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Old 11-27-2000, 12:36 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Bush Wins.

:rollin: :rollin:

PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
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Old 11-27-2000, 12:43 AM   #2
Grand Admiral Reese
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Re: BUSH WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, someone had to win. Too bad it was the moron rather than the liar.
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Old 11-27-2000, 04:17 AM   #3
Keyser Soze reborn
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Re: BUSH WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I'm glad BUsh won, but I really didn't like either of them.
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Old 11-27-2000, 05:27 PM   #4
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Re: BUSH WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old 11-27-2000, 05:28 PM   #5
Posts: n/a
Re: BUSH WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree. This has gone on for long enough. But the sad part is it still isn't "over". And Gore needs to take the high road instead of dragging this country through muck. Dead people were voting in 1960 and Richard Nixon conceeded the election instead of submitting the country to this chaos.
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Old 11-27-2000, 08:46 PM   #6
captain Tarpols
Posts: n/a
Re: Florida certifies Bush as the winner.

sorry, but i had to edit the title...... Bush DID NOT WIN. It's not over!!! You'll thank me later for editing it when Gore wins. That way you won't be embarrased The new title i put in is hte only true statement yet in this thread.
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Old 11-27-2000, 09:05 PM   #7
Posts: n/a
Re: Florida certifies Bush as the winner.

Go Tarps!!!
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Old 11-27-2000, 10:26 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
Re: Florida certifies Bush as the winner.

Changing the name of this thread is a clear example of why an Establishmentarian should NOT have been elected President of the Entmoot.

Talk about an abuse of power!


Maybe I should contest the Entmoot Election!

Maybe I should demand a recount!

I'm sure some of the folk who INTENDED to vote for me were CONFUSED by the changing standards for voting and by the changing rules of the election.

Question: Will HOBBIT a.k.a. CAPTAIN TARPOLIS change the name of this thread back when Al Gore has become a footnote in history?
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Old 11-27-2000, 10:30 PM   #9
Posts: n/a
Re: Florida certifies Bush as the winner.

What was the original title?

Anyway, Bush is not the winner. Just because his partisan co-chair in Florida decided to reject Palm Beach County's votes and arbitrarily declare her buddy W the winner means nothing. Gore actually got more votes in Florida. If they would only count them correctly, Gore would come out ahead. Gore has every right to contest it because there were irregularities and if the votes are counted fairly and accurately (that means a manual recount in Miami Dade) he will be the victor.
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Old 11-27-2000, 10:51 PM   #10
Posts: n/a
Re: Florida certifies Bush as the winner.

The original title was "BUSH WON!!!!!!!"

Isn't every vote supposed to count? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the West Palm County recount not finish? I think this should go on as long as neccessary.
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Old 11-27-2000, 11:09 PM   #11
Posts: n/a
BUSH WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Captain Tarpols, you cracked bag of putrid lizard barf! I suppose the impartial moderators were hired before you arrived, eh?

gdl96, it was your liberal Supreme Court which set the deadline for Sunday at 5:00 AM. They didn't meet it, and that's just tough beans. Gore will recount, recount, recount, recount, until he's manipulated the system enough to achieve a false victory.

Bmilder, who in the United States of America is not partial to one side or the other?

And yes, I am prepared for tar to delete this message since he loves "impartiality" so much.

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Old 11-27-2000, 11:23 PM   #12
captain Tarpols
Posts: n/a
Re: Florida certifies Bush as the winner.

Palm Beach county did finish. Except they finished to late! They finished about 2 hours after the deadline. 180 + for gore from PB. It would have been 500 something if PB counted dimpled chads like Broward did. Now lets not forget Miami-dade. They WERE intimidated to stop the re-count. But, before they stopped, they counted 150 + for gore (so thats 330 votes that Harris did NOT count). Now thats only what they already counted! Miami-dade would have added probably acouple hundred more for gore! Then with some other county, Nausa i think, there were about 200 gore absantee ballots NOT counted. ADD UP THOSE NUMBERS! Gore won, even without all the ballots counted! Thats not all, in Harris county, they did a second MACHINE recount and acouple more Gore votes were counted, and less for bush. So Harris county decided to submit the FIRST count (election day results) which had about 50 more bush votes that shouldn't have been counted! Add that all up you get 530! Which is enough for gore to have won, and thats not even with all the ballots counted.....add the 50 bush ballots from Harris county to gores total (because they shouldn't have counted, so i am subtracting it from his lead), and you get 580. Now , minus 537 (certification) from 580 and you get 43. Gore won by 43 votes!! Thats with Miami-dade not finishing their count, and i did not include other counties.....BUT, lets not forget Seminal county! They took over 5000 ballots (republican ballots) out of the "trash" and corrected them! thats ill-legal. Republican counties have looser standards then democratic counties. Minus 5000 from bush and and it to Gores margin of victory, and you have Gore winning by 5043 votes! GORE WON! but its still not over have a nice day, i appologize for the many spelling errors.
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Old 11-27-2000, 11:28 PM   #13
Posts: n/a
Re: Florida certifies Bush as the winner.

You go, Tarps!!!!
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Old 11-28-2000, 12:02 AM   #14
Posts: n/a
Re: BUSH WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who said moderators have to be impartial??

Gwaihir......don't flame anyone again please.

Tarps......don't change anyone else's subject heading unless it is vulgar or something.

That is all.
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Old 11-28-2000, 12:52 AM   #15
Posts: n/a
Re: Florida certifies Bush as the winner.

anduin... ever the voice of reason!

Now to get unreasonable all over Tarps! (Though I do forgive spelling errors

Palm Beach county did finish. Except they finished to late! They finished about 2 hours after the deadline. 180 + for gore from PB.

They did not meet the statutory or the judicial deadline. The reason you have deadlines of this nature is to prevent EXACTLY this sort of thing! Duh!

It would have been 500 something if PB counted dimpled chads like Broward did.

Absurd! You can't count a "dimple" as a vote. If I were Katherine Harris, not only would I use less makeup, but I would not have certified Broward County's hand recount. You cannot say with any certainty whatsoever that the voter intended to vote for anyone. Palm Beach at least looked at the rest of the card to see if other candidates received dimples as well. You could make a case there. A weak case, but acceptable.

Now lets not forget Miami-dade. They WERE intimidated to stop the re-count.

Says who? Not the Elections Board. In fact, the head of that board said that it was "a noisy, peaceful protest" which did NOT intimidate anyone. Not that they shouldn't have been intimidated. If I catch a burglar in my home, I hope to hell he is quite intimidated. I will return to this subject.

But, before they stopped, they counted 150 + for gore (so thats 330 votes that Harris did NOT count). Now thats only what they already counted! Miami-dade would have added probably acouple hundred more for gore!

They counted the Democrat precincts first and then stopped. Some of these were 90% Gore. Gore won the county by only 53%. The remaining REPUBLICAN AND CUBAN precincts would have washed out the votes he picked up in the partial hand count. Their decision to stop counting at that point, and go to a machine sort of undervotes, to be counted behind locked doors with no press or observers precipitated the angry protest. Democrats (other than Gore's thugs) say Gore might have gotten results similar to Palm Beach. Republicans claim it would have been a wash, with few votes either way. When the crowd AND THE MEDIA!!!! refused to quietly let this board cheat up votes for Gore behind closed doors, they knew the game was over and they quit. If anyone tells you anything else, they are spinning.

Then with some other county, Nausa i think, there were about 200 gore absantee ballots NOT counted.
If they weren't counted, and remained sealed in the envelope, then how does ANYONE know they were Gore votes? How about 1420 Absentees rejected throughout the entire state? Or do only Gore votes count?

Harris county decided to submit the FIRST count (election day results) which had about 50 more bush votes that shouldn't have been counted!

I think ALL of the counties should have gone back to the first tabulation. The recount was triggered because the margin of victgory was less than 0.5% But as the manufacturers of the machines have explained, the count will change everytime it is run because of the delicacy of the chads. Punch cards are a poor system. The test to see if Palm Beach or any other such area REALLY cares about the votes will be to see if they go to OPTICAL scanners.

BUT, lets not forget Seminal county! They took over 5000 ballots (republican ballots) out of the "trash" and corrected them! thats ill-legal.

In fact, the judge in the case in Seminole County was elected in precisely the same fashion. I admit it's a little irregular, but not illegal. That's why she's on the bench today. The precedent has already been set.

Republican counties have looser standards then democratic counties.

How can standards be looser than what we observed in Broward County?

In summation, every point you've raised is not only debatable, but is laughable.

It's over.

Get over it.

Try again in four years.

Bush is the certified winner. Gore is the certified looser.

If he is smart, he will concede in about an hour. Then, he gets to run in four years, and will likely have a Democratic Congress at his back. If he continues his infantile denial, he will go down in history as a petulant whining pedant. He will not be his party's nominee in four years.

I just hope George W. can beat Hillary!

I've got to give Gore his due. He outworked Bush in Florida, and he almost out-lawyered him. He carried half of the popular vote in the greatest nation on earth and that ain't bad!
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Old 11-28-2000, 01:42 AM   #16
Posts: n/a
Re: Florida certifies Bush as the winner.

First, I don't think that whoever wins the race has a chance of winning another term under normal circumstances. Of course, things might happen and the president might to something great to give them a shot at a second term.

BUT, lets not forget Seminal county! They took over 5000 ballots (republican ballots) out of the "trash" and corrected them! thats ill-le

In fact, the judge in the case in Seminole County was elected in precisely the same fashion. I admit it's a little irregular, but not illegal. That's why she's on the bench today. The precedent has already been set.[/i]

So? Does that make it right? How is that not illegal? You can't just "throw out" votes!
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Old 11-28-2000, 01:42 AM   #17
Posts: n/a
Re: Florida certifies Bush as the winner.

Why is everything on the page go out so far!! Its driving me nuts!!!!
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Old 11-28-2000, 02:13 AM   #18
Posts: n/a
Re: Florida certifies Bush as the winner.

Far out, gdl96?

I suppose Anduin would know more about partial moderating here than anyone here.

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Old 11-28-2000, 03:21 AM   #19
captain Tarpols
Posts: n/a
Re: Florida certifies Bush as the winner.

ok, sorry for changing the title. But it's not that big a difference. The original was "BUSH WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" That is not a true statement "Florida certifies Bush as the winner. " is much more accurate, and something we can all agree on....if you really care that much, i will change it back..
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Old 11-28-2000, 04:06 AM   #20
Johnny Lurker
Posts: n/a
Re: Florida certifies Bush as the winner.

bmilder: "Gore has every right to contest it"

It's like a football game in a lot of ways.

The refs may make some bad calls, but it came down to the ending whistle and Bush was up by a point at the end.

And if anyone has the sheer audacity to say that it's more important than a football game...


*wonders if today's a good day to get banned*

""BUSH WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" That is not a true statement "Florida certifies Bush as the winner. " is much more accurate, and something we can all agree on..."

The freedom to speak is the freedom to lie, bluff, bluster, twist the truth, spin-doctor, claim outrageous opinions as fact, etc., etc.

(As the Gore/Chretien campaigns demonstrate)

Oh, and to juntel/Shanamir Duntak... I sure hope you guys voted Bloc... they were the lesser of two evils.

(Edit: I forgot the s after "campaign". That's all I changed.)
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