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Old 10-08-2009, 02:37 PM   #41
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Mmmmm..... tea with lemon!
" ...But the Exiles on the shores of the sea, if they turned towards the West in the desire of their hearts, spoke of Mar-nu-Falmar that was whelmed in the waves, Akallabêth the Downfallen, Atalantë in the Eldarin tongue."

"Ye who believe in affection that hopes, and endures, and is patient,
Ye who believe in the beauty and strength of woman's devotion,
List to the mournful tradition still sung by the pines of the forest ... "

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Evangeline

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Old 10-08-2009, 03:37 PM   #42
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This one of my absolute favourite swedish ballads.

För kärlekens skull – For the Sake of Love

Utanför fönstret slår våren ut………Outside the window spring has come
Marken blir grön igen…………....…….The ground is green again
Allt som var dött, väcks till liv,……..All that was dead, comes alive
det kan också vi…………………......….So do you and I.
Mm..Så länge vi andas…………....….Mmh…As long as we breath.

Ute till havs styr en fiskebåt……..….Out at the sea a fishing-boat sails.
Längs en fri horisont…………….....….Along a new horizon
Den gungar så tryggt in mot hamn...It makes for safety in port
som jag i din famn…………………........As I do in your arms
Mm.. Så länge vi älskar…………....…..Mmh… As long as we’re lovers

Det är för oss solen går opp……………..…..It is for us that the Sun do rise
Lyser som guld, för kärlekens skull………..Shining like gold, for the love we hold
Solen går upp, så oskuldsfull…………...……The sun do rise, so innocently
Lyser på oss för kärlekens skull………...……Shines upon us for the love we hold

Högt på ett berg står en katedral,…………..Up on a mountain there is a church
och pekar upp mot skyn……………….....……..Reaching for the sky.
Men det är för himlen i dig,………………....….But it is for the heaven in you,
och jorden i mig…………………...……………and the Earth in me.
Mm.. Vi älskar varandra……………………..Mmh - We love each other

Det är för oss solen går opp………………...It is for us that the Sun do rise
Lyser som guld, för kärlekens skull………...Shining like gold, for the love we hold
Solen går upp, så oskuldsfull……………….The Sun do rise, so innocently
Lyser på oss för kärlekens skull…………….Shines upon us for the love we hold

Mmmm... Mmh -

Lyser som guld, för kärlekens skull………...Shining like gold for the love we hold
Lyser på oss, för kärlekens skull……………Shines upon us for the love we hold


Last edited by Grey_Wolf : 10-08-2009 at 03:38 PM.
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Old 10-08-2009, 03:38 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Amanda View Post
It's been a while. Actually like a long while. It says I last visited on January 18, 2009. (Wow the time has really gone by rather quickly I must say) So I dropped by to say hello! My sis reminded me that the Teacup was still open for spamming, so in the tradition of the Teacup..... * Drinks virtual tea, eats virtual Cinnamon roll, sits on the virtual chair watching virtual stuff go by through the virtual window. *

For those with over 9,000 posts, your virtual extra bonus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvFsrlTe40Q

And for those like me with 18 posts.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A No offense intended to those with fewer than 18 posts, or those with fewer than 9,000!!! I needed to put this video link somewhere, and I laugh everytime I hear this tune!

It's great to see so many familiar * virtual * faces around here! It's good to be back! I'll try to return regularly. Sorry I haven't. I've had a lot of things to attend to, even during the summer. Right now I have had the time to say hi so I have! Yay!
"What is his power level?"

"About 9000!"


"Yes, nine thousand. Now let's feed the ducks at the lake."


"Yes, nine thousand ducks, you twit!"

9 hours later ....


"Yes .... ugh .... good bye cruel world." *The guy gets tired of the 9000 jokes and jumps off the Empire State Building.*

"Wow .... didn't think he'd do that. I didn't think he'd actually fall OVER NINE THOUSAND feet!"

Originally Posted by Mari View Post
Hi! Your sis has kept me appraised of your whereabouts etc. (Mwuhahaha, Big Brother is watching you! )

Would anyone care for a walk in the woods? My back is aching and it was suggested that staying on the move would be good for it.
I'd care for a walk in the woods, but at the moment I think I feel like I have a cold.

Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
Well if you don't return soon, the Teacup café guests will put a lot of pressure on Amael to make sure you do
Mandy gets forgetful, so I'll have to regularly remind her. Then again she is remarkably busy. All things considered, I guess her memory isn't too bad. If I were that busy, I'd be forgetting everything! When I forget things, it's like this ... go into a room and forget why I went in there. And the first two words that come into my head .... Alzheimer's Disease.
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Old 10-08-2009, 03:41 PM   #44
Elf Lord
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This is another of my favourite Swedish ballads.

Himlen är oskyldigt blå,..............................The Sky is innocent and blue
som ögon när barnen är små.......................As kid’s eyes when they’re - two
Att regndroppar faller som tårarna gör..........Raindrops are falling like your tears do
rår inte stjärnorna för..................................The stars cannot affect this you know
Älskling jag vet hur det känns,.....................Darling, I know how it feels
när broar till tryggheten bränns.....................When bridges to safety do burn.
Fast tiden har jagat oss in I en vrå,..............Though time has chased us into a nook
är himlen så oskyldigt blå...........................The sky still is innocent and blue.
När vi växte upp, lekte livet,.........................When we grew up – life was just a game
vi var evighetens hopp.................................We are eternity’s hope
Det var helt självklart att vår.........................It was evidently dear that
framtid skulle bli,........................................our future would be
oförbrukat fri............................................... untarnished and free
Somrar svepte fram,....................................Summers went by
jorden värmde våra fötter där vi sprang...........the earth was hot beneath our feet as we ran
Rågen gungade, och gräset växte grönt.........The rye fields were waving and the
.................................................. ................grass was so green
Hela livet var så skönt...................................My whole life was so good
Himlen är oskyldigt blå,................................The Sky is innocent and blue
som ögon när barnen är små.........................As kid’s eyes when they’re - two
Att regndroppar faller som tårarna gör,............Raindrops are falling like your tears do
det rår inte stjärnorna för..............................The stars cannot affect this you know
Älskling, jag vet hur det känns,....................Darling, I know how it feels
när broar till tryggheten bränns....................When bridges to safety do burn.
Fast tiden har jagat oss in I en vrå...............Though time has chased us into a nook
är himlen så oskyldigt blå...........................The sky still is innocent and blue.
Frusna på en strand,..................................Frozen on a beach
Flög vi med drakar medans.........................We played with kites
tiden flöt iland............................................W hile time flowed ashore
Vi var barn som ingen ondska kunde nå.......We were kids that no evil could reach
himlen var så blå........................................The sky was so blue
Nu tar molnen mark.......................................Now the clouds reach ground
Jag var förblindad av att solen sken så stark.... I was blinded by the sun’s bright light
Men mina ögon kommer alltid le mot dig..........But my eyes will always smile towards you
Kan det begäras mer av mig...........................Could more be asked of me
Himlen är oskyldigt blå,.................................The Sky is innocent and blue
djupaste hav likaså.......................................The deepest of oceans are too
Att regndroppar faller som tårarna gör,............Raindrops are falling like your tears do
det rår inte stjärnorna för...............................The stars cannot affect this you know
Älskling, jag vet hur det känns,......................Darling, I know how it feels
när broar till tryggheten bränns......................When bridges to safety do burn.
Fast tiden har jagat, oss in I en vrå................Though time has chased us into a nook
Är himlen så oskyldigt blå.............................The sky is so innocent and blue.

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Old 10-08-2009, 03:43 PM   #45
Elf Lord
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Here is the third one.

Vem tänder stjärnorna-----------------Who Lights the Stars

Det var evighetssekunder---------------The moments were eternal
tre korta andetag---------------------------Three very brief breaths
hela livet vände------------------------------My whole life turned around
vem valde--------------------------------------Who choose
inte jag------------------------------------------It wasnt me
jag hörde ord från mina läppar----------I heard words from your lips
som aldrig vilat i min mun----------------That couldnt be found in me
tankar aldrig tänkta-------------------------thoughts never pondered
som nya väggar i ett rum-----------------Like new walls in a room.

Som om vi alltid älskat--------------------As if we’ve always been lovers
sen min dagboks första blad------------Since the first word of my writ
men att jag får skriva ditt liv--------------And that I might write your life
bara tur------------------------------------------It was just luck
det var inget val-------------------------------Not a choice
och av alla dessa möten-------------------Of all these encounters
och allt som borde hänt--------------------And all that should have happened
hur sällan är jag orsak----------------------Rarely am I the reason
till att livet vänt---------------------------------That life has changed

Jag har ingen ödestro----------------------Have no faith in fate
den tanken ger ingen ro-------------------This thought gives no peace
men vem vänder vindarna-----------------Who turn the winds away
vem får mej att gå---------------------------Who asks me to go
dit jag aldrig gått-----------------------------Where Ive never gone
vem tänder stjärnorna---------------------Who lights the stars
som bara jag ser-------------------------Whom only I see
i dina ögon ..................................In your eyes
vem vänder vindarna.....................Who turn the winds away
och för mej dit.............................and takes me where
min tanke..................................my thought
aldrig nått...................................has never gone

Så många år som jag levt--------------------As many years that Ive been alive
med den jag ville va'----------------------------As the one I wanted to be
så många kvinnor som jag spelat---------As many women as Ive played
men aldrig gjort det bra------------------------But never did well
måste våga bara vara---------------------------Must dare to just be
med minnet av det barn------------------------With the memory of the child
som lät livet välja---------------------------------That let life chose and
och våga säga: "ja".----------------------------made it able to say: yes.

Jag har ingen ödestro----------------------Have no faith in fate
den tanken ger ingen ro-------------------This thought gives no peace
men vem vänder vindarna-----------------Who turn the winds away
vem får mej att gå---------------------------Who asks me to go
dit jag aldrig gått-----------------------------Where Ive never gone
vem tänder stjärnorna---------------------Who lights the stars
som bara jag ser-------------------------Whom only I see
i dina ögon ..................................In your eyes
vem vänder vindarna.....................Who turn the winds away
och för mej dit.............................and takes me where
min tanke..................................my thought
aldrig nått...................................has never gone

Vem tänder stjärnorna---------------Who lights the stars
som bara jag ser-----------------------Whom I only see
i dina ögon -------------------------------In your eyes
vem vänder vindarna------------------Who turn the winds away
vem får mej att gå---------------------Who asks me to go
dit jag aldrig gått-----------------------Where Ive never gone

Vem tänder stjärnorna----------------Who lights the stars
som bara jag ser-----------------------Whom I only see
i dina ögon -------------------------------In your eyes
vem vänder vindarna------------------Who turn the winds away
vem får mej att gå----------------------Who asks me to go
dit jag aldrig gått------------------------Where Ive never gone

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Old 10-08-2009, 04:42 PM   #46
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You've been busy GW I still listen to the first one regularly.

Eärniel, those cookies look like 'appelschuiten' only with the apple filling. Yum ^_^
*gets Earn a few pillows and blankies* You mustn't catch cold.

I miss Sane. Who else can I give a tummyrub? >_<
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Old 10-09-2009, 12:01 AM   #47
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indeed i have.
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Old 10-09-2009, 09:27 AM   #48
Noble Elf Lord
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Originally Posted by Mari View Post
Would anyone care for a walk in the woods? My back is aching and it was suggested that staying on the move would be good for it.
Me! Me! Pick me! I'm here, on the other side of the cafe! Me!
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Old 10-09-2009, 11:04 AM   #49
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What, nine thousand?!

(yes, I know it's belated. I don't care. I used to love that show. )

Anyone who still hasn't seen TV Tropes needs to. Except if you don't need a new site to waste lots of time reading, of course.
Vanima i metta nauva, nan anda ar sarda nauva i mallë.

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Old 10-09-2009, 03:34 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Mari View Post
Eärniel, those cookies look like 'appelschuiten' only with the apple filling. Yum ^_^
*gets Earn a few pillows and blankies* You mustn't catch cold.
I'm not familiar with the name, but I must admit to me most cookies are 'cookies!' and further determination isn't always necessary. Thanks for the pillows and blankies! So comfy... *snuggles in warm blanket*

I miss Sane. Who else can I give a tummyrub? >_<
And where did Sis go?

Originally Posted by Aikanáro View Post
Anyone who still hasn't seen TV Tropes needs to. Except if you don't need a new site to waste lots of time reading, of course.
No! Don't link to TVTropes!

Damnit woman! I've got things I need to be doin' tomorrow!
We are not things.
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Old 10-09-2009, 07:39 PM   #51
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*sneaks into the cafe and sits in her comfy chair snuggling Anictos*

I guess I'm gonna act like the ghost that I apparently am.
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 10-09-2009, 07:45 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Acalewia View Post
*sneaks into the cafe and sits in her comfy chair snuggling Anictos*

I guess I'm gonna act like the ghost that I apparently am.
Right now, I kinda feel much the same, as a ghost. In my case it would be a fitting title ....

Ahhhh. I need tea I think. *Picks up the cup of tea, finding that it has been laced with extremely-radioactive materials.*
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Old 10-10-2009, 02:38 PM   #53
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*is waiting for Amael to transform in Superwoman*
Sis has been busy lately. But yeah, she's been scarce too

*goes for a walk in the woods with Noble* My back is a bit better today
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Old 10-10-2009, 04:49 PM   #54
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Oh noes, I took a bit too much!! I am transforrrrrrming!!

Go go Power Rangers! We need some sorta zord power, now!!
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Old 10-10-2009, 09:27 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Amael View Post
Oh noes, I took a bit too much!! I am transforrrrrrming!!

Go go Power Rangers! We need some sorta zord power, now!!

HECK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old 10-10-2009, 11:24 PM   #56
trolls' bane
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Hello everyone! *waves*
What've I missed?
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Old 10-11-2009, 12:25 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Amael View Post
Oh noes, I took a bit too much!! I am transforrrrrrming!!

Go go Power Rangers! We need some sorta zord power, now!!
Originally Posted by trolls' bane View Post
Hello everyone! *waves*
What've I missed?
TB!!!!!! -happytackles- Where ya been?
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 10-12-2009, 09:54 AM   #58
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*scratches her head and is wondering why she has the boyfriend of her best friend's sister in her MSN-list and when that actually happened, while putting the kettle on for a nice cup of tea*
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...The Earth laughs in flowers ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Hamatreya"...
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Old 10-13-2009, 06:33 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Mari View Post
*goes for a walk in the woods with Noble* My back is a bit better today

(Since when have we had to send at least a 4-char. message? )
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Old 10-13-2009, 10:09 AM   #60
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Good heavens, I can use a cup of tea. I'm re-reading 'The Dwarves' by Markus Heitz because I borrowed part 2 from the library but I couldn't really remember everything that happened in the first part.
*prepares a plate with pepernoten coated in chocolate before getting herself a cup of tea and curling up near the fire with her book*
Love always, deeply and true
★ Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer. ★
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...The Earth laughs in flowers ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Hamatreya"...
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