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Old 06-16-2010, 03:45 PM   #21
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2-8 times a year, but by myself

3-Booze n fags! (and very very rarely, a joint!)


5-Only after said joint! lol!

6-Anything except what you hear in clubs (of any kind!) and yes, I do LISTEN to the music, most of the time.

7-really can't remember!

8-cool and laid back!

9-No idea, although pagans have their own beliefs about things, I've never been sure! I think we all get what we believe (in our deepest heart of hearts [subconciously]) we deserve!


11-Sci-fi/fantasy books. I don't watch TV apart from the news....and maybe the simpsons

12-Quite well, and any-one who says otherwise is dead meat!!!!

13-I'd say I have an average knowledge, maybe slightly more than the average bum tho!

14-Yes, I think! That is, I believe in the consciousness

15-Was atheist, now pagan.

16- Fave- Cat, any creature that can look at you in THAT way and still make you wanna feed it is, in my opinion, damned cunning!

16- Least Fave- Cat, any creature that can look at you in THAT way and still make you wanna feed it is, in my opinion, damned EVIL!

17-I don't get moved very easily, but the death of my grandad when I was 14 hit me very very hard. (I tried to join him!)

18-Kinda! I don't think it will be the end of the world, but I think we (humans) NEED something to kick us into gear!
Ash Nazg Durbatuluk, Ash Nazg Gimbatul,
Ash Nazg Thrakatuluk, Ag Burzum-ishi Krimpatul.

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Old 07-12-2010, 07:09 AM   #22
Noble Elf Lord
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1. What is your religious upbringing?

2. Do you currently attend worship services?

3. Do you use any drugs including alcohol and tobacco (not caffeine)

4. Are you superstitious?

5. Do you censor your thoughts or ever worry someone can "hear" them?
Not really. I'm more concerned about thinking out loud.

6. What kind of music do you like? Do you ever sit down and listen to music (i.e. not background music)
You asked for it :Metal, rock, pop, violindustrial, celtic, classic, lovesongs, and some weird stuff.

7. Describe your loss (or lack) of belief in the Easter bunny or Santa or Sinterklaas or anything similar that exists in your culture.
Easter Bunny is a story for me. Santa exists!

8. How is your relationship with your parents?
Not good. Leave it at that.

9. What do you want to happen when you die? An afterlife, or no? Details?
Nothing, just cease to exist.

10. Do any of the following apply to you: homosexual/bisexual/etc., pro-choice, participant in sex outside of marriage

11. What do you like to read, or watch on TV?
Fantasy. Simpsons.

12. How well you do deal with anger?
Pretty well.

13. How much do you know about world culture/history?
By heart, something.

14. Do you believe in a soul? If so, describe it.

15. How much have your religious views changed since you were very young? Have you converted to a different religion or to or from atheism/agnosticism?

MUCH. I've converted in a way, but I've never really believed in any deities and am now an atheist.

16. What is your favorite and least favorite animal and why?
: Wolf. Wild, mysterious, yet a very loving being.
: Every foul parasite.

17. What is the most moving thing that has ever happened to you that is not explicitly religious?
Can this be negative? When a romantic present was returned to me near Christmas unopened.

18. Will you be disappointed if nothing happens in 2012?
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Old 07-16-2010, 09:50 AM   #23
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What the hell, today is going slowly...

1. What is your religious upbringing?
Vaguely C of E
2. Do you currently attend worship services?
3. Do you use any drugs including alcohol and tobacco (not caffeine)
4. Are you superstitious?
5. Do you censor your thoughts or ever worry someone can "hear" them?
No, for there lays the path to delusional paranioa
6. What kind of music do you like? Do you ever sit down and listen to music (i.e. not background music)
A range, mostly rock of some variety or other
7. Describe your loss (or lack) of belief in the Easter bunny or Santa or Sinterklaas or anything similar that exists in your culture
Don't recall a key realisation. It just sort of happened. We never made a big deal out of Easter so the Easter Bunny question never arose. I told my kids it caught myxomotosis.
8. How is your relationship with your parents?
9. What do you want to happen when you die? An afterlife, or no? Details?
Doesn't much matter what I want. I'll be dead.
10. Do any of the following apply to you: homosexual/bisexual/etc., pro-choice, participant in sex outside of marriage
Happy to consider sex outside marriage (Scarlett Johansen, if you're reading this, message me, ok?)
11. What do you like to read, or watch on TV?
Factual books about stuff I know nothing about (just finished one about the Russian Civil War in Mongolia). Otherwise, stuff like Iain Banks. Or Tolkien of course! TV - best thing I've seen in recent years was "Life On Mars" (UK version, obviously).
12. How well you do deal with anger?
The less you piss me off the better you'll think I deal with it.
13. How much do you know about world culture/history?
More than most but not enough.
14. Do you believe in a soul? If so, describe it.
Yep. It's a large city, full of Koreans.
15. How much have your religious views changed since you were very young? Have you converted to a different religion or to or from atheism/agnosticism?
I gave religion a chance as a kid - even went to Sunday School of my own accord. Even as a 7 year old I saw through it pretty quickly, though.
16. What is your favorite and least favorite animal and why?
Can I have dinosaurs? I always liked triceratops. Don't like wasps. I mean what's the point? At least bees are useful, but wasps...?
17. What is the most moving thing that has ever happened to you that is not explicitly religious?
The last half hour of "It's a Wonderful Life"
18. Will you be disappointed if nothing happens in 2012?
Literally nothing? That will be disappointing as I was hoping to get to some Olympic events.
I'm beset by self-doubt

....or am I?
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Old 07-26-2010, 09:15 AM   #24
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Where the only known occupation is constant laughter
Posts: 52
1. What is your religious upbringing?
-- Jewish.

2. Do you currently attend worship services?
-- No.

3. Do you use any drugs including alcohol and tobacco (not caffeine)
-- No.

4. Are you superstitious?
-- Absolutely not!

5. Do you censor your thoughts or ever worry someone can "hear" them?
-- I have to admit, sometimes I do. Depends on where I'm at, really.

6. What kind of music do you like? Do you ever sit down and listen to music (i.e. not background music)
-- Like, anything, depending on the mood. To try and understand my taste in music is futile. I don't even understand it at times!

7. Describe your loss (or lack) of belief in the Easter bunny or Santa or Sinterklaas or anything similar that exists in your culture
-- I lost belief slowly. Faith was replaced by acceptance of the things me nor anyone else can control; and the ability to take a hold of the things I can control while being happy with the time I have. It isn't so much about the end, but the journey we take before we get there. I don't want the journey to end is all I know, but I know that it will one day. And once we're gone, we're gone. To me, that's what makes my time here so much more precious.

8. How is your relationship with your parents?
-- Excellent. They don't believe in anything anymore either. No seriously, my mom's great. My dad died when I was too young to know it. My stepdad..... yeah hmmph, haven't seen him in like 10 years! My new stepdad though, he's awesome.

9. What do you want to happen when you die? An afterlife, or no? Details?
-- Well, I would WANT for there to be a sort of necromantical (new word) reincarnation so that I could live again, to see how things turn out in the future, as I'm more than anything curious. But I would want to be with the people who made my life awesome -- the people I love to be around. However, I've accepted the likelihood that this is probably not going to be the case, so I digress. And who wants to live for a billion years after a billion years after a billion billion years over and over again? Imagine that!

10. Do any of the following apply to you: homosexual/bisexual/etc., pro-choice, participant in sex outside of marriage
-- It all depends, really. I don't have anything against any of the above. I've even had sort of lesbian-ish fantasies. I'm pro-choice because to me, I have a right to my choice to decide whether I'm pro-life or pro-dependent. Pro-dependent is the word I use, as 'dependent' means that the decision to have an abortion would depend on a great many very-important things. I'm not for having the mother or the baby (or the father) suffer because the baby has problems that are incompatible with anything approaching a "normal life". But I'm not all for somebody having an abortion just because they have no responsibility with how they... you know.

11. What do you like to read, or watch on TV?
-- I like to read just about anything, as long as there's no Engrish put into it. I detest idioms such as "LOLZ" in serious posts on the internet (although it is funny if it's not in a serious posting). But I've seen some pretty bad Engrish in books as well, and it always makes me stop reading for a few seconds, either to laugh or complain about it.
-- TV is sort of outdated for me. Reality TV is NOT my kind of entertainment. It ruined television for me. Plus, I'm usually way too busy to be watching something that's sending UV rays through my head... of course all things do that these days...

12. How well you do deal with anger?
-- If I have the right melody present, I deal with it fine. Otherwise, it usually turns to tears.

13. How much do you know about world culture/history?
-- Heh. It's one of the things I majored in. I should know a lot about it. But I don't know quite enough. That's a good thing, because there's always something new to read then! I like that! Knowing everything would make life dull! Dull, dull!!!

14. Do you believe in a soul? If so, describe it.
-- Nope. LOL

15. How much have your religious views changed since you were very young? Have you converted to a different religion or to or from atheism/agnosticism?
-- When I was young, now I'm talking younger than 4, I didn't know that there was any such thing as a God. Then for like 15 years, I believed. I was even a moderate conservative for a while. Now I'm just plain moderate in my political views.. but more on-topic, now I'm sort of an agnostic atheist. Culturally-Jewish, but absent of religion. You can ask me what I mean by agnostic atheist if you wish, but it all just boils down to this -- I don't know if there's really a God or not, but everything that I know indicates to me that there is not.

16. What is your favorite and least favorite animal and why?
-- The cat is my favorite animal. Cuddly and soft, and meows. Almost human, except for the meowing part. And they eat different food than we do. But they can be potty-trained!!!
-- The gnat is my least-favorite animal. Yes, a gnat is an insect, like a fly but smaller. But insects fall into the kingdom Animalia; thus the gnat is easily my least-favorite animal. Now that may change, like if, let's say, I have a bad run-in with a grizzly bear. And I'm not planning on that! Anyway, gnats get in your face, especially if you're sweating or something. Heck, they're attracted to the carbon dioxide we breathe, so the less you breathe, the less of them there should be, right?! The worst thing those 'creatures' do is buzz around the ears or eyes. I'd seriously like to just eat a bunch in front of all the others to show them that I mean business, but I wouldn't go and get myself sick just to make a point!

17. What is the most moving thing that has ever happened to you that is not explicitly religious?
-- LOL. Probably the time when I thought about my beliefs and where I really stand. In addition, meeting my fiance and getting to know him. Quite prolific events I must say.

18. Will you be disappointed if nothing happens in 2012?
-- No. There's nothing to be happy or disappointed about. Then again, it could all happen tomorrow (not if you're reading this post 2 days or more from now, of course). Or it could happen slowly, like a sort of build-up of heat-blocking green house effect, that would cripple the human race and most life on Earth by about 8,000 years from now. And it might not happen for a much longer time. Who knows?

Now I will be really surprised if something does start to happen that day, and we get massive magnetic storms, the Earth fissures open and demons come out, and all that stuff. That would be rather disappointing in a great many ways! I wanna live!!!
Yes yes, so what to write here! Well nobody looks at these things, and it's very unlikely that I'll produce anything that original. So I may as well write something either way since it doesn't matter!

La la, lalalalala! La la laaaaaaaa, lalalalalalaaaaaa!
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Old 07-26-2010, 12:50 PM   #25
The Gaffer
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I like this survey, it is a bit mental though.

Originally Posted by katya View Post
1. What is your religious upbringing?
Church of Scotland (Protestant, Presbyterian)

2. Do you currently attend worship services?

3. Do you use any drugs including alcohol and tobacco (not caffeine)
Yes please.

4. Are you superstitious?

5. Do you censor your thoughts or ever worry someone can "hear" them?
Hahahaha! You can get medication for that. But no.

6. What kind of music do you like? Do you ever sit down and listen to music (i.e. not background music)
You name it, really. Got a bit of a thing going for Florence & the Machine at the mo. Lungs is the album. Yum!

7. Describe your loss (or lack) of belief in the Easter bunny or Santa or Sinterklaas or anything similar that exists in your culture
Great question! I don't remember the moment (we had no Easter Bunny - FFS), but I do remember pretending that I still believed in Santa in order not to upset my parents.

8. How is your relationship with your parents?
Fine thanks. 35 miles away, about right. They are on the verge of needing much more physical support as they turn 80, so ask me again in 5 years!

9. What do you want to happen when you die? An afterlife, or no? Details?
I rather fancy some sort of scene a bit like the afterlife scene in The Meaning of Life, except in an opera house, where you have a private box for you and all your mates, an infinite supply of fine foods and wines, and the rest of eternity unfolds before you like a floor show. When you get bored, you can choose to dive back in, and get reincarnated.

10. Do any of the following apply to you: homosexual/bisexual/etc., pro-choice, participant in sex outside of marriage
Bizarre question. Put me down as a straight liberal, lapsed fornicator.

11. What do you like to read, or watch on TV?
Books and television programmes. Sorry. Newspapers, science journals and maybe a novel if I have time. Last one was Rant by Chuck Palahniuk. TV would be comedy, specifically Shooting Stars and Mitchell and Webb (BBC2 Tuesday nights at the mo). I get mailed a DVD every so often by some film club but as I get older I find fewer and fewer films that don't just piss me off.

12. How well you do deal with anger?
Depends whose. My own, pretty well. People know that I am angry but I don't go mental. With others' anger? Depends whose it is.

13. How much do you know about world culture/history?
Not as much as I'd like.

14. Do you believe in a soul? If so, describe it.
Yes; no.

15. How much have your religious views changed since you were very young? Have you converted to a different religion or to or from atheism/agnosticism?
Not much. Never really believed in it. I put it in the same category as Santa.

16. What is your favorite and least favorite animal and why?
Favourite = pigs. Intelligent, charismatic and delicious.
Least: dogs. Stupid, idiotic and highly likely to deposit some sort of fluid on your trousers from any number of orifices.

17. What is the most moving thing that has ever happened to you that is not explicitly religious?
Birth of my children.

18. Will you be disappointed if nothing happens in 2012?
I haven't seen the film so you'll have to explain that to me.
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Old 08-06-2010, 06:52 PM   #26
Elven Warrior
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1. What is your religious upbringing?
Roman Catholic

2. Do you currently attend worship services?

3. Do you use any drugs including alcohol and tobacco (not caffeine)
Red wine

4. Are you superstitious?

5. Do you censor your thoughts or ever worry someone can "hear" them?
I prefer not to answer

6. What kind of music do you like? Do you ever sit down and listen to music?
Whatever happens to be playing

7. Describe your loss (or lack) of belief in the Easter bunny or Santa or Sinterklaas or anything similar that exists in your culture
I don't remember things that happened that long ago

8. How is your relationship with your parents?
My dad: good; my mom: yeah...I don't see her on a regular basis.

9. What do you want to happen when you die? An afterlife, or no? Details?

10. Do any of the following apply to you: homosexual/bisexual/etc., pro-choice, participant in sex outside of marriage
I'm pro-choice, did swinging before, heterosexual

11. What do you like to read, or watch on TV?
Stuff on science, travel, space, physics, paleontology, history, politics; sci-fi doesn't appeal to me much as it once did

12. How well you do deal with anger?

13. How much do you know about world culture/history?
Not much anymore...

14. Do you believe in a soul? If so, describe it.

15. How much have your religious views changed since you were very young? Have you converted to a different religion or to or from atheism/agnosticism?
Roman Catholic -> Athiest, sometime early on

16. What is your favorite and least favorite animal and why?
Cats and dogs are my favorite - they're just so...common
My least favorite is the shark, if I happen to be in shark-infested waters

17. What is the most moving thing that has ever happened to you that is not explicitly religious?
Getting married, realizing that I'm not the worst person who's ever lived (although I question it sometimes)

18. Will you be disappointed if nothing happens in 2012?
No, because I'm not expecting anything to happen then. Yes, because I really think the Earth has been in the spotlight long enough...
I'm back. Everyone fear for their lives. Arrggghhh! Get to the choppa, it's Godzilla, fighting Indiana Jones, Copyright, uh-oh!
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Old 08-18-2010, 09:35 AM   #27
The Original Corruptor
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1. What is your religious upbringing?
Christian (Methodist).

2. Do you currently attend worship services?

3. Do you use any drugs including alcohol and tobacco (not caffeine)

4. Are you superstitious?

5. Do you censor your thoughts or ever worry someone can "hear" them?

6. What kind of music do you like? Do you ever sit down and listen to music (i.e. not background music)
Industrial, D&B, trance, a little of almost everything else.

7. Describe your loss (or lack) of belief in the Easter bunny or Santa or Sinterklaas or anything similar that exists in your culture
I never believed in these things, probably because those who spoke about them did not come across as sincere.

8. How is your relationship with your parents?

9. What do you want to happen when you die? An afterlife, or no? Details?
I would wish for an afterlife.

10. Do any of the following apply to you: homosexual/bisexual/etc., pro-choice, participant in sex outside of marriage
Participant in sex outside of marriage, pro-choice.

11. What do you like to read, or watch on TV?
I don't really read. I watch plenty TV, ranging from time-wasting sitcoms to sports, to exploitation films.

12. How well you do deal with anger?
Pretty well, I think. I handle my anger based on the consequences of its manifestation. If the consequence of my anger is without impact, I embrace it. If the repercussion is likely to have a major impact, I tone it down.

13. How much do you know about world culture/history?
Not enough.

14. Do you believe in a soul? If so, describe it.

15. How much have your religious views changed since you were very young? Have you converted to a different religion or to or from atheism/agnosticism?
My vague idea of a god has not stood the test of time against my growing need for definition in things supernatural. It is debatable whether I was ever a theist to begin with.

16. What is your favorite and least favorite animal and why?
Favorite: sloth, no idea why.

I don't have a least favorite animal.

17. What is the most moving thing that has ever happened to you that is not explicitly religious?
Falling in love/lust.

18. Will you be disappointed if nothing happens in 2012?
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Old 08-19-2010, 07:26 AM   #28
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1. What is your religious upbringing?
Lutheran. My parents aren't very religious, but still registered in church. My mum got a bit more religious when my sister died, but she's not talking about it or being very active in church. Here, we're also taught religion in school (Finland has a state religion, unfortunately). I went to Sunday school and sang in all choirs the church had to offer.

2. Do you currently attend worship services?
No; I signed out of church the day I turned 18. I'm an atheist.

3. Do you use any drugs including alcohol and tobacco (not caffeine)
I drink wine and beer occasionally, and I smoke waterpipe far too seldom.

4. Are you superstitious?
Absolutely not.

5. Do you censor your thoughts or ever worry someone can "hear" them?

6. What kind of music do you like? Do you ever sit down and listen to music (i.e. not background music)
All sorts of music.. From punk to folk to industrial rock and metal to classical music and jazz. And yes, sometimes I just sit down and listen to music without doing anything/much else. I need to do that to properly appreciate it.

7. Describe your loss (or lack) of belief in the Easter bunny or Santa or Sinterklaas or anything similar that exists in your culture
I don't remember it.. So it can't have been traumatic.

8. How is your relationship with your parents?
Pretty good. It's become more and more of a friendship with my dad over the years, whereas my mum has become more and more selfish over the years.. But it's still an ok relationship.

9. What do you want to happen when you die? An afterlife, or no? Details?
I want to be buried in a way that gives the decomposers as easy access as possible to the nutrients and trace elements in my body. In short, I want the elements that have already been recycled millions of times to be recycled again. That's the only afterlife I believe in.

10. Do any of the following apply to you: homosexual/bisexual/etc., pro-choice, participant in sex outside of marriage
Omnisexual? I believe that there are more genders than two, which is why I don't call myself bisexual, and I don't restrict my sexual or emotional attraction to only some of those.
I am pro-choice.
Sex before marriage, sure, and sex outside marriage if everyone's ok with it.

11. What do you like to read, or watch on TV?
Read: sci-fi, popular science, science text books, poetry, some history and politics.
Watch: sci-fi shows (like Doctor Who 8), nature and other documentaries.

12. How well you do deal with anger?
I tend to be able to stay quite calm, and I'm learning to stay more and more reasonable as well. And not to get angry. :P

13. How much do you know about world culture/history?
How do I quantify this? Far too little in my opinion, but apparently far more than the average western human being.

14. Do you believe in a soul? If so, describe it.

15. How much have your religious views changed since you were very young? Have you converted to a different religion or to or from atheism/agnosticism?
When I was young, I liked listening to the fairy tales they told us in school and sunday school. I did believe in some old guy who lived up in the clouds until I was about 6. After that I didn't think too much about it. When I became a teenager I started thinking about it again, and got more and more critical of it. Now I can analyse and think of religion as something that has developed in many societies, and has (had) a social function to control a population or a group of people. In short, I can stand outside and look in on it.

16. What is your favorite and least favorite animal and why?
Water bears (phylum Tardigrada). 8D They're extremely cool, they can survive radiation, temperatures, pressure and dehydration that would kill almost any other animal. And they're not that well known. And one of the research projects on them is called T.A.R.D.I.S. (Tardigrades In Space).
I don't have a least favourite animal.

17. What is the most moving thing that has ever happened to you that is not explicitly religious?
Watching my grandfather die.

18. Will you be disappointed if nothing happens in 2012?
Something happens every year. I will be very surprised (or dead) if nothing happens in 2012.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. "

- C. Sagan

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