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Old 12-11-2004, 10:28 AM   #1
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All-nighters and Other Academic War Stories

I'm sure a lot of university and high school students alike have found themselves in a similar situation...

I was in a difficult class with a lot of assignments. I did some of them, and I studied a bit for the exam, but then, the fight just went out of me. (I barely passed the exam incidentally, but pass it I did.) I just... stopped doing the work, even though I had six on-line quizzes, and two excercises remaining (one of which was huge, and in three parts).

I have a theory that your brain gets full of things that it doesn't want to be doing. In other words, you have an upper limit of assignments, studying etc. that you can worry about. Anything over this limit gets ignored. It's up to us as (hopefully good) students to raise this limit, until we get all our work done, and achieve brilliant grades!

What? Is that hysterical laughter I hear?

Anyway, at some point, everything becomes a reality. Even though I had been ignoring the sheer, massive amount of work I had, they were still due at noon on Thursday. Well, they became very, very real to me Wednesday night. I pulled an all-nighter to finish them, and I did finish, even though I did a piss poor job on some parts of the excercises. (The TA just emailed me and I still have to fix some things before the assignments count as a pass. *cries* It was still worth staying up all night though, because if I hadn't I never would have this chance to pass the course.)

After I stayed up all night, I went to class Thursday morning. I only fell asleep briefly, maybe 10 minutes. It was during a slideshow, which, though interesting, is a common time for students to snooze. Apparently, it's not normal for students to sleep in class here. I was surprised... you can expect someone to nod off in every other class at my Canadian university. Say... 1 in 300 students. More if it's exam time. However, I was woken up, and I stayed awake for the rest of the lecture.
Then I ate lunch, ran errands, and went to a traditional Swedish Christmas dinner (which was amazing). At the end of the night, I had stayed up for 41 hours straight, and I could barely function.

I pushed myself in every way. My body hurt from the strain of operating so long without rest. My mind... it was torture. For about 20 of those 41 hours, all I could think about was sleep. I wanted it so badly. When I finally collapsed into bed, I slept for 15 hours! I meant to get up and go to class, and I did try, but I shut off my alarm without really thinking and went into a deep sleep until early afternoon. That was Friday. Friday night, I couldn't sleep! I was so tired... and when I was staying up I wanted sleep more than anything. It was torture again to be denied what I wanted so badly. But I did it. I pulled it off. That is also the longest period of time I have gone without sleep.

But enough about me. Who else has pulled an all-nighter... written an essay in under and hour... dealing with a tough teacher... last minute homework... cramming... impossible classes...

There's also the flip side - the abuses we heap upon ourselves partying and having a good time.

The extremes students have gone to to succeed... told here!
"I can add some more, if you'd like it. Calling your Chief Names, Wishing to Punch his Pimply Face, and Thinking you Shirriffs look a lot of Tom-fools."
- Sam Gamgee, p. 340, Return of the King
Originally Posted by hectorberlioz
My next big step was in creating the “LotR Remake” thread, which, to put it lightly, catapulted me into fame.
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Old 12-11-2004, 11:58 AM   #2
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I agree! You should've seen me by the end of last year. I just stopped being able to make my self do homework. In math class, we did whole chapters in a week because they were easy. We were given the assignment on Monday, and were expected to turn it in on Thursday. Without exception, I did the assignments on Thursday Morning. And it was like that, all the time. What's more, we get a grade for just doing the assignment regardless of how well we do on it so there's really no excuse.
This year, though it's only December, I've already gone into that mode. I rarely do my math ever, and if I do it's either at lunch (I have math 5th hour) or in the morning before school. The other day I took a test on a chapter that I've done maybe 2 out of about 9 lessons. That's math. No motivation, at all. I just don't like doing it.
How about government? I had an essay on Thomas Jefferson a couple weeks ago. It was assigned about two weeks before it was due, and we were given a couple days in the library. This was supposed to be three pages long, with bibliography and citations. I did a minimal amount of research the night before the due date, and finished the report in two hours the morning of the due date. (I got 100% on it though and she said it was very good.^^) Also, we have to turn in political cartoons with a typed paragraph of explanation/interpretation, and it's every two weeks. Almost everytime, I have done it 5th hour of the day it's due. (I have government 6th hour.) I haven't been turning in my assignents either.
However, if you look at my physics or Japanese classes, I try really hard on all my homework, get everything done, and in Japanese I stay well ahead of the class. It all comes down to my motivation.
As for the real reason I don't do my homework, it's not because I'm lazy. It's because I have a sense of guilt for wasting time doing my homework. I feel like I should be doning something better....like 'mooting.... I'm serious. My time is very valuabe to me, and I don't want to waste it with something like math.
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Old 12-11-2004, 01:01 PM   #3
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We have seen this monster and we know it by its proper name.........

P_R_O_C_R_A_S_T_I_N_A_T_I_O_N !

Arise. thou laggards, shake off thy sloth and get thee busy...NOW!!!!
"Aslan is not a tame lion." CSL/LWW
"The new school [acts] as if it required...courage to say a blasphemy. There is only one thing that requires real courage to say, and that is a truism." GK Chesterton
"And there is always the danger of allowing people to suppose that our modern times are so wholly unlike any other times that the fundamental facts about man's nature have wholly changed with changing circumstances." Dorothy L. Sayers, 1 Sept. 1941
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Old 12-11-2004, 01:52 PM   #4
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"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."
~Mark Twain

Nurvs, I've been spending so much time here, I've practically stopped doing homework. Though... not completely.

I study for Japanese tests on the way to class. I write out answers for the oral section of the final at 2am, while still on Entmoot. I write out essays for my English class three hours before they're due (the funny thing is the longer I put it off, the better the grade I get... ).

My history class is at 8:30 every Tuesday and Thursday. Since we're at the end of the semester and we're allowed one unexcused absense (to my credit, I've never missed a class yet in any subject ), every morning I fight with myself to see whether or not I'm going to go...

Well... so far I've always gone. Only... 15 minutes late. One class left, maybe I'll miss that one.

My politics teacher gives us a ton of reading to do for every class, and has just begun to realise that nobody does it! I have to admit, I was one of the last people to stop. I always used to make some sort of effort to get the readings done before class, until I walked in and was like, "Wow. I just finished those readings 20 minutes ago," and everyone else looked at me strangely and said they hadn't even started...

And then I've got my English class, I have no idea how that teacher grades. She doesn't believe in giving A's. In fact, she doesn't believe in giving grades that make any sense at all. I've gotten B/B- which is somewhere between a B and a B-, but closer to a B. B-/B is closer to a B-. B+/A- is obviously somewhat more than a B+ but not as good as an A-. A-/B+ the opposite.

Okay. So maybe that makes sense. But on my last paper she gave me a B++. I'm thinking, "Okay, I have no idea whatsoever what this means. Is it more than B+/A-, or less? What would this translate to in numbers, an 88.24? Why couldn't she just give me a bloody A-?"

Well. That's my life.

I've only got two class days left... then I've got to catch up on all the work I haven't been doing...
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Old 12-11-2004, 03:22 PM   #5
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I always leave stuff for the last minute. I write essays the day they're due, I study for exams on the day. Never had to pull an all-nighter ... yet. It works for me though, I keep up my high grades even though I am a colossal procrastinator...
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Old 12-11-2004, 04:04 PM   #6
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I never leave stuff for the last minute. Why?

Because I have to use that minute to walk to class after finishing the assignment the minute before.

Physics here is the real murderer. The average physics student works straight from about 8:30 pm to 2 or 3 am the night before the problem sets are due, and some stay all night in the dining hall (which is where everyone studies). Chemistry has been known to do the same: my roommate, who is taking it (thank God, I am not) started working at 11 pm and ended at 6:30pm the next day. The assignment was due at 5pm that day, but his TA hadn't picked them up yet.

And I don't think I've spent more than an hour of actual writing on an essay yet.
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Old 12-11-2004, 04:12 PM   #7
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wow, lucky I havent got so far in the school yet. but I think it will be nastier next year, when I beggin on a new level in the system. sometimes I wait untli the last, but I never had any all-nighters. but I think I will have some in the next three years though
Don't Panic!
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Old 12-11-2004, 04:37 PM   #8
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I completely empathize with the sprit of this thread.

(whiny section below)

I have pulled many last hour final papers...for my humanities class in highschool, and this year, my first year of college, I thought I would change for the better.
Well, I'm better at some things, but my advisor (and instructor) convinced me to take an extra class that she said I would be able to handle, in addition to my writing intesive seminar on post world war II Germany. I'm supposed to write the main papers in German. She said that a few other people who also had little experience writing German papers would be taking this extra section. (I have 2 years of highschool German, and am taking Chinese, so there is no reason for me to be taking this class....but, I'm a sucker.)
Well, these two other girls in the class have far more experience than I do, and when my instructor talks to us, I understand about one in every three words she says. I wrote my first paper, and got a good grade on it, But somehow, this class has become more and more dreadful. I haven't finished my second paper that I was supposed to turn in a while ago, and I'm having trouble with my thesis for my final.
The thing is, 'cause I talked to the other two girls about my difficulty with the class, it's not like they are really faring any better, and they have far more experience in German than I do. I just feel like my advisor lied to me. And I don't think she did it purposely, but she should have been able to separate her love for German from my need to take other classes.
This class is making me sick. Quite literally. I worry about it, and have so little motivation to do the homework. I do basically everything for my other classes, but this extra class has ruined both the writing intensive, and my love of German. I really love language, but it's going to be a while until I can bring myself to like speaking German again.

A good thing I've done this year is to actually start my papers ahead of time, and then goof off. Instead of planning it all in my head, and trying to write it at the last minute, I write it as it come out of my head, and then edit it at the last minute. Also, since I'm leaving early for break, I'm forced to finish my papers early, and get them turned in on time.
Another thing I do instead of staying up late to finish homework (which I do from time to time..) is to go to bed early and wkae up extra early to finish really easy stuff when I'm exhausted. So far, it's worked out pretty well. Also, the coffee is my friend. but...it makes my *really* bouncy!
Mmmm...my roommate though, does pull all-nighters quite frequently...and forgets to turn her alarm clock off on when she wont be in the room... but, she has math and chem, while I have language, and music classes (hard in their own way, but work I really enjoy! )
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Old 12-11-2004, 05:52 PM   #9
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I think I'm physically unable to do all-nighters. I have never done them, but I've come close to them. But it's not worth it to me, were I to stay awake all night to study I'd be so far gone by the morning that I'd simply black-out on the exams. I need my sleep really badly. Otherwise I'm worthless, no matter how many hours I spent studying.

During an exams period two years ago I had three exams in 4 days, of which 2 exams came with 10 cm of coursebook and notes to learn each. I studied, reduced my sleep in the night to 4 hours and did the exams. Then I wanted to sleep long the next day but my sister had to wake me up at eight because she needed me to do something. I went to karate training in the afternoon, made tonnes of mistakes during it, and just started crying afterwards in the dressing room. I was just so utterly spend, so I went home and slept till six. I think that's the only time so far that I hit rock bottom.

I usually don't leave things to the last minute, but to the last week. I somehow always get there, sometimes just with the heels over the river but I almost made it. I always regret wasting my time, mind you. I just never learn to start on time, no matter how much I tell my self to.

Anyway, the next two weeks are going to be fun, oh yeah, totally. I have still loads of work and the exams start the week after that, while I had had zero time to study. Oooh, yeah... fun... pure fun...
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Old 12-12-2004, 10:53 PM   #10
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Acedemic war stories. Almost every schoolnight.

I will put off every assignment until late at night when my desperation finally outweighs my desire to watch TV. The new thing this year for me is to actually try though. So I work really hard even (or especially) after procrastinating. Over the summer I had to read a few books like always, but I had to do a creative project for them this year because the school was sick of plagarism in people's written reports. I put that off until two weeks before school, and then I did nothing else! I would wake up, maybe eat, and then color some stupid children's version of Animal Farm until I could no longer keep my own drool off of my work. Once that was done, I finished my second project in 24 hours straight. I got an A on both, and the teacher asked to keep one of my projects, but that was the most extreme acedamic battle I've been in.
I rarely blow assignments off, though. Except headlines for Current Events. I'm supposed to be doing two paragraphs each to three NY Times headlines weekly. Since it's so regular I consistently forget about it, and forget to factor that in when I try to figure out how much time I have to do homework on Sunday night. At least I try to apply that little bit of reason.

I go to a private, overly competitive shool, and so all-nighters are common to many people there. We have accelerated courses, where good grades are worth even more somehow than in remedial, basic, regular, or honors classes, and AP courses, college-level. Half of my own schedule is made up of these, but most people here are ridicuous. The current class leader had a seizure this year because she hadn't slept in so long. I'll never try that hard. I just prioritize. Mooting is more important sometimes.
Could it be that one path to enlightenment leads through insanity?
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Old 12-13-2004, 02:08 AM   #11
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I'm sure I've got a better story than this, but it's late right now and this is the best I can do.

I pulled out an A in a class at the 11th hour. Three people have made A's in that class in the last four years. I had an 87.13 before the final, which counted for 15% of our grade. I made a 93 on the test, but I had some bonus points, even though I wasn't sure how many. Final grade in the class: 89.77 which rounds up to a 90, which is in fact an A. I did a happy dance. All this after getting 5 1/2 hours of sleep the night before.
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Old 12-13-2004, 05:07 AM   #12
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Inked has hit the nail on the head, right enough. I think we all know deep down that if you get yourself into this situation then it's probably your own fault (unless you're a junior doctor, in which case prescribing deadly drugs after working 60 hours straight is part of your training).

But, as we all know, it's one thing to know that in your rational brain and it's quite another to do something about it in real life. I've been doing this ever since I was 18. I just procrastinated reading three papers and writing an article over the weekend and look, I'm procrastinating further now.

I reckon that procrastination is, ultimately, more efficient than doing it properly. On the rare occasions that I've sat down well in advance and thought about some deadline, I've spent much longer fannying about with different ideas etc. than I would if I'd left it till the last minute.

So, get used to it. Try to cultivate panic study skills. Groom your confidence in your ability to do it. Instead of berating your yourself, give yourself a pat on the back for "getting away with it".

The Gaffer accepts no responsibility for harm or loss incurred as a result of following his dodgy advice.
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Old 12-13-2004, 06:48 AM   #13
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I had a truly crappy 2nd Year and really struggled with the end of year exams. In a final panic I resorted to a final cram by swilling down way above the recommended dose of Pro-Plus with black coffee. I somehow got enough facts in and, more amazingly, got enough of them down on paper to scrape through. However with so much caffeine in my system I couldn't catch up on my sleep - I'd close my eyes but my brain was still racing round. I'd manage the odd catnap but it was fitful at best. Also as I came down from the caffeine high I felt physically terrible. 72 hours after I'd started the panic cramming I finally got some proper sleep.

Needless to say, the next year I revised steadily from Xmas to make sure I didn't need to do that again! All part of the learning experience, I suppose.
I'm beset by self-doubt

....or am I?

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Old 12-13-2004, 10:49 AM   #14
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Experentia docet! as those Romans used to say!
Carpe diem! use sunshine to make hay!
Latin is a dead language
As dead as it can be!
First it killed the Romans;
Now it's killing me!
...(replace with your subject of choice)...

This too shall pass, guys and gals, like gas or kidney stones!
Not a pleasant experience though.
"Aslan is not a tame lion." CSL/LWW
"The new school [acts] as if it required...courage to say a blasphemy. There is only one thing that requires real courage to say, and that is a truism." GK Chesterton
"And there is always the danger of allowing people to suppose that our modern times are so wholly unlike any other times that the fundamental facts about man's nature have wholly changed with changing circumstances." Dorothy L. Sayers, 1 Sept. 1941
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Old 12-13-2004, 11:14 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Khamûl
I'm sure I've got a better story than this, but it's late right now and this is the best I can do.

I pulled out an A in a class at the 11th hour. Three people have made A's in that class in the last four years. I had an 87.13 before the final, which counted for 15% of our grade. I made a 93 on the test, but I had some bonus points, even though I wasn't sure how many. Final grade in the class: 89.77 which rounds up to a 90, which is in fact an A. I did a happy dance. All this after getting 5 1/2 hours of sleep the night before.
Where did you go that a 90% is an A? That was a B in my high school, and the same in college. If you got below a 95 you had an A-.
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Old 12-13-2004, 11:22 AM   #16
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Went through college majoring in architecture...

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Old 12-13-2004, 12:03 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by inked
We have seen this monster and we know it by its proper name.........

P_R_O_C_R_A_S_T_I_N_A_T_I_O_N !

Arise. thou laggards, shake off thy sloth and get thee busy...NOW!!!!
Oh I got busy alright, see original post. Just kidding, I know what you mean. But many, many students will slip up, and the war stories ensue.

Now Inked, don't you have any stories for us? I have a hard time believing that you got two science degrees (in Biology IIRC) and went to medical school without pulling even one all-nighter! Cmon, fess up, no one will think less of you.
"I can add some more, if you'd like it. Calling your Chief Names, Wishing to Punch his Pimply Face, and Thinking you Shirriffs look a lot of Tom-fools."
- Sam Gamgee, p. 340, Return of the King
Originally Posted by hectorberlioz
My next big step was in creating the “LotR Remake” thread, which, to put it lightly, catapulted me into fame.
Originally Posted by Tessar
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Old 12-13-2004, 01:23 PM   #18
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Rally, Nurv, other than avoiding the T. rex and the Velociraptors on the way to class/labs/library/dorm/cafeteria during the day, while keeping an eye out for pterydactyls, I really don't remember many all nighters . Then again, maybe I LIE .

Back then, I learned that procrastination is the enemy. What becomes acceptable is not THIS IS THE BEST I CAN DO but the rather pathetic THIS IS THE BEST I CAN DO IN THE REMAINING TIME I HAVE.

Nowadays, I don't get to blame all-nighters on party life, study, or newlywed status. I can blame it all on other people's partying, studying sexuality in horizontal labs without contraception, and their nelywed status nine months ago.

Besides, the dinosaurs were kinda cool .
"Aslan is not a tame lion." CSL/LWW
"The new school [acts] as if it required...courage to say a blasphemy. There is only one thing that requires real courage to say, and that is a truism." GK Chesterton
"And there is always the danger of allowing people to suppose that our modern times are so wholly unlike any other times that the fundamental facts about man's nature have wholly changed with changing circumstances." Dorothy L. Sayers, 1 Sept. 1941
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Old 12-13-2004, 11:43 PM   #19
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Actually I agree with the Gaffer. What works best for me personally is to think for a few months about how I can make this project perfect. Then at the last minute reluctantly pick the best idea and get started on it, honing it to unexpected greatness as I continue working through it, surrendering all sleep that might prohibit my progress. I get As and Bs with that method.
Although it never works for studying. I don't study until the very class period in which the test is about to take place. (You thought you knew cramming! HA! ) For midterms and finals or something big like that, I save all useful papers from throughout the year to truly study from when I deem it necassary.

And my school needs me to get a 93+ for an A, and technically they don't give A+ but that's basically set at a 97+. Below 70 is failure, and each grade ranges about four points. I posted the grading system on my wall... for motivation...

Originally Posted by Valandil
Went through college majoring in architecture...

need I say more?
Not to me. When we went to pick up my brother from college a couple weeks ago (he's an archie), we called right as we left the house and by the time we got there he'd passed out. It's a 30 minute drive and he couldn't help himself! Took him forever to get over to the car.
Could it be that one path to enlightenment leads through insanity?
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Old 12-14-2004, 12:52 AM   #20
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Where I go, they don't tell us what's an A, B, etc beforehand. Makes more stress, I guess. They do assure us you don't need 90 to get an A (because they grade so hard the test averages are usually below 70). Gah.

Yesterday's story: we went out, got Starbucks doubleshots, did not go to sleep until the sun was coming up. Why? Hard Science. Bah.
Sufficient to have stood, yet free to fall.
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