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Old 09-12-2000, 06:55 PM   #1
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a

*Hi guys, feel free to join when you like. Characters can pop in and out at will, a lot of improv like Gil says. I think they're more fun that way.
If anyone's willing to be the bad guy, go for it!*

Rose Cotton looked out the round window, just in time to see another nearby tree going down. Things were a wreck, it had been five months since "Sharkey" moved in and somehow started making a mess of things. This was the last straw.
Her face flushing with anger, Rose threw down the towel she was drying dishes with and stormed out. Before she quite knew what she was doing, she was standing in front of a group of busy workers, bellowing at the top of her lungs. None of them seemed to notice her.

"Now you listen up. I'll have no more of this tree-cutting about our house. My parents are plumb fed up with it. You stop now and take your noise elsewhere." As angry as her face was, the few who noticed began to laugh. A sight she looked to, with sudsy, wet hands placed firmly on her hips, a face to make the most stubborn child listen, and her bellowing at the bunch of them.

Infuriated at their laughter, Rose picked up a good sized tree limb and began to pound on some of their equipment. Suddenly, they seemed to realize she was serious, and two jumped over immeadiatly to stop her.
Just as they reached her and grabbed for her weapon, she began to swing at them in her rage. Which can be quite dangerous if you can imagine. Between the two of them they finally managed to disarm her, and one of them tied her arms behind her.

The taller of the two put a blindfold on her, and began to lead her off down the road.
She heard his gravely voice from beyond her blindness, "Now, now missy. We can't be having that from you. I'll have to be taking you to see the Boss you, see? He'll make things alright."
They didn't walk far, which was why, she supposed, they needed a blindfold. Soon she felt them walking through the grass, they stopped, and she heard a strange creaking sound. Then she was pushed inside, her blindfold taken off, and the door shut. She was left in the dank darkness of her prison, the only light coming from a small hole in the roof, no larger than a small hobbit's fist.
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Old 09-13-2000, 02:10 AM   #2
Posts: n/a
Re: Hobbitton

*Hey Elbreth, looks like I will be joining another one of your RPG's if you don't mind. Now the only question is -- to be the bad guy, or not to be the bad guy. Anywho, you know me, same old g. Sauganast the Red is come again.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

The hobbits of Hobbiton had often seen a mysterious tall old man in a red cloak, who looked similar to sharky, long white beard, bushy eyebrows, flowing cloak, except he stood taller and "felt" younger, wandering around. He could often be seen talking to Sharky or even argueing with him, he seemed to be the only one not thrown in prison for disagreeing. Perhaps Sharky's men were afraid of him? The hobbits could never really tell and didn't see much of him.

Sauganast had travelled out to the country and had seen Rose Cotton's little esscapade. He had never really understood why Sharky had to have so many trees cut down and he quite agreed with this little hobbits protest for her trees to be not quite, for he himself enjoyed forests and loved trees.

So after he witnessed them throw her in the dungeon he began to plan to take a group of hobbits out of the shire to start a new little colony so they may live in peace. So that night while all the guards had fallen asleep he crept on top of the dungeon and wispered into the hole,

"Miss! Miss! Wake up!" the "old" man wispered harshely...
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Old 09-13-2000, 02:53 AM   #3
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: Hobbitton

Rose shook her head groggily. She didn't know when she had fallen asleep, but she knew she was terribly hungry. In fact, she hadn't had anything to eat since lunch. But there was no helping that, for there was nothing here but mud, and that wasn't so appetizing.
She then realized that she hadn't mearly woken up, something had awoken her.
"Wake up, come on!" She heard from somewhere above her. Looking up she saw that someone had crawled atop her prison, and was now speaking through the hole.
"Who's there?" She queried.
"No time for that now, I'm going to let you out."
"Why?" Rose asked, she wasn't all that bright sometimes.
"Because you're locked in and I thought you might like to come out now." Sauganast replied patronizingly.
"O!" Came the voice from inside, "How do I know I can trust you?" Rose asked, one of her more intelligent questions.
A short silence came from outside.
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Old 09-13-2000, 11:15 AM   #4
Shanamir Duntak
Posts: n/a
Introducing Shanamir

Shanamir has, as far as he remembers, always been living that way. This tall (5'11'') mas has grey eyes, long brown hair tied in a pony tail and is looking quite older (45) than he really his (37), years of privation aging him.

Shanamir is, as far as hobbits are concerned, just a shadow. They never really saw him, even if he's always there, looking for their back and protecting their little nice peace from strangers and wild beast. His ranger's skills and his dark green cloak makes him hard to detect to the ordinary eye.

When he saw Rose thrown into her prison, he tought he had to do something about it. But then he saw Sauganast, a wizard he knows from reputation and for having seen him quite a few time here in hobitton, trying something to free Rose

Shan thought to himself "I'm better to watch how they work out, maybe they'll need my help"

He then managed to get back in the shadows to eat a small part of his bread while keeping an eye on Sauganast (and Rose if he manages to free her)
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Old 09-14-2000, 02:38 AM   #5
Aara Hakey
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

A lone figure walked sadly among the downed trees. Her pace was slow as a funeral's march as she felt their pain. And yet through death, it made a path for new life. Her companion remained out of site, his hooves trodding silently in the soft earth. At first glance the animal would seem a simple white steed, yet Adeline knew what was really there.

She walked among the silent monoliths of the forest's destruction and frowned. "Surely mother nature wouldn't mind me tampering just a little" she said to Gasmire as she took some mud and caked it on the unnatural tools.

After applying the mud she then said a simple spell which incased it firmly to the earth. She then turned to her companion. "Maybe here we will have to stay, someone needs to protect the forest."
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Old 09-14-2000, 07:43 PM   #6
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

"Oh, alright," Agreed Rose. "You needen't tell me if you don't want to. How exactly do you propose to get me out?"
No reply came. This continuing silence puzzled Rose, but unbeknowest to her, Sauganast had ducked down behind the prison. He had spotted some guards nearby, who seemed to be setting up watch, and looked like they had no intention of leaving.
Rose sat down on the floor of her drab cell, preparing herself for another long, tedious wait.
She hadn't heard a sound, but another voice was heard from the hole above her.
"Rose, can you hear me?" The voice was deeper, more resonante than that of the wizard. Rose looked up, though she knew she wouldn't be able to see anything.
"Yes, who's this?"
"I'm called Shanamir, now listen close."
With that, the new voice described his escape plan for Rose.
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Old 09-14-2000, 11:38 PM   #7
Darth Tater
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

A small band of men made their way slowly into Hobbiton. Leading them was a man, dressed like the rest in ragged clothes and with a hairy face that scowled at everything. Yet this man held himself higher then the rest, obviously born a leader.
He had heard the news, heard that Sharky had been struck down here. True, he had never really liked the old villain, but when he was in power there was no one to stop rogues like this himself. So this man, along with some friends, had decided to come to Hobbiton to set things right.
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Old 09-15-2000, 03:19 AM   #8
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

Sauganast approached the guards, telling them to come with him, he needed some help with moving some trees. The guards were wary at first, but one look at the wizard and they decided to listen to him. This left it easy for shanamir to rescue Rose...
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Old 09-15-2000, 12:47 PM   #9
Shanamir Duntak
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

Are you in for a little trip to Bree? There we could find one of my friend who could help us set things straight with this Sharky... Just grab this rope

* Rose sees the end of a rope dangling before her eyes in the darkness*
* Rose, knowing it's the only escape way grabbed the rope*

Let's hide nearby while our little Wizard finishises talking with those grunts.

*They hide in a shadowy corner and wait for Sauganast as Shan knows he'll be willing to help them*
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Old 09-15-2000, 05:48 PM   #10
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

Rose stayed down, until Sauganast reappeared and Shanamir said it was alright to come out. In curiosity, she asked Sauganast, "Where did you take the guards?"
"O, I took care of them. They won't be bothering us for a while. So, what's the plan?"
"Bree," answered Shanamir, "we're just about iron out the details. We'll leave tonight." Shanamir's tone was one that Rose wasn't about to argue.
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Old 09-15-2000, 09:16 PM   #11
Darth Tater
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

Er, isn't Sharky dead? This is after Wormtongue killed him, right?
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Old 09-15-2000, 09:56 PM   #12
Shanamir Duntak
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

I don't want to be rude, but please Darth, Don't interfere if you're not playing, ok?

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Old 09-15-2000, 10:39 PM   #13
Shanamir Duntak
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

*They immediatly departed after that*
*They walked late at night and put many miles behind them, when they stopped the sun was beginning to rise*

* Rose woke up after 5 hours of disturbed sleeping. She then noticed Shanamir, who appeared as he had stayed up all night, smoking his pipe silently.*

"Good morning Rose"

"Did you stay up all night Shan??"

"Does it bother? Did you sleep well, THAT bothers..."

"No not really, I had that dream... I was... ... I don't want to talk about it now."

"Your choice little miss."

*After another hour, they woke Sauganast, ate some bread and hit the road again.*
*All went well untill near midnight*

"Shhhhh... get down!"
*Both Rose and Sauganast did what Shanamir said.*

After a while Shanamir said: "Oh no orcs!!!! And lots of 'em!"

Rose & Saug: "What???"

Rose: "Here in the Shire! Impossible!!!"

*Seconds after that, there were orcs everywhere.*
* Sauganast slayed almost twenty orcs with a giant fireball and and lightning bolts. He was soon outnumbered and knocked UNconscious.*
*Rose defended herself the best she could but she was not good with weapon, having almost never trained and was knocked UNconscious too*
*Shanamir tried to fight them but he stood not a chance as Sauganast and Rose were both UNconscious. An orc bigger than the others got behind him and knocked him UNconscious too*

*Hours later when Rose and Sauganast woke up they realised Shanamir was nowhere to be seen.*

Sauganastsaid: "Happily, there is no blood where Shanamir fought, so he must have been captured!!!!"


EDIT: Sorry in french unconscious translate "inconscient" so I made a mistake...
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Old 09-16-2000, 12:44 AM   #14
Darth Tater
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

Er, I am playing, I've already posted once for my character, I was pointing out an inconsistancy.

The band of men made their way to a nearby tavern, the Green Dragon. They walked in, pushing chairs and tables out of the way.
The leader of the group walked up to the bar.
"I'm Tater," he said in a gruff voice. "I'm here to take back what's ours."
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Old 09-16-2000, 02:27 AM   #15
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

Upon hearing this Tater fellow pipe up so rudely the Stout-Hearted Dwarf Anga Súle decides to have a word. He drains his ale and stands up abruptly "and what exactly are you taking back??" he challenged
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Old 09-16-2000, 03:30 AM   #16
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

At that, Sauganast just up and left, moving to fast for Rose to keep up, and she was left there yelling out to him. Then she heard man coming upon her, she had no where to go so she hid behind a tree.

And into the clearing walked four of sharky's men, they were studying the tracks that rose left and it took them no time to find her.

"Well Well Well, if it isn't our escape artist, sharky is gonna be pleased that we found you again." the ugly man said in a sinister voice.

When Rose tried to reply they hit her in the back of the head knocking her UNconscious (not inconscious). And brought her to a new cell, a darker, colder, and deeper one.
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Old 09-16-2000, 03:37 AM   #17
Aara Hakey
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

Adeline crouched close to the ground digging away at the soft earth with her small hands. In a pouch at her waist were some tiny magic seeds. She held some in her hand as she cast her spell and settled them into their beds. She heard voices afar off and as curious a creature she was, she kept her mind on her task.

She placed her hand over the dug up soil and a soft glow grew just under her palm. "As death comes upon all life, it makes way for new. So shall it be for you." she said quietly.

Almost instantly little green starts began to spring up from the ground.
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Old 09-16-2000, 01:42 PM   #18
Darth Tater
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

"This place should belong to men!" Tater shouted at the dwarf. "Not you little mistakes," he growled this insult at the dwarf, looking down on him with hatred in his eyes.
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Old 09-16-2000, 03:52 PM   #19
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

Tater in answer to your previous question I think Sharky is still alive (See Sauganausts post about Sharky's men)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

"Mistakes ehh?" Anga brought his hand slowly to the battle axe at his belt. He then looked over to the corner where at least 2 dozen of Sharkys men stood watching intently, hands on their own weapons. He would have to wait until they were outside. His hand lowered and Tater let out a boisterous (wow i butchered the spelling) laugh, while Anga Súle tried to keep his anger in check an uneasy silence consumed the tavern.
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Old 09-16-2000, 03:56 PM   #20
Shanamir Duntak
Posts: n/a
Re: Introducing Shanamir

* Shan woke up in a cold, dark cell. He was chained to the wall*

*It was too dark to see for Shan, but he still could see a huge shadow in the corner*

"Now I have some questions for you Eglianor..."

Shan replied :"What are you talking about? My name's Shanamir Duntak, son of Reagan Duntak!"

With a mock the shadow said "...And he doesn't even Knows"

*And with that the shadow started to laugh evilly*
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