I'm so lost oh somebody help me please oh help help help--oh, hi Tano."
EG: *blinks* Ohhh...
Tano: SO she seems to be doing okay for now. And I got the boat back--it's tied to the stern.
EG: Thanks, Tano.
Tano: Yeah, de nada. Have you seen my chocolate, by the way? *wanders off in search of chocolate liquer, forgetting that Roya has drunk most of it*
Wisdom for Short Attention Spans...Ozy and Millie. It rocks.

Food Of The Gods:

Feed Me....

Another Online Dwelling Place...

"All right, I confess. It is my intention to comandeer a ship, pick up a crew in Tortuga, to rape, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out." -Captain Jack Sparrow

"The trouble with unknown enemies is that they are so difficult to identify." -Amelia Peabody Emerson

"Most people obey the orders of someone who is pointing a gun at their head." -A.P. Emerson

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Old 06-09-2003, 01:25 AM   #242
Eruviel Greenleaf
Alcoholic Villain-Fancying Elf Pirate
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(ooc: Um...well...I'll think about it )

EG: Wait, Tano! Come into my cabin for a moment, please.
Tano: But...chocolate...
EG: Tano?
Tano: Yes, Cap'n. *trudges after EG into office*
EG: Have a seat. And have some cocoa.
Tano: Oooh, thank you, Cap'n! *grins happily*
EG: So, did you see anything in the boat? I mean, this boat mysteriously showed up and all, and. . .
Tano: Well, it's that boat Sarin came in, remember? Right after we left? It's been there ever since he came, I remember you complaining about how it really got in the way.
EG: Well, okay. I'll look at it and see if we can't do anything about it. It's awfully inconvenient. Thank you, you can go. Send Sicirus, in, will you?
Tano: Yes, Cap'n.
*skips merrily out*
EG: *sighs*
Eruviel Greenleaf in a past life.

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."
-The Gospel of Thomas

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Old 06-10-2003, 12:03 AM   #243
Eccentric Chocolate Crow
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Tano: Hey, Sici, Cap'n wants to see you. *goes to rail and peers over at the boat* Huh. I wonder....
Wisdom for Short Attention Spans...Ozy and Millie. It rocks.

Food Of The Gods:

Feed Me....

Another Online Dwelling Place...

"All right, I confess. It is my intention to comandeer a ship, pick up a crew in Tortuga, to rape, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out." -Captain Jack Sparrow

"The trouble with unknown enemies is that they are so difficult to identify." -Amelia Peabody Emerson

"Most people obey the orders of someone who is pointing a gun at their head." -A.P. Emerson

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Old 06-10-2003, 12:03 PM   #244
Finrod Felagund
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Finrod: *swabs the poop-deck*
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Old 06-10-2003, 01:57 PM   #245
Eruviel Greenleaf
Alcoholic Villain-Fancying Elf Pirate
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EG: Good job, Finrod!
Finrod: Aye, Cap'n!
EG: *climbs up crow's nest* Ahoy! XK! We've our target in sight! *climbs back down and runs to cabin*

EG opens a trunk in her cabin and takes out two flags, just as Earniel and XK run in. One flag is black, with a skull and two crossed sabres. The other. . .well, the other is a plain red flag.

EG: *holding up the first flag* Meet Roger. He doesn't like you. *picks up the red one* Meet Jack. He likes even less. *grins evilly* So, mates, which one do we fly?
XK: Umm....
Earniel: uh...
XK: Wait, what do they mean again?
EG: Jolly Roger means "do as we say and no one gets too hurt, we'll just take all your cargo and burn your sails." The Red Jack...well, that means "you may as well go down to the hold and drink all the wine, 'cause no matter what you do we're going to kill you. And then take all your cargo and burn your sails." *grins evilly again*
XK: Weeellll. . .
Earniel: Can't decide.
XK: We could. . .
EG: Fly them both?
XK: Yes! Stop reading my mind!
EG: Well, we're twins. That's what we do.
XK: Oh. Right. True enough. Okay, you can read my mind.
Earniel: *rolls her eyes* You two. . .I'm eating some chocolate!
EG: But first help us with the flags!

And so the drunk elf pirates become even more insane than usual and fly both the Jolly Roger and the Red Jack, causing much confusion.

Meanwhile, on the Laughing Porcupine, a lovely fat merchant ship that looks quite ripe for the plundering (especially with their cargo of GOLD and SILVER and CHICKENS (don't ask...)) is sailing on their course, when suddenly one of the sailors screams in a bit of panic and shouts to the Captain:
Sailor 1: Cap'n! There be a pirate ship! PIRATES!!!
Captain: Holy flying cows! Let me see! What are they flying?
Sailor 1: Um...a Jolly Roger--wait, no--what the hells?! There's a Red Jack too!
Captain: What? Holy flying mackeral! They are! What does THAT mean?
Sailor 2: What's this? TWO flags? We're dooooooomed!!!
Sailor 3: Drink all the wine!
Sailor 2: No! They might want the wine!
First Mate: The ship, it's the Nance-a-lot! I thought that was a merchant ship...I must be confused...this is all a bad nightmare!

And so the panic and confusion continues on the Laughing Porcupine, while the crew of the Nal prepares to board...

Eruviel Greenleaf in a past life.

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."
-The Gospel of Thomas

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Old 06-10-2003, 02:08 PM   #246
The last sane person
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Roya: Yay! I fight! *sharpens pointy object* Wee! *prepares to board*
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
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Old 06-10-2003, 04:50 PM   #247
Elfmaster XK
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As the crew prepare to board, they stand a moment and ponder the task set before them. Tano grins manically and beginis to laugh.

EG: *raises eyebrow* What's wrong with you?
Tano: My cannons...lovely cannon-fire. *strikes match* MUAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!
EG: Yes. *blows match out* Not yet.

...and so they prepare to board. On their cap'n's command, as they steer close to the target, they board.


Eärniel: AIIIIIIIII AI AI AI...A balrog! A...oh no. Sorry. AI!
Willow: Ai? What's happening? What do I do?
Sici: Ai Ai...Ayyyyyyy....*splash*
Finrod: Gollum....my precious...
Sarin: Aiiiiiiiiiyarrrrrrr...

And thus the war cries continue for a good few minutes. Once the crew are aboard the merchant ship they see that the sailor crew are hiding behind a lot of cargo crates. Sitting atop one of the crates is a severe, dark, mysterious looking man. XK pauses.

XK: Ohh...a villain.
EG: No.
EG: No.
XK: Please?
EG: I said no.
XK: *sulks* Fine. I'm going home.
EG: *smacks XK over head* Idiot.
XK: *glowers*
Eärniel: Er...I think we have a problem...*points at the sailor crew, who convienietnly used the arguing time to surround the crew of the Nal, and draw their weapons, which happen to be long strips of rope, some towels, and some kitchen utensils. But never underestimare the power of a towel whip, or a spork stab.[/i]

XK: Aww crap.

There is a moments silence as the man approaches the 3 senior crew members, when a crack of thunder breaks the quiet. A second later, they realise it was not thunder, but a cannon ball, as the metal projectile shoots through the sails and crushes one of the crates. Melons fly in all directions and the cap'n smiles.

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies,
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die,
I can fly - my friends.

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Old 06-10-2003, 04:59 PM   #248
Eruviel Greenleaf
Alcoholic Villain-Fancying Elf Pirate
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EG: We warned you! And now you aren't behaving. Bad merchant ship! Pirates! Kill them!

In the confusion, a battle begins between the merchant ship and the pirates. The Cap'n makes good use of her katana and wakazashi (some may wonder what on earth the elf is doing with Japanese weapons. if you want to know, I'll give you my whole backstory ) The First Mate makes equally good use of her knives, Tano has fun with exploding melons, and the rest of the crew fends off the spork-attacks and thwacks the merchant ship's crew with their own assorted weapons. It is a glorious and beautiful battle, which ends with no few corpses (hey, if the violence bothers you, dont' be a pirate! ) and the Captain tied to the mast of his ship.

EG: Grab the cargo and bring it on to the Nal!

The crew follows her orders, and soon the hold of the Laughing Porcupine is emptied of the gold, the wine, the weapons, and the silver. Happily, the crew of the Nal burns the sails and leaves the ship with only half the crew surviving, and all tied to various bits of the ship.
Eruviel Greenleaf in a past life.

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."
-The Gospel of Thomas

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Old 06-10-2003, 05:07 PM   #249
Elfmaster XK
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(OOC:I have a wakazashi and a tanto )

The Nal begins to set the sails and take up the anchor when XK stops and looks back at the merchant ship.

XK: *whiney voice* EG!!! Please can I have the villain?

EG: Twin?

XK: Yeah?


XK: WAH!!!!! *Runs to her cabin*

(OOC:Sorry. I had to do that. Sorry to people who don't get it. )

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies,
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die,
I can fly - my friends.

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Old 06-10-2003, 05:17 PM   #250
Eruviel Greenleaf
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(ooc: heheh i'm not that mean, am I?! )

EG; *follows twin to her cabin* Sorry, um, that was mean. You can have him if you really want.
Eruviel Greenleaf in a past life.

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."
-The Gospel of Thomas

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Old 06-10-2003, 05:38 PM   #251
The Chocoholic Sea Elf Administrator
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Eärniel: *making an invertory of the loot with Willow* Okay, that is four crates of uncannoned melons...

Willow: *writing down* Four...crates of... uncannoned... melons...

Eärniel: *counts *Twenty boxes of praliné chocolate sea fruit... *quickly stuffs two boxes in her pocket* Or no, make that eighteen.

Willow: eighteen.... boxes of ....praliné... chocolate.. sea fruit... I saw that by the way.

Eärniel: *smiles innocently* Saw what? *continues*Three kegs of apples...

Willow: Oh nothing but I'll be wanting my share of that chocolate later. *writing down* three kegs ..of.. apples...

Eärniel: Fne. Anyway,one chest of... rubber duckies?! Well I suppose we'll find a use for that.

Willow: One chest of ...rubber...duckies... Merchants get weirder by the day....

*They finish their inventory and give the rapport to the captain. Who of course only has eyes for how many bottles of alcohol are on the list.*
We are not things.
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Old 06-10-2003, 08:16 PM   #252
Eruviel Greenleaf
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*EG goes over the list*
EG: Well, good, good. Rubber duckies? Really? Well then! Each crewmember gets a bonus of one praline chocolate sea fruit, one melon, and one rubber duck. And a half-pint of brandy. Sound good?
Earniel: Could I have a little more chocolate than that, please? Because I'm 2nd mate and all?
EG: *sighs* You and Willow can each have an extra praline. But not a word of this to anyone! Do you swear by the Red Jack?
Earniel and Willow: By the great Red Jack, we swear, not a word to anyone!
Eruviel Greenleaf in a past life.

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."
-The Gospel of Thomas

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Old 06-10-2003, 10:32 PM   #253
Willow Oran
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(Later, Willow and Earniel are hiding in a random corner feasting on the pralines and talking randomly.)

Willow: Do you think it was a good idea to keep those apples?

Earniel: Sure, why?

Willow: Nothing, it's just, aren't apples the downfall of the human race?

Earniel: How do'ya figure that?

Willow: Well, ya know with the creation story and the tree. I always heard it was was an apple tree, so if humans keep eating apples won't they stay sort of evilish?

Earniel: *thinks about this for a moment* Sounds reasonable, you sure it was apples?

Willow: Pretty sure, might have been pears though.

Earniel: Either way way its a fruit.

Willow: Right, so wouldn't keeping those apples be a little foolhardy?

Earniel: Might be... *she selects another praline* If, we were human.

Willow: Ah... Right.
"5. Plain Rings with RUNES on the inside.
Avoid these like the PLAGUE.
-Diana Wynne Jones
Tough Guide To FantasyLand

...it's not much of a show if somebody doesn't suffer, and preferably at length. Suffering is beautiful in any case, and so is anguish; but as for loathing, and bitterness... I don't think they belong on the stage at all.

- Isabella, I Gelosi
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Old 06-11-2003, 12:29 AM   #254
The last sane person
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*Roya stumbles in on the two eating chocolate, still armed with her pointy weapons*

Roya: Oy! got any.....Hey, whats that ya eating?

Earniel: *hides choclate behind her back* Uh, nothing.

Roya: Yeah right and i'm an elf! *looks at the tell tale chocolate stains around their mouths* oh, so thats it? Here, take mine to i dun want it. *throws chocolate ration to the two*

Earniel&willow: What?! you dont want chocolate?!

Roya: Na, cant stand the stuff unless its with alcohol.

Willow: then what do ya want?

Roya: Eh, got any apples?

Earniel: Why do you still have yer weapons?

Roya: *shrugs and goes to look for some apples*
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
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Old 06-11-2003, 01:08 PM   #255
Finrod Felagund
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*Finrod runs in*

Finrod: RUBBER DUCKSES! I mean ducks...ahem

Everyone else: *stares*
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Old 06-11-2003, 01:16 PM   #256
Eccentric Chocolate Crow
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Tano: *is organizing the cannon stores after the battle* Rubber duckies?
Finrod: Ducks. Ducks. Yes, ducks.
Tano: What can we do with rubber duckies? Hmm....
Sici: I think she's thinking.
Finrod: Hide!

ooc: I actually have no idea what evil plan tano has with the rubber duckies....if anyone else wants to plot, PM me or somming.
Wisdom for Short Attention Spans...Ozy and Millie. It rocks.

Food Of The Gods:

Feed Me....

Another Online Dwelling Place...

"All right, I confess. It is my intention to comandeer a ship, pick up a crew in Tortuga, to rape, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out." -Captain Jack Sparrow

"The trouble with unknown enemies is that they are so difficult to identify." -Amelia Peabody Emerson

"Most people obey the orders of someone who is pointing a gun at their head." -A.P. Emerson

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Old 06-11-2003, 01:19 PM   #257
Finrod Felagund
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Finrod: I AM GOD! Oh, sorry. ummm...what can we do evil with the duckses...ducks.

Tano: *thinks*
Tano: *thinks*
Tano: *thinks*
Tano: *thinks*
Tano: *Scratches head*
Finrod: Hey! stop scratching my head!
Tano: Sorry. *scratches own head*
Tano: *thinks*
Tano: Must...do...evil...things...
Finrod: Ni!

(A tip of the hat to FotMB with that head scratching remark.)
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Old 06-12-2003, 06:07 PM   #258
Indril Anarion
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Luthien rowed for her life. She had been a prisoner on The Laughing Porcupine, but since the pirate raid, she had freed herself amidst the confusion. Now she was sailing in the deep seas, not having much to survive by. Soon, she saw the pirate ship in the distance.

"Must...get....to...ship," she said to herself.

She wasn't sure if they would be friendly, but she needed food and supplies badly or she might as well be stuck as a prisoner on The Laughing Porcupine. She too was an elf, and a bit of a criminal, so why wouldn't they let her come aboard. To her joy, she reached the pirate vessel. It wasn't moving very fast.
"Ahoy there!" she called, trying to sound as pirate-y as she could. No one answered. Luthien noticed a rope dangling from the boat and decided to come aboard, since no one had really noticed her.

"Oh, well," she said. "What's the point of living if you can't take a few risks."

She climbed up the rope with ease and made her way onto the starboard. To her surprise, she saw a great lot of the crew standing over several crates of rubber ducks from The Laughing Porcupine. She quietly approached and tapped one of them on the shoulder.
I'm a Jesus Freak and proud of it...
"So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us."
-Gandalf, FOTR
"Nobody tosses a Dwarf."
- Gimli, FOTR
Save Ferris!!!!!!
My true Elven name is Idril Anarion, but I misspelled in the username, and now I can't fix it... Oh, well...now you know...
Don't be afraid of death....Be afraid of the unlived life- Tuck Everlasting
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Old 06-13-2003, 12:02 AM   #259
Willow Oran
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Willow: *jumps about a foot in the air when she feels someone sneak up behind her* Argh! *spins around to see an unfamiliar face towering over her and immediately flies around to hover behind Tano*

Luthien: *rather confused by this reaction* Wha-? What'd I do?

EG: I believe your presence surprised her. She doesn't recognize you.

Luthien: *still confused*

Tano: I think the Cap'n wants to know who you are. We don't recognize you either.

Luthien: Oh! Well, it's a long story...

Exk: Just tell us who you are and why you're on our ship and that'll do for now.

Luthien: Okay.
"5. Plain Rings with RUNES on the inside.
Avoid these like the PLAGUE.
-Diana Wynne Jones
Tough Guide To FantasyLand

...it's not much of a show if somebody doesn't suffer, and preferably at length. Suffering is beautiful in any case, and so is anguish; but as for loathing, and bitterness... I don't think they belong on the stage at all.

- Isabella, I Gelosi
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Old 06-13-2003, 12:07 AM   #260
The last sane person
The Black Númenórean
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OOC: Yah! where are all these new people comin from?

*Roya was flouncing around the ship happily munching on apples when she saw something wriggle up the side of the ship*

Roya:*squint* What the---? *throws apple at whatever it is*

Person: owch!

Roya: oy! whats a shadow sayin "owch" for? *she draws her sharp pointy bits and bobs and investigates*

Roya:*runs slap-bang into thing* Aha! Die swab!

Person: Eeek! Kill me not!

Roya: Er, okay.

*She puts away sharp pointy things and brains the new person over the head with a conveiniently placed wine bottle (empty of course) and the girl passes out and is tied to the mast*

Roya: Ahoy cap'n!

EG: Aye? what is it boatswain? *crew assembles behind her*

Roya: Intruder onboard! I knocked her out though and tied her to the mast. What ho cap'n?
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
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