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Old 12-15-2001, 03:47 PM   #1
samwise of the shire
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A story

Adrin put his hoe down in the field where he was working. He shaded his eyes with his hand. Unless he was mistaken men where walking toward him from the other end of the fieldd,not hobbits but men. Big folk and not from Bree, they were too tall and thin. He called out to them"Hoy you!What be you doing, walking across my freshly hoed field?!" he cried indignantly.One man called back"We are looking for an adventurer. Someone who will share with us the dangers and trials of a quest. DO you know of any such person here abouts?"
Adrin stared with dismay at the field where he had just hoed. It was ruined, a whole day's work down a rabbit hole just because some crazy big folk were looking for adventures."No sirs I dont know of a person who would share in adventure with you but I do know that if you dont clear off you'll get an adventure you wont like much" He hefted his hoe as proof....
Let's try this again. I'll try not to complicate the plot so much as the last one. Like before anyone is invited to participate, just keep the language and characters clean.
Thank you
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Old 12-15-2001, 05:36 PM   #2
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*I'm game. *

Duriel smiled. These hobbits, he thought, aren't the brightest folk, but they do come in handy at times. He half unsheathed his sword, showing it to Adrin.

"I wouldn't be so content onn trying to do battle with me. And before you charge me with some gardening tool, would you be so kind as to ask me what I've done wrong?"

*Hope you like my first post. It's a bit short, but, I can't concentrate much these days. I geuss maybe it's just because I don't know where this story is going to go.*

And they carried them to the flatlands
But they died along the way
And they built up with their bare hands
What we still can't do today.

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Old 12-16-2001, 02:04 PM   #3
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Sure i'll give it a try...........

As Duriel was ulling out his sword....... Archid stood up from lieing in the field...... "whats all the racket... I was tring to sleep" Archer said.... lokking vary disturbed...... I started to brush the grass off his clothes, and looked over at Adrin when he finish brushing the grass off his clothes......

As I looked over to the tall man...... "Hullo, And who might you be?? I'm Archid. Nice to meet you...." I said looking to make peace
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Old 12-16-2001, 02:05 PM   #4
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sorry i keep useing I.. I was Talking to some one and i didn't relize it... sorry
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Old 12-16-2001, 04:34 PM   #5
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Duriel turned to the newcomer and sheathed his sword. He bowed low.

"I am Duriel, Son of Durien, Ranger of the North. For now that is all you need to know about me. You wouldn't happen to know of any...adventurers...would you?"

Duriel glanced at Adrin, then back at Archid.

And they carried them to the flatlands
But they died along the way
And they built up with their bare hands
What we still can't do today.

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Old 12-16-2001, 04:35 PM   #6
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BTW, when does this take place? Before or after LotR? And where exactly is this story going?

And they carried them to the flatlands
But they died along the way
And they built up with their bare hands
What we still can't do today.

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Old 12-16-2001, 06:21 PM   #7
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Archid still looking at Duriel... "Yes I do know an adventurer, but if I told you who what would you do with this person.... what is the adventurer??" Archid said...
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Old 12-16-2001, 06:51 PM   #8
samwise of the shire
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I usually make my stories AFTER LOTR so that the characters have Frodo and Sam and all them as heroes. I like my characters(the characters I invent to be like me to some extent). Um I'm thinking of haveing them go on a quest for a lost sword, that was suppposedly forged in Gondolin and has been lost beneath the Misty Mountains.
Duriel looked down at the two hobbits. One had a pipe in his mouth, the other was glaring out at him from under a shock of curly golden brown hair" I am seeking TWO companions actually. To help me quest for a sword that was forged in Gondolin"at this name both Hobbits gasped. They had imagined many times they were warriors in Gondolin or on the Quest of the Ring"it belonged to my ancestor Marin capitan of the elf gaurd, but he went on a journey and never came back. They say the sword was lost in the region of the Misty Mountains."
"Well just because you're lookin' for companions in this sword quest does'nt mean you have to go on tramplin' my freshly hoed field. You should thank to goodness this field had'nt been planted or else I WOULD have chased you off with just my"gardenin' tool" as you call it. Whether you had a sword or no"Adrin replied rashley
Duriel drew his sword all the way as if to show the hobbit it's size, suddenly it swung in the young hobbits direction. Adrin gasped and ducked. As he did so his hoe swung out towards the Rangers shin, it hit with a satisfying WHACK (but it did not break the bone), then standing up the hobbit disarmed the man with a twist of his hoe. Standing on the blade he looked up to the mans face. Archid looked at his friend with wide eyes the size of saucers."W-where did you learn THAT bit of hoe work?"
Adrin knelt to examine the mans knee"nothins' broken sir, but don't mistake me for a slow moving Hobbit AGAIN. Come to my house for dinner. We can discuss the adventure over some good dinner." And turning the four turned from the field and made thier way to the little house affecionatly known by the hobbits in Buckland as Crickhollow.
Ps. Notice I said MEN. Two should be enough. Duriel and his companion.
Jesus is my all in all
People who are so concerned with escapism do have a name...we call them jailers.
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Old 12-16-2001, 07:33 PM   #9
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As the got to Adrin hosue... Also Archid lived right nextdoor.. "If your looking for To adventurers I Know that I will Help you I haev bin Knowen to be a good adventurer.." Archid said...
"Oh... Archid you think to highly of your self.... Now Mr.Duriel We will bothe help you in you adventurer.... Well once i know more about what is going on with the sword and everything else..... BUt knowing Archid he will do anythign..... Even When he no's he could die!!" Adrin said as he was looking for something to make...
"Ah.... Good to here that..... If you can help you will get a great reward.. But only if you can get the sword, and find out what happend" Duriel said rasin a glass.... (Of god knows what he thought to himself). "YE----" Archid was trying to say as Adrin interupid him saying "Yes i found it at last"
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Old 12-16-2001, 09:37 PM   #10
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*Ummm...you just disarmed a Ranger with a hoe. Think it's a bit wierd for a hobbit to be better at fighting than a Ranger? I'll let it go, but please don't do anything like that again.*

Duriel chuckled. These hobbits, such silly creatures. The one called Adrin was good with a weapon though. He didn't seem to express any interest in going to find the sword. The one called Archid seemed more than ready. They took after the legendary Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee.

And they carried them to the flatlands
But they died along the way
And they built up with their bare hands
What we still can't do today.

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Old 12-16-2001, 11:38 PM   #11
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Archid looked at Duriel "Whats so funny?" Archid said.... "Stop Makeing off that racket..." Adrin said loking at out a window talking to some young ones.
" Well How long tell I know if you'll help me getting the sword, and find out what hapend???" Duriel said looking like he really needed help. "I'm with you all the way" Archid said.... "Oh, Archid you don't no what you getting your self into!" Adrin said... "I"LL GET ME SELF INTO WHAT I WANT TO GET MY SELF INRO!" Archid yelled...All the sudden the room when quit....
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Old 12-17-2001, 03:40 PM   #12
samwise of the shire
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I wont

Adrin looked up from the cuboard where he was looking for a pot"Archid. We'll talk about this later. Right know we have guests to take" Archid nodded sulkily and sat down on a kitchen chair. Adrin offered chairs to the two men(who had to stoop slightly to keep thier heads from bumping on the ceiling)."Now that you are more comforatable I suggest you explain what this is all about."Suddenly an apple flew through the window and hit the far wall"Samwise TOOK! Peregrin Brandybuck!you clear off NOW"Adrin called out the window"or I'll call Old Man Willow for you."
Everything went quiet inside and out and the only sound was that of Adrin preparing his specialty(chicken with a mushroom sauce, wine,seed cakes,wheat bread,and a pie he had made that day). When dinner was on the table Duriel explained his quest."As I told you before you hit me with your hoe I am in search of my ancestors sword that is supposedly lost in the Misty Mountains along with him, and I need hearty companions" Adrin looke at Duriels companion who had not spoken"If I may break in a moment but what abou' him"he aksed pointing to the silent man"My Name is Aramir the son of Faramir the son of Denethor the last steward of Gondor. I am not Duriels companion I go on my own" Adrin nodded,"but what I dont understand is why do you want Hobbits?Why not men fullsized?"
The response to that simple question was unexpected"I have had companions who were supposedly faithful to me but instead stole all that I had while I was sleeping. I lived off the land until I met Aramir, and now our food sack is empty. We need faithful companions" Adrin shook his head"No not all Hobbits are faithful. Our Gaffers and Gammers tell stories of the last battle that was fought here in the Shire and how many Hobbits had deflected and become ruffians and fools. How can you be sure we would be faithful?"
Aramir leaned over the table "I know many things of men and hobbits. You're grandsire Meriadoc, has visited Ithillien and I know him to be steadfast companion.He has spoken of you and you as well Archid. You're cousins am I not right"
The two hobbits eyes widened and they nodded in unision. Duriel nodded and chuckled"Are you with us or no". The two hobbits fell to their knees and bowed before the Prince of Ithellien and the Ranger. Archid looked up and winked"Right then when do we leave for this jolly old adventure?"
"Tommorow at first dawns light"was the reply. That night from Archids room where he was staying in Crickhollow came the sound of singing"We must away ere break of day to seek a long forgotten sword"
ps. Sorry about the little hoe insadent Aragorn. I'm afraid I'm not doing your character very well. Sorry.
Jesus is my all in all
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Old 12-17-2001, 05:44 PM   #13
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When Archid was done singing he tryed to get some sleep. but the next morning... Archid was ready to go.... But still everyone was still asleep. Archid was standing by the front door. When Everyoen was up and ready to the meet up with Archid. None of 'em wanted something to eat.. When teh finnaly were ready the left off into the misty sky....... Archid then started to sing a song...."Now" Archid said as Adrin smaked him on the back of the head. Duriel then let a little giggle out..... As that Archid looked up at Duriel.....
Duriel then opend his mouth and was trying to say ".............................................
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Old 12-18-2001, 07:00 PM   #14
samwise of the shire
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Adrin smiled at his younger cousin, astride his pony trying to act like an adventurer, but he was not doing very well. He was bouncing about and jabbering away to Aramir who would reply in a grunt every once and again. Adrin rode up and smacked him in the head"I've got a plan. Howbout we set Archid infront of a party of orcs and have him talk their ears off?"
Duriel laughed and Archid turned at him and glared. "What is so funny HUMAN?" he asked indignatly"it's not everyday a young hobbit like me can go on a jolly old quest. I'm existed" Duriels smiled dropped"yes but a fit of excitment like you're goin' through would be enough to wake the orcs Killedin the epic story "The History of the War of the Ring" Duriel replied. Archid shut his mouth until lunch.
Jesus is my all in all
People who are so concerned with escapism do have a name...we call them jailers.
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Old 12-19-2001, 07:21 PM   #15
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Archid sat there eating good no's what... he would not say a work..... The others were talkng about something.... but he could not hear. Then all the sudden he got up and started to run..... Adrin, Duriel, Aramir all ran after him........ In the mist they saw what Archid was looking at.... It was a old man.... by the looks of it a human...... "Hullo" Archid yelled...... "Hello" the stange man yelled back... When Duriel, Aramir cought up they drew there swords.....
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Old 12-21-2001, 04:50 PM   #16
samwise of the shire
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About an hour later Duriel called a lunch break. The travelar sat on the ground while Adrin(the self appointed cook of the company)prepared scones,a salad and a rabbit he had cured with salt.They began talking,'So what does this sword of yours look like Duriel?" Adrin asked"I do not know but I do know this it was made of the same steel as that of Glamdring, Orcrist and Sting."At the word sting Adrin tightened the grip on his sword hilt which was of course Sting the legendary hobbit sword."So it glows when ever Orcs are near?"Archid called out from the little mound where he was sitting with Aramir. Suddenly it began raining. There had ben a thick blanket of clouds all day and it had been waiting to drench the land with big drops of rain. Archid huddled under a pine tree with the ponies. Suddenly he saw an old man making his way toward the group."Hlat who goes there"he called out.
Jesus is my all in all
People who are so concerned with escapism do have a name...we call them jailers.
~J.R.R Tolkien
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Old 12-27-2001, 07:23 PM   #17
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As Archid yelled out he could see the had of the man.... When all the people looked over to see what he was yelling about. They saw nothin at all... But when the walked over to Archid he was liesing the to them it looked like he was sleeping...... so they just left him alone and left back to the fire.. "Do not go any were past were you are now..." A voice said off in a distance
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