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Old 03-05-2012, 12:51 AM   #81
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Jen sighed. Of course bringing teenagers on a cruise would be a fiasco. Despite all her greatest hopes, they still acted 10 years old at dinner, which was formal. She glanced down the table to where they were entertaining themselves by trying to get their crystal water glasses to chime... successfully, to her dismay.

Another long half-hour and dinner was over. The waiter came and asked if he could get them anything else. A cup of cocoa and a bowl of ice cream. Typical. He smiled at them and she smiled too, realizing he was glad she'd brought the kids.

Subject: An exuberant puppy dog
In God I trust, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
Psalm 56:11

"Starbuck, what do you hear?"
"Nothin' but the rain, sir!"
"Then grab your gun and bring in the cat."

Make sure to check out the C.S. Lewis forum. Game threads, movie and book discussions and more!

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Old 03-05-2012, 03:38 AM   #82
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The border-terrier puppy Little Gerald was bundle of joy and whenever any of the family came by he followed them around jumping about and wagging his tail. When the rest of his pack sat down at dinner or to watch tv in the evening he rushed about energetically dropping his knotted rope toys pointedly onto the feet of the family member he particularly wanted to get up and play with him. Most of the time the mother was the target of this painful bid for attention and she didnt really appreciate the bruises which was the end result of this.

Next Subject: What the walrus said
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Old 03-05-2012, 06:47 AM   #83
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“Five minutes!” blurted Anderson. “Martens’ password started a timer. Five minutes and his laptop blows! We’ll never crack it in time – all our evidence is on that hard drive!

“Calm down, kid,” I replied. “Any password reminder?”

Anderson nodded. “Some help! I Am The Walrus (3,2,3).”

I’d pursued Martens for years. I knew all about him: his wordplay, his musical tastes…. I pushed Anderson aside and typed IMEasURE. The laptop logged: the timer stopped.

I am he as you are he,” I explained. “From the Beatles song.”

“The Beatles?” queried Anderson.

“You’ve got a LOT to learn, kid,” I sighed.

Next subject: the lost weekend
I'm beset by self-doubt

....or am I?
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Old 03-05-2012, 11:45 AM   #84
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Standing near the exit of the tunnel that had led them to this strange world, John Walker and his friends was totally flabbergasted. The sight that met them was incredible. The huge monsters which lumbered around in the clearing were DINOSAURS. The atmosphere was hot and humid, the group was soaked to the skin from sweat. The Lost Weekend Tour manager had been very mysterious about what the forty-eight hour excursion would entail and what they might find on the other side of the dark tunnel. John vaguely remembered his uncle telling him about an incredible journey he'd been on.

Next subject: The Composer

Last edited by Grey_Wolf : 03-11-2012 at 06:16 AM.
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Old 03-11-2012, 06:17 AM   #85
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Johan Sebastian Bach was in the throes of intense creativity. The pen flew along the lines of the musical sheet dotting them with an intricate pattern of notes, clefs and assorted musical symbols included in the complicated process of the very writing of a composition. His fingers wandered quickly over the keys of the piano. But, now and then, he stopped to make another grouping of symbols on the sheet. Bit after bit the new piece was completed and he played them a couple of times in order to be satisfied that the piece was up to his exacting standards.

Next Subject: The Goldsmith
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Old 03-20-2012, 05:58 AM   #86
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Afterwards, he poured his soul into his work. Piece after piece emerged from his workshop, each more delicate than the last, until it seemed they may float away if caught by the wind. Yet, once held they felt like what they were – finely crafted gold ware, reassuringly heavy in the hand. Some whispered of magic or demonic pact, but he cared not. On he worked, all the hours he could, though sometimes he could barely focus through the blur of tears. Ever he strove for that elusive piece that would capture how her blonde hair had shimmered in the breeze.

Next: a momentary lapse of reason
I'm beset by self-doubt

....or am I?
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Old 03-20-2012, 07:28 AM   #87
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The USS Dionysos was halfway through the 2-year journey to the Asteroid Belt. The crew went about their various jobs diligently and with utmost care. All procedures relating to the upkeep of the ship had been thoroughly gone through in pre-flight training. Astronaut Mike Turner was, though, about to do an unsceduled extra-vehicular activity to repair a malfunctioning electric motor. He went out through the rear airlock, clipped his safety-line onto the handrail and dragged himself to the site. The Martian moon Phobos floated beneath him and he suffered a momentary loss of reason from the awe of the sight.

Next subject: The post-jungle life of Mowgli.
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Old 03-22-2012, 01:17 PM   #88
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The office complex where the Indian Export Company were housed towered over the other buildings in the very centre of Dehli. Mowgli sat behind his desk in a corner office on the 5th floor. His secretary came in with the latest sales reports and put the papers down on his desk. He read them through and scowled - it was no happy reading. The third quarter showed a 10 percent drop. He would really have to take serious meassures to remedy the situation. A meeting was scheduled at 9am this morning. Where he would have to present an action plan.


The little group of children from the nearby pre-school gathered at the entrance and one of the teachers counted them off to make sure that they were all there and no one had strayed. This done they marched in in file under the watchful of both teachers. First stop was the seal's compound. The kids loved it and threw fish to them from buckets which stood by the wall to the place. Next came the bears, apes and giraffes. Particularly popular was the reptiles in their special tropical hothouse. After a long and thrilling day at the zoo they went home.


The preparations for the party was in the final stage. Glowing ceramic lamps and colourful textile lianas hung from the metal beams of the tents. Glittering patterns of glassbeads decorated the tables. Maids and manservants in glitzy, golden livery was laying the table. The plates, glasses and silverware were especially made for the occasion with Masterson Coat of Arms. To one side an open air kitchen had been set up in which all manner of delicacies was in the process of being readied. Mrs Janine Masterson and her daughter Cathryn kept a sharp eye on the procedures, sipping lemon fizzy-drinks.


Mr James McDonald was annoyed. He had come to the airport in plenty of time for his London-flight. It began at the check-in counter. The clerk behind the desk was apparently a complete novis and didnt quite know how to work the system. It demanded the intervention of a supervisor to get it right. Then the gate to the flight lounge took forever to get open due to a malfunctioning electric motor. This was fixed after about twenty minutes and he was let in for the exptected hourlong wait. The final, irritating draw, though, was that the plane was delayed.


The moonbase lay inside a small crater and even to a degree built into it. Tracks from moonbuggies led to and fro the entrance to the garage. Inside, in the commandroom James McIntyre sat at the screens keeping an eye on the men working the mining equipment in the Sea of Tranquility. Brilliant sunlight reflected off their white spacesuits and glittered in the gilded visors of their helmets. A ramp hand been dug into the side of another nearby crater. Huge excavation- and drilling vehicles drove up and down it. Wastepiles lay to the side which grew as work proceeded.


The inevitable happened and she won a million dollars at the roulette table. The stunned crowd standing around it just looked at the woman who had just scored big, wondering why they weren't that fortunate. Feeling lucky she went over to the Bacharat enclosure to see if Fate still favoured her. She sat down between a glamorously dressed woman and a sombre gentleman who seemed to have trouble getting the cards to go their way. The dealer slipped her two cards, which she cautiously lifted and looked at . They were an unbeatable five and four in colour. Another win!


Darkness lay deep under the trees. In a clearing near the south-west corner of the New Forest a group of scouts sat around a bonfire singing the traditional jamboree songs. A wildboar they had succeeded in catching, was slowly turned on a spit hung over the fire, by one of the scouts while another one was basting it with a bbq mixture. Bottles of pear cider was passed around adding to the jolly atmosphere of the gathered youths. As the fire became a mass of redish yellow coals the boar would soon be ready to be cut up and shared.


Pharao Akhenaten was sitting on his throne, contemplating life and the mysteries of being a living god. Servants bustled about in the huge throneroom carrying trays with drinks and various edibles. Court officials, sitting in the alcoves between the towering columns along the walls, was eagerly awaiting every newly issued order from their regent. Every now and then a visitor arrived for an audience with his majesty. Being selective in his favours, some were dismissed right away, while others he deemed that they warranted his full attention. Now it was time for a repast and his personal servant came forth.


Joan was on a two-week vacation to Provence. She'd worked hard on a major project for several months and felt that she needed some time off and peace of mind. She stayed temporarily at a small hotel in Lyon. She had been wandering along the Rhone Valley feeling totally at ease and relieved to have left the busy life of the office behind her for a few days. Later she moved to Arles, wandering the beautiful landscape of the Camargue where the Rhone is divided into two arms in a delta. Time passed and it was time to go home.


Tony Roberts was a daredevil of the highest order. He was card-carrying member of the Cumberland Falls Barreltumbler's Association. He and a couple of other members had gone to the Niagara for the World Championships. On site were teams from all over the world. The Victoria Falls Thunderers, Zimbabwe, the Powerscourters, Ireland, the Amsel Falls Saxons, Germany, the Diyaluma Falls Daredevils, Sri Lanka, the Ellenborough Falls Challengers, Australia and finally, the currents World Champions, the Cascade Falls Tumblers. On a banner above the entrance the motto for the Global WFBTA was seen, "You Only Live Once". "Ok, fellas, LET'S FALL!"


The auditions were finished and final casting done. All the sets were ready and the director sat in his chair focusing on the actors to make sure that they did their job and that the scenes were shot with a minimum of interuptions. The time had come. The clapper handler stood in front of the camera, the words "Take One - Scene One - the love scene" on it, and then withdrew. The director spoke the customary commands - "Lights! Camera - and Action! Roll'em!". The scene was played through without a hitch. Then... "Cut! Excellent! That's a wrap everybody!".

Last edited by Grey_Wolf : 06-02-2012 at 09:30 AM.
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Old 06-02-2012, 09:31 AM   #89
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The sun shone brightly from a brilliantly blue sky. Claude Martin was waiting on the south platform of Montbard Railway Station. The train from Paris would arrive at 2pm. It came in on time and Claude got onboard. Looking through the window at the beautiful mountain ranges and the sharply defined pinnacles sent a thrill through his body. Three hours later the train arrived at Lyon Part Dieu. He passed the time on the town until the next train would depart. The hour passed quickly and he went aboard to continue his trip. Ninety minutes later he arrived in Grenoble.


Sharon McCreedy came home from work after a week which had been taxing in the extreme and she was looking forward to a night on the town with her friends. She went into the bathroom and turned the faucet on. Soon the tub was full and she slipped down into the warm, scented and soothing water. When she felt ready she got out, dried herself off and went back into the bedroom to select the evening's apparel. That was quickly done and she then called a cab and went down to await it. "Thank god it's Friday!" she thought, relieved.


The clouds on the horizon had a foreboding look of a burgeoning storm. Old man Jackson and his two teenage sons, Mike and Steve, were getting their trawler, the Esmeralda, ready for the two day foray out in the cold reaches of the Northern Atlantic. His wife, Laureen, watched with some apprehension the darkening clouds, wishing that her husband and sons would stay home at least until the weather cleared. "I've been through worse, dear. Don't worry so much. We'll be back the day after tomorrow with a good catch." As they sailed off, she prayed for their safe return.
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Old 07-02-2012, 03:28 PM   #90
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As the two lovers walked hand-in-hand along the path mendering by the shore of the softly murmuring Seine. The light from the streetlamps reflected in the dark water of the river. Louise and Gerard had met for the first time two weeks ago and in some magical way felt that they were right for eachother. They had had a pleasant dinner on a riverboat in the early evening. The stars shimmered in the black sky like gems and their faint light fell on Louise's face as she turned and looked at Gerard. Their lips met in the sweetest of kisses.


Behind the heavy curtain the shadows lay deep. The calm that settled on the stage after that evening's performance and the actors and theatre personnel had gone home was almost palpable. A door at the back of the stage opened and two persons entered - one man and one woman. They went out onto the wide open space of the stage and spread out a Scottish tartan plaid. Jean lit two candles, placing them in the middle of the plaid. They then began to set out the various dishes from the wicker picnic-basket. Uncorking the wine, Richard poured two glasses.

Their hands met briefly as they lightly brought the glasses together. They looked at eachother and the feelings that had been hidden for so long was finally allowed full reign over them and their lips met in a passionate kiss. As they lay down on the tartan cloth they held eachother in a loving embrace. Making gentle love in the warm glow from the candles they both felt that this was right and that they had found in eachother a soulmate for life. Afterwords, they lay in a sweet embrace, kissing now and then. They were very much in love.


He was making the final touches to the settings of the machine. The project had taken quite some time to finish and he was pleased that the time had come for a testrun. Tiny blue, red and green diods shone faintly on control panel. He lightly touched a round control, turning it slowly until the display above it read 75 percent. He then flipped a couple switches and turned the wheel again. The machine was now at 100 percent capacity. Taking hold of the Activation lever he pulled it down. Generators hummed and a blinding light erupted from the arrays.


Tinker and Tailor were running wild on the lawn, tails wagging like mad. Soldier was lying in the shade under the old elmtree, looking at them and wondering where they got the energy for this rambunctious behaviour in the 100+ temperature. Spy was skulking about along the fence trying to keep out of the way of his sibling's flailling limbs and tails. The owners usually called them T'N'T because of their energetic manners. Food was being devoured at a prolific and very expensive rate and Soldier and Spy had to gulp their share down fast in order not to starv.
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Old 07-04-2012, 08:11 AM   #91
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He stood in his special cupboard charging his batteries. The day had been unusually hectic and he had had a lot of chores to do. The lawn had to mowed, the house vacuumed, the kids driven to their various activities. He felt in his very metal innards that he was a bit worn out - if a machine really could feel at all this way. He'd heard spoken of something the humans called dreams which they experienced during the period they slept. He wondered if he too would dream as he powered down that evening and what that would entail.


Mr Jackson was not the type to have any consideration for the consequences of his actions. He could say or do things that was not appropriate without thinking about hurting a person's feelings or insulting anyone. He was grossly disliked by his neigbours and most of relatives shunned his company. They would rather stay well clear of any contact with him. He was totally oblivious to the effect his behaviour had on people. He just forged ahead with a "damn the torpedoes" attitude. But, one day he met his match and got a well-deserved, long overdue retribution coming his way.


Mr Joe McDowell was in quandry. Totally at a loss how to remedy a situation spiraling out of hand. His sister and brother-in-law to be was having terrific row over the arrangements for the wedding and following party. They had different opinions on everything from the colour of the dresses of the bridesmaids to the cutlery and linen to be used for the dinner. Joe wondered how on Earth this marriage would ever work if the primary participants of the event could not get along. This looked like a case of Love's labour Lost, without any chance of being recovered.
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Old 07-28-2012, 08:21 AM   #92
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Leonard was sitting in his baby-chair by the dinner-table. For once he approved of the food that was served and accepted the spoons preferred by his mother. Minced meat and macaroni was one of his favourite dishes followed by strawberryjam with whipped cream which he found utterly scrumptious. He was put to bed an hour later and quickly fell asleep contentedly and dreamt whatever wonderful dreams that babies dream do. The next morning he was taken out on his daily pram-ride - his eyes agog with the impressions flooding his senses, finding new and exciting things to be fascinated by.


Peter Stuart was biking along the route he had been travelling for the past twenty-five years, diligently and reliably delivering mail and newspapers to the citizens of St George's Island, all hundred of them. He thought that life couldnt get any better as he stopped at the regularly placed mailboxes on the road, depositing the various letters, postcards and package-slips to the intended recipients. This particular day was unusually beautiful and the sun was shining from a clear blue sky, dotted with white, fluffy clouds which looked like cottonballs. That day's round done, he had his tea at George's Café.


Edward the Elephant was always in melancholy mood. He stood out among his relatives in a very visual way. In his youth he had played with one of his younger sibling, letting him swing from one of his long tusks. It broke clean off. Every attempt to glue it back in place was a failure. They even tried the pliant, sticky rubber from one of the nearby trees. But it simply would not stick to the jagged remnants of the break and they finally decided he was well rid of it and threw it away. But he mourned the loss.


The Chicken Gerald was always out exploring the countryside. He had found a hole in the net near an old elm tree that grew in the northern corner of the yard. During the early evenings when his family had retired he snuck out through it and out into the wide world. He'd often padded all the way to the road. He wondered what was on the other side of it. But he'd yet to summon up the courage to pass the great black expanse. The time had come. It was now or never. This was it. And off he went.

As she saw the unfortunate and all to recognisable stains on her clothes, Lady McBeth immediately decided that today was laundry day. Taking the now full laundry basket down to the laundrette in the cellar she carefully checked that no one was about who would - if by an unforeseen eventuality - see and question the strange splatter patterns on her blouse and skirt. She filled two machines - added the special and most effective Vanish detergent for extra obstinate stains and got them both started. Work done, she went upstairs and joined her husband and sighed. "All is well."
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