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Old 10-29-2003, 04:10 PM   #1
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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um, this is my first real story that i have attempted to write. this is the prolouge, constructive critisism is appreciated! thanx!
Prolouge: Hidden Doors
The wind howled wildly as the woman stumbled blindly across the plains. She was searching for the woods, searching for the one place she knew refuge could be found. She brushed her golden hair away from her tear streaked face. Her arms cradled a bundle, greatly valued. She had given birth to the child the day before, and fled the empire for safety. Her dark eyes searched the flat fields, untill they rested upon the line of trees in the distance. The sun was swiftly setting, and her legs were growing weary. She stumbled and fell, saving the baby from hitting the hard ground. The infant cried out, for want of rest and food. These luxuries had to wait, the mother stood and made for the trees. Just as the sun set below the horizon, she found herself standing under the tall branches. The babe cried out again, but this time to be gently swayed and stroked by her mother’s touch. “You will be safe here, once we find the Kandar, under the trees, hidden from all of them.” she said, wrapping her cloak around the small, huddled form of the baby girl. “I am your mother, Saren.” she told her daughter. “Your name will be, Aiya.” The baby girl stared at her mother with big emerald eyes. They reminded Saren of something, something loved, and lost. The sound of barking hounds and men shouting reached the ears of Saren. She quickly stood, glancing behind her to make sure she was not being followed, she ran into the dark forest.
Saren ran forward for what seemed to be an hour, then she came to a stream, which she followed deeper into the forest. The stream seemed as only a thin silver line, slithering through the vast woods. Saren stopped once the spring flowed into a small pond. On the other side was what seemed to be the side of a cliff, she waded through the water, which only reached her waist. Saren faced the cliff wall. It was flat and steep, with no blemish in it’s face. She scanned the wall, searching for a cut in the stone. She found her mark, there was a small hole, about the size of her palm. She placed her hand upon the crevice and cried out, “Yi an siran yohan!” Saren stepped back, waiting for something to happen. Ever so slowly, the small crevice grew bigger, and eventually became a small passage way. She had found her refuge.

thank you!

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND

Last edited by PippinTook : 11-06-2003 at 09:12 PM.
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Old 10-31-2003, 12:20 AM   #2
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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Chapter 1:A Lesson in History

Fourteen years later, Aiya woke in her room, dimly lit, but comfortable. Only yesterday she had celebrated her fourteenth birthday, and now she was offically a ‘teenager’. She slipped into her pants and tunic and ran down the hall of the dormitory. Down the stairs she leapt, and into the dining room. Most of the other students already occupied the huge dining hall. Aiya ran down the long row of wooden tables, looking for her friend. Suddenly she spotted the curly mass of brown hair at the end of the table. “Lauri!” Aiya called to her best friend. “Aiya! You are late! Master Hort won’t be happy if he finds out.” said Lauri as Aiya sat down beside her. “Well, he didn’t find out, did he?” said Aiya, who was glad she hadden’t been caught. She wasn’t on very good term’s with the dorm master, Master Hort. “Quite on the contrary.” said a chilly voice behind the two girls. “Good morning, Master Hort.” said Aiya with false politeness. “Aiya, this is the third morning this week you have been late for morning assemblies. Though yesterday, I was inclined to excuse you, considering your birthday.” said the old man. His white beard laid upon his purple robe, which w always wore. His bristly eye brows often shadowed his dark eyes. “Yes, Master Hort, I understand, sir.” replied Aiya, lowering her head, hoping to keep from his hard glare. “If this happens again, I will have to send you to the detention dormitory.” said Master Hort. Aiya threw her head up and stared the mans traight in the eye. “The detention dormitory?” she said with green eyes open wide. “I am afraid so, this tardiness can not last. Of course it would not be a permenant replacement.” He added. Aiya nodded. “I will not be late again, Hort!” she said with smile. The old man glared at her. “Oh, I mean, Master Hort, sir.” she added hastily. Master Hort nodded and walked slowly to the big table up front where he sat with Master Irin, and Mistriss Mordon.
Master Irin was quite a few years younger than Hort, but just as greatly feared. He was the head master of the male dormitory. Mistress Mordon was the head master of the smal school, and was loved by all the students. She was at draw with Hort in years, and just as wise and revered.
The school’s main purpose was to train the students about the world, and sciences, and language. The students were brought to the school through parents, or gaurdians whose chirldren were being hunted by the empire. For the evil king, Zarfoth, and his son, Silivryn, ruled the empire with an iron hand. Anyone who believed in elves, or said that they did were killed immediately. .
Mistress Mordon stood. She raised her frail hand, and the students hushed. “Good morning children. Today Brother Ard has prepared eggs and bacon for our morning meal.” said the lady. “You may now eat, and immediately following, go to your classes.” Mistress Mordon sat and everyone ate. Aiya picked up her fork, and dug into the fryed eggs. “A bit runny,” said Lauri, with her mouth full. “But not too bad!” she took a swig of water. “What class do we have first?” asked Aiya who could never remember which class she took first. “History of Earosia, taught by Master Irin.” replied Lauri. “History is so boring! I would rather learn about what is going to happen, not what happened a hundred years ago!” said Lauri regretfully. ‘I love history, why without history we wouldn’t be here!” exclaimed Aiya. Lauri looked at her friend queerly. They were soon finished with thier meal and were dismissed from the dining hall.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND

Last edited by PippinTook : 11-06-2003 at 09:13 PM.
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Old 11-01-2003, 01:16 AM   #3
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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Lauri and Aiya walked down the hall and up a flight of stairs. They entered a huge room with tall ceilings. They quickly found thier seats and opened thier books. Master Irin stepped into the room and walked to the pulpit. He cleared his throat and spoke nervously, “Welcome students, I trust you have been studying.” he said. “Yes, Master Irin.” the entire class replied in unison. “Today we will be learning about the war, the only war in the history of Earosia. A hundred years ago the elves had ruled all of Earosia, with compassion, and mercy. They dwelt along with the humans in the capital city of San Lilead. They accepted the humans, and treated them as equals. If an elf and a human had a child, the half-elven infant would be taught to be a dragon rider. The dragons had been living in Earosia since the begining of time. The elves never rode the dragons, because they had no say in war or battle like the humans. The humans did not have to magic of the elves. The dragon eggs would only hatch in the presence of a half-elf. Therefor the half-elves were the only dragon riders.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-01-2003, 01:25 AM   #4
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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There was one human, born with malice and hate for the elves. His name was Aerostad. He mustered a force to march against the elves. Soon almost the entire population of humans wanted to kill all the elves. The humans fought with the elves. The elves did not want to fight, and surrendered. They suddenly dissappeared, and the humans were taught to believe that they all died. All the elves were believed to go to the great city in the sky. But some of the humans missed the friendliness and gentleness of the elves. Soon Aerostad took the throne and slowly corrupted the empire. Everyone was drawn to the empire, because the fields and crops were soon cut down by soldiers.
The rest of Earosia turned to desert. All but one forest. The forest was inhabited by the humans who loved the elves. They called themselves the Kandar, they provided shelter and schooling for any other believers. One day, an elf, who had been living in the desert, came to the Kandar for help. He had been scarcely living for fifty years. His name was Rhyran. He lived with the Kandar and was loved and respected by all the people living there. He soon fell in love with a human woman, Lirtha, and they were married. They helped rule the Kandar for years. Lirtha gave birth to a son, Loroth, the first half-elven infant. Soon after that Rhyran dissappeared, some believe he died, others believe he went to live with the elves in the city of the sky. Loroth was greatly loved and appreciated by the Kandar. He was wise and beautiful. In his green eyes were held love and deep knowledge. They all lived in harmony and tranquility. The only thing that Loroth was loathe about, was dragons. He was born with the desire to be a dragon rider. He searched high and low, looking for some scroll or book that told of a lost dragon egg. One day he found a old, worn piece of parchment that told of the great war between elves and men. He found that King Zarfoth had stolen a dragon egg from the elves and hidden it deep in his palace. But the egg would not hatch for Zarfoth because he was a human. Loroth was determined to find the egg and become the next dragon rider. He and five of his friends stormed the castle. Alas, none of them left. They were all slain by the gaurds. The Kandar were still hidden, but thier pride and joy, Loroth was killed. Since then, they have recouperated, and become a very successful haven for believers of the elves.” He sat down, exasperated from his long lecture. “Do any of you have any questions?” He asked. Aiya raised her hand. “Yes, Miss Aiya?” said Master Irin. “Does Zarfoth still posses the last dragon egg?” she asked. “Yes, as far as the Kandar know, the King till has the egg hidden in his kingdom.” replied Irin. Another student, much younger than the others asked timidly, “Does King Zarfoth know where we are?” Master Irin smiled. “No, Julie, you are very safe in the possesion of the Kandar.” he said softly. “Now, class, you are dismissed, you may have sme time to do what you wish.” Master Irin closed his book and stood, nodding to the class. Aiya and Lauri walked out of the room and into the courtyard. “That was boring, Master Irin’s lectures are so dreary!” said Lauri throwing her books in the grass. “I thought it was fascinating! About the elves, and the war! i wish something excitingwould happen like that!” sighed Aiya, who sat down beside her friend. “I am content here, I have everything I need! A good school, good food, and a best friend!” said Lauri. “I guess so, but still, I get tired of the mundane routine after a while! I think it would be great if I could meet an elf!” said Aiya wistfully. “Well, for one thing, all the elves lived a hundred years ago, and then they dissappeared. Master Irin said they went into some big city in the sky.” said Lauri. “If the elves didn’t actually die, they could still be alive, and there is no proof they went to the city in the sky! They could very well be right here in Earosia!” said Aiya enthusiasticly

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-01-2003, 02:01 AM   #5
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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Lauri shrugged, “Either way, they’re not here, and everyone is safe.” she laid her hed back on the grass. “I suppose you are right. But for how long?” asked Aiya. Lauri sat back up, “What do you mean?” she asked couriously. “How long can we hide and not be found? How long will it be before the King finds out we exist and find the Kandar?” Aiya’s face was solemn. “But you can’t possibly mean-” said Lauri uncomfortably. “What I said, how long can we remain hidden safely.” said Aiya. “You are scaring me.” said Lauri, standing up. “Lauri, you need to be scared. You have been sheltered all your life! We have been living underground since we were babies!” Aiya said, standing by her friend.
It was true. Lauri hadn’t even been outside the walls of the great underground kingdom of the Kandar. The city had all the supplies they needed. It was an amazing sight to behold. The great Kandar city of Telesmere. The great ceiling was transparent, but seemed to be rock from the outside. Some believed the elves rought it, to help the Kandar. It brought light to the city and to the hearts of its people. Lauri was born here, her parents had traveled to the city before she was born. Her parents lived in Telesmere working as bakers. Aiya had no parents. She knew nothing of her father, and her mother had died soon after she was brought to the Kandar. Aiya was taken in by an old herbalist, Johanna. Aiya was soon sent to the school, like all the other children, and was now in her ninth year.
“It’s time for Master Hort’s grammar class!” said Lauri. Aiya winced. “On we go into battle, by good and faithful friend!” she said, putting her arm around Lauri. “Aye, madonna! We go to fight the great battle of grammar!” mocked Lauri. Aiya laughed as they walked back into the great school hall.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-01-2003, 12:25 PM   #6
Akamai Deredal
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Hey Pip... Wow that was a lot to read, but... I do have to say I loved it. Other than a few typing mistakes, i couldn't really find anything wrong with it, except sometimes you mention something more then once every few sentences.... Oh well, I do it too so no worries. Keep writing, i want to read more! Now, soldier, lol.
Shadows of a Midnight Rain All writers of any sort, are welcome to come and share their works.

Potius mori quam foedari...
Death before dishonour...
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Old 11-01-2003, 01:23 PM   #7
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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Thank you akai! are the charactars ok? I'll keep you posted, but for now, thats all i have written. I will probably write more today. I'll try to work out the grammar stuff!

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-01-2003, 09:51 PM   #8
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As usual, Master Hort’s grammar class was exsesively dreary, but the two girls handled it with grace and bravery. And so went the events of that day and the next day to come. Aiya wanted a holiday horridly. The mundane routine was playing with her sanity. “Lauri,” she said one day as they sat in the grass, “Let’s do something!” Lauri stared at her friend. “Aiya, did you break into Brother Ard’s ale cabinet again?” she asked warily. “No, of course not! I just want to do something, something different!” said Aiya. “Well, there’s the courtyard, and the garden, and Sister Merda’s library.” said Lauri absentmindly. “The library! What a lovely idea!” exclaimed Aiya. Lauri shook her head. “What in Earosia do you plan to do in the library?” asked Lauri, thinking of all the insane pranks Aiya could play. “No, nothing like that, I want to read, about the elves! There must be something there about them! After all, that is why we are here!” said Aiya excitedly. “Come on, Lauri!” Aiya dragged Lauri through the hall. Lauri groaned.
They arrived in the great library of the school. It was one of the biggest rooms in all the school. The burgandy stained vaulted ceiling and walls made the room seem dim, but beautiful. Sister Merda sat at a desk, looking over old scrolls. She was a small woman, and very tightly drawn. “Hello, Siter Merda!” said Aiya, with an unhushed voice. The woman nearly flew from her seat. Once she saw who it was, she regained her composure and straightened her reading specticales, “Aiya, what in the heavens are you doing here!” she whispered. “Horridly sorry, Sister, but I was looking for a book about the elves.” said Aiya quietly. Sister Merda’s eyes widened. After a pause she rose, “Yes, of course, over here.” she said, standing. She led the girls past rows of small tables where students sat studying. They walked down a long, tall, line of bookshelves. “Here we go.” said Sister Merda. “There is, ‘Of the Elvish Language’, ‘Of Elves and the War’, and ‘Of Loroth and the Half-Elven Age’.” read Sister Merda. “I will take them all!” said Aiya, who hastily grabbed the three books. They were old, and browned with age. The rinds were crusted with dust and over use. Aiya handed a book to Lauri who shifed under the weight of the massive heaviness.
Aiya and Lauri carried the books to Aiya’s quarters. “Right here, thank-you, Lauri.” said Aiya dropping the books on the desk. “You aren’t going to read all of this, are you?” asked Lauri. “No, not now, but I will try to larn something.” said Aiya, thumbing through the script. Lauri shook her head. “What made you want to learn so much about the elves? You always hated studying as much as I did!” said Lauri. Aiya looked up from the book, “I don’t know, it just seemed so fascinating to me!” said Aiya enthusiasticaly. “I just don’t get it,” said Lauri witha sigh. “That was a hundred years ago, and they are all gone! It’s not like they are going to pop up right here in Telesmere!” Lauri was agitated. “Either way, I like it. It’s like, I have something to do with it, like I am supposed to be looking through allt hese old books!” replied Aiya softly. A bell rang through the halls, it’s clear sound resounding in the girl’s ears. “Supper time.” said Lauri, walking to the door. “Right ho!” Aiya said, closing the book. They ate thier supper and soon were backat the dormitories, ready for bed. Lauri found sleep easily, but this did not come to Aiya. She tossed around in her bed. After a while, she decided to read. She lit her lamp and opened the dilapidated pages.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-02-2003, 12:08 AM   #9
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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Chapter 2: Red Darts

This is where the story gets good,

The next morning Aiya found herself with her head laying upon her desk. The old book lay under her ear like a pillow. She yawned and streched. She did not rest well, but- wait, she was late for breakfast again. ‘Great! I will be sent to the detention dormitories!’ she thought as she hastily pulled on her trousers and green tunic. The detention dormitories is where the students were sent if they were in trouble. They were serparate from everything else. She stumbled out of her room, and towards the dining hall. She quickly found her chair, beside Lauri. “Oh, dear, Lauri, I am late again! What will Master Hort say!” she cried. Lauri’s face was blank. “What ever is the matter?” Aiya asked, surprised by her friend’s reception. “Master Hort won’t be sending you to the detention dorms, Aiya.” Lauri said slowly. “Well, that’s a relif! But, why not?” said Aiya. “You know how Master Hort goes outside the cliff wall every year, to check the weather?” said Lauri. “Yes, I know.” replied Aiya. “He went last night, and didn’t come back. This morning they sent a search party after him, and found his body, just outside the cliff face.” Lauri said softly. Aiya was speechless. “Who killed him? Who would do that?” asked Aiya. “They found a red arrow in his back, it is supposed to belong to some people named the, Rhohatar.” Lauri said. Aiya shook her head. “No, not the rhohatar! That can’t be possible, unless-” said Aiya, who face was riddle with thought. “How do you know who they are? I had never heard of them before.” asked Lauri. “I was reading last night, that is why I was late this morning. The rhohatar were the King Aerostad’s murderers. They had magic, and could poison thier darts and arrows. They were always red. There were only three of them, but they were deadly.” said Aiya. “Wait, that was a hundred years ago!” protested Lauri. “They can live forever if not slain by elven hand.” said Aiya. “So do they know where we are?” asked Aiya. “Mistress Mordon hasn’t said anything about that. But all the students are being sent home immediately after breakfast.” said Lauri. “Well, that is a relif!” sighed Aiya. They ate thier breakfast quietly and were dismissed to thier rooms, to pack thier things.
Aiya unloaded her clothes into her pack and threw it on her back. She was about to leave the humble room, when she stopped. The three books still laid on her desk. She laid her pack back on her bed. She loaded the three books into her bag. Surely, Sister Merna wouldn’t miss three torn apart books. All the students met in the courtyard. Master Irin led them out of the school’s front gate and into the city of Telesmere.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND

Last edited by PippinTook : 11-06-2003 at 09:14 PM.
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Old 11-02-2003, 12:50 AM   #10
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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The children were all drear and gloomy. They were getting out of school, but for an awful cause. No one particulalry like Master Hort’s classes, but the old man was cared for by the students. They reached the middle of town, and the children went thier serparate ways. Fortunately, Lauri and Aiya lived next to each other. Their walk home was quiet and melancholy. Once theire houses were in sight, the girls ran for what they knew they could trust. Lauri burst through the door of the bakery, and was welcomed by her mother and father. Aiya swung the door open to her own home. It was old and wooden, but held the one thing Aiya truly loved, her family. “Johanna! I am home!” she called. An woman, well in years, peeked over the counter. “Aiya! I am so glad you are home, I heard what happened. Are you okay?” the woman asked, looking over the child. “Doing well, I am a teenager now!” Aiya said proudly. Johanna’s bright eyes, looked down at the floor. “Yes, well, do you know anything about the killers?” asked Johanna. “Yes, I read abouth them, in these books!” said Aiya, pulling out the old scripts. Johanna gaped. “Do you know how old these are?” she asked, running her hands over the rough edges. “Old, I suppose.” shrugged Aiya. “Aiya, these books must be at least a hundred years old!” exclaimed Johanna. Aiya’s mouth fell open. “Then, these weren’t written about the war, they were written during the war!” she said. Johanna nodded. “Where did you get them?” she asked. “In the school library.” replied the girl. Johanna shook her head. “Strange days.” she said below her breath. Johanna stared at the books for a whil, but soon pulled her gaze from them. “Now, child, about your age.” began the woman. There was a long pause. “Yes, what about my age?” asked Aiya. “Let’s sit.” said Johanna, pulling up to wobbly chairs

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-02-2003, 12:51 AM   #11
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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Aiya sat warily. “Do you know anything about your mother?” asked Johanna. “Aiya was surprised to hear her talk of this. “Well, she brought me here, when I was a baby, and then she died in Telesmere.” said Aiya, and truthfully, that is all she had known. “Yes, and do you know who she was?” asked the woman. “No, I know nothing of her.” replied Aiya. “She was a beautiful woman, very brave and very kind.” said Johanna, who looked like she was searhing her memories. “You knew her?” said Aiya. “Yes, I was the one who took care of her the shot tme she was here, that is why I have been your guardian.” replied Johanna. “She told me everything about her, and you.” said Johanna, very slowly. Aiya was begining to get anxious. “And she told me of your father.” Aiya gasped aloud. “Yes, I know, I should have told you, but I swore never to tell you until you were old enough.” said Johanna apologetically. “I-but you-who was he? This is so overwhelming!” stammered Aiya. “Than maybe you should sit back, dear.” said Johanna kindly. Aiya’s eyes were wide, with fear, with antisipation, and with plain wonder. “Your father-” started Johanna. “Yes, please carry on!” cried Aiya. “Your father, was an elf.”said Johanna. Aiya said nothing. She did nothing. She plainly stared at the old woman. “Aiya, are you okay?” Johanna asked warily. “That-that makes me-” began Aiya. Johanna nodded. “Half-elven.” she said. “So the elves didn’t go to the city!” she said with sudden realization. Johanna smiled. “No. They reside somewhere in Earosia, but your mother, Saren, died before she told me where.” she said. “What was my father’s name?” asked Aiya, who was now, full of questions. “Celebre.” said Johanna solemnly. “So, why don’t I look like a half-elf? I don’t have pricked ears!” said Aiya, feeling her ears. “But you do look like a half-elf. Have you seen any other human with bright emerald eyes like yours? Or raven hair, no one has those amazing feautures. Your ears will begin to prick soon, within days. The half-elves, unlike the elves, would not get thier ears untill they were fourteen.” said Johanna. “So I will have pointed ears?” asked Aiya. Johanna nodded. “What about the-” Aiya stopped short. “Will I live forever, Johanna?” she asked softly. Johanna looked at her with passionate eyes, then slowly nodded. “Yes, but along with that comes the gracefullness and magic of the elves.” said the woman. “Magic? But how amI to learn magic? And what have these Rhohatar to do with me?” Aiya asked. “The rhohatar were used by the king to track down the elves. They can sense elvish blood from a mile away. They must have been lurking in the forest when Master Hort came out of the cliff wall door.” said Johanna. “What were they doing here?” asked Aiya. “Somehow, the king must know that there is another half-elf, and sent them to search for you.” Johanna said. “They are looking for me then. What am I to do?” cried Aiya. “There is one man in Telesmere that can help you.” Johanna said. “Who?” asked the girl. “Krian. He is a sword and loremaster. He knows more about the elves and swordplay than anyone in all of Telesmere.” Johanna said. “Where can I find him!“ asked Aiya. “He lives on the other side of the city. We will go and see him as soon as you feel better.” said she. ‘I am fine, I want to go see him now!” exclaimed Aiya. Johanna smiled. “Well, little one, if you feel up to it, we will go now.” said Johanna. So they gathered thier things and left for the house of Krian.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-03-2003, 09:39 PM   #12
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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The streets of Telesmere were busy, but drear. Nothing like this had ever threatened them. Aiya shuffled her feet, kicking a pebble in front of her. “So you knew all of this?” she asked. “Yes, and it was hard keeping it from you, but I knew I had to tell you now. Within a few days, your ears will begin to prick.” Johanna said. “how do I know I can trust this Krian guy?” asked Aiya suspisiously. “He is an old friend of mine, and a good man.” said Johanna. “Why haven’t I ever met him?” asked Aiya. “He doesn’t like children, or unwelcome visitors.” said Johanna. Aiya nodded. “So you expect him just to take me in and teach me all about the elves?” she asked. “He will take you.” Johanna said shortly. Aiya shrugged, “If you say so.”

They strode down the main road, but suddenly Johanna led her down an old alley. After they came to the end of the narrow alley, Johanna turned sharply right. The walls on either side of them were damp and gray, unlike the bright city. Johanna rapped sharply on a wooden door. After a long and greuling pause, the door creaked open. “Who are you?” asked a young man, through the thin space. Johanna and Aiya were surprised to hear the voice of a boy. “I am an old friend of Krian’s. I have something to show him.” said Johanna, holding her head in a high and demanding aire. “May I ask your name?” asked the man. “Johanna Tornik.” she said. The man nodded and shut the door. Soon an older man opened the door wide. “Johanna, what are you doing here?” he asked Johana, though he stared at Aiya. “I believe you know why I am here, Krian.” said Johanna coldly, though she was happy to see the old man again. Krian nodded. “Yes well, you may come in.” he said, letting the two in his parlour. It was a very humble home, full of bookshelves and desks riddled with old papers. He quickly cleared some parchments from two chairs. “Please, sit.” he gestured. Krian sat across from Johanna, in front of the fireplace. Krian’s eyes flashed from the old woman in the chair, to the girl standing behind her. “This is the girl.” he said finally. “Yes, Krian.” Johanna rolled her eyes. “Yes, well, little girl-” he began gruffly. “My name is Aiya, and you don’t have to talk about me like I’m not here, I know what I am.” she said straight forward. Krian nodded, “Of course, Aiya.” he said politely.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-03-2003, 09:42 PM   #13
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Aiya liked the old man, but it seemed that Johanna was surprised at his chivalry. “Johanna as most likely told you a lot of things. But, I doubt she has told you everything.” Krians said, glancing over at the old woman. “Your mother stayed in the care of Johanna for the short time she was here. She lived only three days after you were brought here. Saren’s wounds were not deep, but very deadly. We found a small dart in the back of her neck. It was feathered red, and poisoned with something we had never seen before. Johanna, being the herb mistress she is, had not even heard of it herself. I am learned in lore, all kinds of lore. Therefore I helped her, search the meaning of the poison and where it came from. It is called slithe poison, and can only be found in the toxic pools, which are extremely hard to find. The Rhohatar use this poison to kill thier enemies.’ Krian said. “So, my mother was killed by the Rhohatar?” asked Aiya. “Yes.” said Krian, lighting his pipe. “They must have known that you were different, and were searching for you.” he said after a long draught on the wooden pipe. “They killed Master Hort, because of me?” Aiya asked. Krian slowly nodded. “What am I supposed to do? I can’t go and fight the Rhohatar, and the people of Telesmere are no warriors!” she was begining to panic. Krian raised his hand. “No, the citizens of Telesmere are definately not warriors, but I can help you, if you let me speak!” he huffed. Aiya nodded, closing her mouth tight. “Now, you are half-elven, which means you can use the magic of the elves.” Krian said. Aiya’s eyes lit up, “Will you teach me?!” she asked excitedly. Krian lifted a hand, and scowled at the girl. “I can intruct you, though I can not perform magic myself. You are only half-elf, so it will be harder, but it is possible. I can only teach you simple things, knocking over a glass of water, picking a flower, raising sticks-””How will I be able to defeat my enimies with flowers?” Aiya interupted. “For now this is all I can teach you, untill you get your dragon.” This time, Krian stopped, for he knew a load of questions would come. “My dragon? Where is it? How will it help my magic? When do I get it?’ Aiya asked hastily. “The only dragon egg remaining is in a dungeon in King Zarfoth’s castle. It will help your magic because, dragons are also magical, and will make up for the human part of you, making you as powerful as the elves. And you will get it soon enough. Does this answer all your questions about dragons?” Krian said tiredly. Aiya shook her head. “Well, I am not going to answer any for the moment!” said Krian. “I am afraid I will not have enough time to train you properly, so I will have to take you with me to the elven city of, Von Scotia.” Krian said. “The elves? That is wonderful! This is amazing! But what about Johanna?” she asked. “Johanna will have to manage without you. But I am sure she will be kept safe.” said Krian kindly. “Lauri’s family will help me.” Johanna said to Aiya. Then it struck Aiya, “What about my friends?” she asked. “Johanna has told me about Lauri, and she seems trustworthy, you may tell her, but make sure she knows the urgency of your misson, don’t let this get outside her family.” said Krian. Aiya nodded. “So we are going to travel to Von Scotia by ourselves?” asked Aiya. “No, my son, Rhys will accompany us. He is seventeen, and a good boy. I have taught him swordplay, which I must also teach you.” said Krian, who then called for his son.

Rhys came through the back door, and laid some books on a cluttered shelf. “Rhys, this is Aiya.” said Krian. Rhys was the same young man who had opened the door for them. “Hello, Aiya.” he said with a smile, offereing his hand. She shook his hand, it was firm but warm. He flicked his light brown hair out of his eyes. “Now Aiya, you may go home, but I expect you to be here tomorrow, all your things packed.” said Krian, standing up. “Tomorrow?” asked Aiya. “Yes. Do you have a horse?” he asked. “No, sir.” Aiya replied. “You may ride one of mine. She is a worthy mare. and will bear you far.” he said, leading the two to the door. “Goodbye, Krian.” said Aiya. “Goodbye little Aiya.” he replied kindly. “It was good to see you again, Krian.” said Johanna. “And you.” replied Krian shortly. Johanna and Aiya stepped out of the door and back to the street. They slowly and silently made thier way back to the herb shoppe.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-03-2003, 09:44 PM   #14
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and so end chapter two of my story. it is still titleless though. for the moment I am calling it Half-Elven for obvious reasons, but if you can think of anythign better, feel free to tell me!


If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:15 PM   #15
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Chapter 3:Of Pointed Ears and Stick Swords

By the time Johanna and Aiya had reached their home, it was late and the moon’s silver light was the only thing that lit the streets. Aiya walked to the back of the shop, and fell on her bed. She was tired and her body ached for want of rest. But her mind was riddled with questions that would not let her body sleep. She lay awake for hours, thinking, wondering, and wanting. She was overwhelmed by everything she had learned, but she was excited. What with dragons, elves, sword fights, long journeys, her life was about to change! She also realized that this wasn’t a good thing, that her life was about to change. What about Johanna, and Lauri, and all her oher friends? So this is how she spent her last night in Telesmere. Her mind fighting with her body for control. Finally sleep took her, though it was an uneasy sleep, it was welcomed.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Johanna woke Aiya, who was sprawled out on the mattress. “Aiya, you slept in too late, we have to meet Krian!” said Johanna, who tried to drag the girl out of bed. Aiya grunted, “Nope.” is all she said. “Yes, Aiya, you have to get your things ready!” Johanna urged. Aiya yawn and streched her arms out. “I fell asleep two hours ago!” she complained. “And that is your own fault. Now, comb your hair and get dressed, we have to meet Krian at his house in an hour!” Johanna said, handing Aiya the comb. Aiya reluctantly slipped into her pants and tunic. She grabbed an olf bag and stuffed some clothes and a few personal belongings in. Aiya stumbled into the main shop, “Ready!” she said, holding her arms out. Johanna laughed, “Lovely hair, Aiya.” she said. Aiya rolled her eyes. Her black hair was kept in an untidy pony tail. “It will be fine, let’s go.” Johanna said, slipping her coat on. Aiya threw her pack on her back and she walked out of the herb shop for the last time. She knew she would miss her home, the smells of the stewed and dryed herbs and spices. A few scattered street lamps were lit, but the city was dark. The short journey seemed forever long to Aiya. It was chilly, but she felt nothing. Once they reached Krian’s home, Aiya was almost reluctant to knock on the old wooden door. Nevertheless, the door was opened by Rhys, who answered her groggy acknowledgement with a sweet smile. “Come in!” he said, opening the door wide. “Thank you, Rhys.” Aiya managed to reply. Aiya slumped down in a chair. “Tired, Aiya?” Rhys asked. She nodded, ‘I’m not used to getting up this early with a lack of sleep.” she said. Rhys laughed aloud, “You will have to get used to it!” he handed her a cup of tea. “Thanks.” she said, taking the cup gratefully. The tea was hot and felt good as it went down her throat. Krian walked into the room, “Good, you’re not late.” he said shortly. “No, but I am afraid te early is going to be the death of me!” said Aiya. Krian grunted, “Aiya, you are young! If this old man can get up before dawn, you can!” he scowled. Aiya smiled. “When do we leave?” she asked. “Now, if I can manage to get you are horse. Have you brought your things?” He asked. “Yes, I have. It’s not much, but I suppose it will suffice.” she said. “Let us go, then.” said Krian, shouldering his own pack. They all left the small house and stood in the narrow alley. Aiya embraced Johanna, wiping a tear from her face. “Take care of yourself! And don’t let anyone tell you who you are, Aiya Ailediel. Go and live your dreams.” Johanna said, tucking Aiya’s hair behind her ears. Suddenly, Johanna laughed. “What is it?” asked Aiya. Aiya’s hand flew to her ear. “Now, you look the part!” Johanna said. Aiya nodded, hugged her friend again, and left with Krian and Rhys to her future.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:22 PM   #16
Akamai Deredal
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*drools* More Pip! More! I want more story to read! *whines* This is unbearable! I hate it when you just leave me hanging... and the story's so goooooood! *grumbles* I'll just have to wait...
Shadows of a Midnight Rain All writers of any sort, are welcome to come and share their works.

Potius mori quam foedari...
Death before dishonour...
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:23 PM   #17
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Just half a mile away, was the stable where Krian’s horses were kept. He pushed open the door, which creaked loudly on it’s hinges. There were two long rows of stalls, with th occassional horse’s head poking through the openings. A man stood, shodding a black colt, who seemed rather annoyed by the whole thing. “Morna! I have come for the horses!” said Krian, trying to talk over the loud clanging of metal on metal. “What? What? Oh, yes, Krian what c’n I get fur yeh?” the man said, slurring every word. “I have come to take all my horses out of your stable.” said Krian. Morna seemed disturbed, “I hope, I havern’t offendered yeh, Mister Krian.” said Morna slowly. “No, nothing like that, I am leaving, and taking my horses with me.” said Krian, who was growing impatient. “Oh, well if that be der case!” said Morna happily. Morna led them down the long stable hall, kicking up sawdust wherever he happened to step. “Right here, s’r! This is yer stallion, and a beauty at that!” he said, taking a tall, brown horse ot of the stall. “An’, here is your mare.” Morna said, stepping out of the stall with a proud black horse. “An here is your little filly, I b’lieve that un’s that dam o’ this un.”He said pointing to the black mare. “Yes, Morna, she is.” Krian rolled his eyes at the stable keeper. “There yeh go! An’ here is ther’ saddles, and bridles.” Morna said, laying the tack on the floor. Krian and Rhys soon had the three horses saddled and they were on thier way. “Hope ter see yeh agin, Mister Krian1” called Morna, but Krian was out of earshot.

Aiya lauged, “That was interesting!” she said. Krian shook his head, “That man, Morna, can wear my nerves thin in a minute!” he said exasperatingly. “He is a good man though, and an old friend, but his jaw may prove him otherwise!” Krian said. “What are the names of these horses?” asked Aiya. “This stallion is, Triton.” said Krian patting the brown steed’s withers. “And this is my mare, Nilia, and she can out run any other horse in Telesmere, though there is barely a need for them.” said Rhys. “Your horse is called, Kea, and is Nilia’s filly. She is only three years old, so she may prove fiesty, but she is of good blood.” Rhys said, pointing to the grey horse that Aiya sat on. “One thing, I must give you before we leave Telesmere.” said Krian to Aiya. “Yes?” she asked. “A weapon. You have probably never had the need for one in the underground city, but you will learn to live by it.” said Krian, who then pulled a sword scabbard from behind him. The blade was metal, but had a blue hue to it. No jewels or jems studded the hilt. Small runes were littered all over the blade and handle. Aiya grasped it, it seemed to fit her hand well. The blade seemed extremely heavy and she soon had to drop the sword on her lap. “You will grow accustomed to the weight.” said Krian. “Does it have a name?” asked Aiya, who studied the blade. “Yes, it is called, Elohae.” said Krian. As he said the name, his voice changed, it seemed young and fluent. “I will teach you when we stop. It was my wish to instruct you before we left, but we have been pushed.” said he. Aiya nodded and sheathed her sword. “Thank you!” she said earnestly. Krian smiled, “It is my wish to see you use it one day, though I hope it will prove a good weapon.” He urged the horses on, and they made for the exit of the city.

It was begining to get lighter, and this lightened Aiya’s spirits. “How are we going to leave?” she suddenly asked. “There is a back exit, not known to many.” said Rhys. “From there we will make west, towards the western borders of the forest. We will probably make camp there, and then tomorrow we will venture out into the Earosian desert.” said Krian. “And then we will go to see the elves?” asked Aiya excitedly. Krian laughed. “We willl have to pass over the mountains of Gorgirath, and through the fertile valley of Eresmine. Then we will come to the elven city of Von Scotia.” said Krian. “How do you know where all this is?” asked Aiya. “I have a map, given to me, long ago.” he said. He then pulled out a map, and showed her where evrything was. There was a forest, in the south eastern side of the map. “That is the Forest of the Kandar, where you have grown up.” he pointed out. Clearly marked at the eastern side of the forest was Telesmere. In the north eastern corner was the empire. “That is the Empire of Earosia, ruled by the malicious King Zarfoth and his son, Silivryn.” said Krian solemnly. “The capital is San Lilead, and the two other cities, one north and one south, are Las Grecia and Mirronor. Las Grecia sits on the sea, and therefor controls all the imports in the empire. On the western side of the map was a long range of mountains, “Those are the Gorgirath Mountains. They are the highest peaks in all of Earosia. And extremely hard to pass.” Krian said.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:25 PM   #18
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They were soon on the outskirts of the great underground city. There was a small tunnel, barely enought room for a few men to walk abreast. Aiya had never noticed the tunnel before. They walked in single file, Krian in the lead, followed by Aiya, with Rhys bringing up the rear. They seemed to be walking forever, and the darkness of the tunnel was blinding and the silence was deafening. “How long is this tunnel?” Aiya asked. “about ten miles.” said Krian. Aiya sighed audibly. “We are nearly half of the way there.” he assured her. They rode for hours, Aiya could not judge how long. Finally, she saw light ahead. “Is that the end?” she asked hopefully. “Yes.” said Krian. The tunnel began to incline and they were soon out in the open. Aiya squinted her eyes, for they had been used to the dank darkness of the long tunnel. After they were adjusted, they stopped for lunch. “Where are we?” asked Aiya. Rhys pulled out the map. “We are right here.” he said, pointing at a spot far west of Telesmere. “Why couldn’t the Rhohatar just walk right into Telesmere using the tunnel?” asked Aiya. Krian laughed and pointed back to where the tunnel was. Aiya looked behind them, and nothing was there. “But, how did we-” she gaped at the empty clearing where the tunnel had been. “I don’t know all the wonders of the Kandar. It is just another trick, probably crafted by elves. You can use the tunnel to leave Telesmere, but not to get into it.” said Krian, who was unpacking thier meal. It consisted of dried meat, some fruit and bread, and water. Aiya wasn’t used to such a meager meal and was wanting some sugar fruit or candy by the end. She knew she would have to let go of these luxuries. “We have to get going.” said Krian. The packed thier things and mounted the horses. Aiya was amazed at what she saw, she had not been outside of the underground city since she was a baby. The trees were much taller, and there were so many birds and other animals. Rhys often had to tell her to hurry up, for she would stop to look at everything. “Aiya, if you continue like this, we will not reach the border by nightfall! Or even by tomorrow at noon!” Rhys laughed. “Oh, sorry.” Aiya said as she nudged Kea.

They rode through the thick forest swiftly, and soon reached the forest’s edge. The trees stopped, and Aiya looked out into the desert. It was as far as she could see, tan nothingness. “We have to cross that?” she asked despairingly. Krian nodded, “But for now, let’s see what I can teach you!” he dismounted Triton and tied his reins to a tree. Aiya did the same for Kea. Aiya unsheathed Elohae and eyed it. Krian laughed, “No, I am not going to give you your first lesson with a real blade!” he said. “Oh, good.” Aiya said relieved. She sheathed Elohae. Krian gave her a wide, and heavy stick. Aiya stared at it. “A stick?” she asked. “Yes, a stick, for now. Once you master the stick, you will be promoted.” Krian said, picking up a stick of his own. Aiya nodded, and they stood at a fighting stance. She struck first, going for his left shoulder. Her blow was quickly blocked and a counter attack came at her left shoulder. “Ow!” she exclaimed, staggering backwards. “Don’t leave yourself open!” Rhys called, for he was now sitting, watching the two spar. Aiya came at Krian again, three times her hits were blocked by the old man. She grasped her stick with two hands and struck him on the leg. Krian jumped back, “Very good! Again!” he said, throwing a blow to her hip. She blocked this, but suffered a hit to her right arm. They went on like this for an hour. Finally, Krian stopped the sword fight. “Good, you may rest now.” he said, sitting down on the damp ground. Aiya felt like she was falling apart. She had not done anything like that before in her life. Bruises covered her arms and legs. Krian rubbed his shin, the one place where he had been hit. He lit his pipe and stared into the fire. Aiya fell asleep swiftly to dreams of trees, birds and furry woodland creatures.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:26 PM   #19
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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and so ends the third chapter of Half-Elven, Of Pointed Ears and Stick swords. I hope you like it so far! It will be a couple days before I will have chapter four ready. Thanks for your support!


If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 11-08-2003, 04:23 AM   #20
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Chapter 4: Of Elves and Flight

Rhys woke Aiya early the next morning. Her whole body ached, and she was even more tired than she had been the last day. They ate a quick breakfast of bread and water. Rhys filled thier water skins in a stream before the started out into the massive desert. Aiya had never felt the blistering heat of the sun. Through the transparent ceiling of Telesmere, light was filtered through, along with some warmth, but this came directly from the face of the sun herself. They had to stop often to water the horses and themselves. “How far does this desert reach?” she asked when they stopped. “Miles and miles.” said Krian dryly. They didn’t speak often, maybe because they were tired, or maybe they plainly couldn’t because they had to save thier saliva. “How long will it be before we reach the mountains?” asked Aiya. “It will be a week before we get to the Gorgirath.” Krian replied. “How will we get over the mountains?” asked she. “The caves of the Mountain Faeries.” Krian said. “Faeries?” said Aiya suspiciously. “Yes. They do exist, though they might not be like the ones you were told about when you were a child.” Krian said. “Interesting little creatures. They were brought to Earosia by the elves.” He said, his voice cracking. Nothing more was said for a while. Aiya had many more questions, but Krian’s voice was audibly dying.

About four hours later, they stopped to give the horses a break. Aiya gave Kea some water and took a sip herself. She sat on the sand, staring out into the brown nothigness. Suddenly, she saw a black splotch in the distance. She thought it nothing at first, but when it didn’t go away she said something, “Krian, do you see something?” she said, pointing to the black spot. “Yes, it could be a trick of the sun. But we will go and check it out.” he said reluctantly. They stood and mouted the horses. The black thing was farther off than they had expected, but it was soon more visible. Suddenly Rhys cried out. “What is it?” asked Krian for his eyes weren’t as keen as his. Rhys rode ahead and stopped Nilia, leaping from her back. Aiya and Krian rode after him. There in the sand lay a woman, garbed in black. “Is she dead?” asked Krian. “No.” replied Rhys after he checked her pulse. The woman was extremely beautiful. Her hair was in long golden locks, that fell about her face. Rhys picked her up gently, and put her on Nilia’s back. He hopped on the rear of the mare. Krian studied the woman’s face. He softly pulled the hair around her ears back, to reveal them tapered and pricked. Aiya gasped, “An elf?” she said quietly. Krian nodded, “Is as I thought. I knew she couldn’t be human, there was something about her.” he said under his breath. “What is she doing here? On the east side of the mountains, and in the desert no less!” Aiya said. “I don’t know, but we have to get her back to her people as soon as possible. For now, I think I have something that might keep her alive.” said Krian, rubbing some red cream onto her head. “What is that?” asked Aiya. “It is ointment that will help fight heat stroke.” said Krian, mounting Triton. Aiya climbed into Kea’s saddle and they pushed further into the desert.

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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