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Old 01-31-2003, 03:44 PM   #1
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~Time goes on...~

let's see...this roleplay has no specific subject,it just starts at a certain moment(before the forming of the Fellowship of the Ring) and goes on until...I don't know what end(!)Just ask if you are interested and wish to join(but you already know that)
Timeline: T.A 2510
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Old 02-01-2003, 10:06 AM   #2
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The journey begins

I sat in my room,silent recalling the last day;There I stood,watching the ship set sail for the Undying Lands,Valinor.Night was falling swiftly and stars made their first appearance.A dead silence had spread around me and only the cry of a gull could be heard,for a single moment,slowly fading away.A soft breeze had picked up,my hair and dress were flowing in the wind.I stayed there,with my glance fixed on the ship until it faded into the mist.A voice I heard,calling me to return to Imladris.My horse snorted lightly as I turned him around.He pawed the ground for a brief second and then took the way home...At this my thoughts broke and standing up,I walked to my balcony.It was facing the waterfalls and beneath it the wonderful gardens of the house of Elrond.I stood there for a while,looking the waterfalls.Then as if thunder stroke me I ran down the stairs and entered the hall.I sought for my father and told him my decision of dwelling in Lorien for some time.He looked at me for a while and nodded once.I then went back to my room and after a while I came down.No longer was I wearing my long white dress,but travelling clothes and a silver-green cloack.I grasped my bow,which laid forgotten in a corner and made my way out.I headed to the stables where Narcalen waited for me.I mounted him and rode east.Now,Imladris was left behind and my journey to my second homeland began.

Last edited by Ithilwin : 02-02-2003 at 05:17 AM.
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Old 02-01-2003, 12:33 PM   #4
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This seems like a good story.
What is the plot though?
But your begging with the going to Lorien and the deppresing view of the ship leaving has lourd me in quite well. Count me in.

name: Sicirus(I have not used my name in a while)
race: Half elven.
gender: female
weapon: bow and small elven knife
bio: Is an orphone that posses as a prison guard in Morodr and sets free whoever is inprisond in Mordor. Is a spy to the good side recomended by Elrond. Acts like a dark elf and has lived in Mordor since the age of 450. Is now 500. Parents died and was taken in by Elrond as his own.
Pets: Grey wolf. And black horse;
Grey wolf helps with freeing the prisoners when needed. Is a very smart and sweet wolf.

ic: I paced the front of the dark halls watching the last of the rocs stalk away after thrwoing their latest catch of a human into a nearby cell. The cells were damp and unpleasent as a cell can get. The prisoners were hardly fed anything edible(sp) or at least good to eat. They were cold at night and extremely hot during the day. Some of the older prisoners were set to work helping the orcs make more orcs for their ever growing army of the hidious monsters.
50 years ago I was finally accepted(after years of begging and constant annoying Elrond) to become a spy in Mordor. I wanted to help in the war and not feel pathetic and left out as most maidens are when it came to war. I was woven dark cloths that would fit the darkest elfs personality and was sent of by on my horse beleg dear (mighty shadow) acomponied by my wolf swift paws, towards Mordor. But first I would stop in Lrien and Gonor for their report on the war and movement of the armies of orcs.
I looked at the new prisoner and found it to be a young boy from Gondor. He looked at me then attempted to get up but yelped when his knees gave way and he fell once more to the cold damp floor.
"I am not evil" i said to him entering the cell and tended to his leg.
He looked at me with fear then he relaxed when the pain in his leg left him and he felt better.
"I am going to help you escape." I said comfortingly.
But first I must write a letter to Gondor explaining that I am to use the tunnel again for your arrival. The boy nodded and rested his head on his chest.
I scribbled a quick note and called for Swift paws to take it. The wolf yawned and rose up unwillingly for his nap was cut shprt. He walked over noislessly and took the note in his mouth. I brought him over to the tunnels opening which was well hidden behind a weapon rack. I pushed the rack aside and shood the wolf through it. I watched as he disapeared into the bleak darkness and once more felt the loneliness I felt whenever he left my sight.
I gave the boy some Lembas that I got regularly from the elves of Lorien and he fell to sleep.
"I know less then half of you half as well as I should like. And I like less then half of you half as well as you deserve."
Bilbo Baggins
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Old 02-01-2003, 01:32 PM   #5
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(back,but only for a while )

The time of noon was drawing near and I continued my journey.I had left the plains behind,riding swiftly without rest to Lorien.There I could rest and think,away from memories,free fow a while.Thus was my thinking.My journey started a few moments ere sunrise and every minute passing I was closer to Caradhras,the Redhorn Pass.Now I was seeking a place to stop and thus rest myself and Narcalen.This place I found;tall trees were standing at the banks of a stream of crystal clear water,and were casting their shadow in much distance."Daro Narcalen" I spoke in a calm voice,when reaching the stream.The horse stopped,letting me dismount.I released Narcalen's reins,who stood there in search for grass.Myself found a seat by the stream and rested,leaning my back at a tree trunk.I laid my bow beside me and my hand moved to a sheath next to my quiver.Two long daggers rested there,well hidden.I grasped one and brought it forth,digging uneven shapes on the ground.

Last edited by Ithilwin : 02-05-2003 at 08:31 AM.
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Old 02-02-2003, 02:34 PM   #6
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ooc:I haven't thought of a specific plot.Let us continue and then we can see

I rested by the stream for a long while.The sun was starting her journey to the west when I decided that the time to continue my own journey to Lorien had come.I stood up,dusted off my cloack and put my dagger back to its sheath.Narcalen felt it was time to leave and turned his head upwards,still chewing some grass.He had rested enough and and thus came by me at my biding without delay.I leaned to the ground when I remembered my bow and grasped it in my left hand.Narcalen tossed his head and snorted when I came nigh him,eager to go on.I ran a hand through his black mane,shining in the sun and stroke him,smiling.He snorted happily once more and I mounted him.Pulling the reins firmly I turned him so to face the east and we started riding for one more time.
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Old 02-02-2003, 08:17 PM   #7
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ooc: I have no idea how our characters will meet. I can say I was give abreak from my job and was sent back to Lorien for awhile.

ooc: By the way I forgot to mention my characters discription.
Tall (as all elves) with dark hair, tan skinned for traveling to Morodr in the sun all day. Gray eyes.

ic: I watched the open tunnel like a hawk after two hours of Swift paws absence. Finally a faint glint of silver gray in the depth of the tunnel coming towards the faint light of the dungeon hall.
The wolf desended from the holl and I pushed the rack back in place. The wolf sat down and allowed me to take the note of him and give him a quick pat on the head. He stalked off to the small blanckette(sp) that he was on before and curled up into a tight ball and once more fell asleep. I read the note saying thankyou and send the boy off at anytime.
I appraoched the cell with the already standing and ready to go lad in it. I laughed at him for his enthusiasm and faith of knowing a good escape. I listend for any footfalls or voices before unlocking the cell door and helping the boy towards the rack. I moved the rack asside and gave the boy a torch. He thanked mewith a quick hug before making his way towards the tunnels depths and out of sight.
I smiled to myself fro another job done. I grabbed a piece of dried meat and gave it to Swift paws who accepted it gratefully and ate it in one bite. It was then that I noticed the seperate note attached to the wolf's furry neck. I pulled it lose trying not to wake him and unfolded it as quickly as possible. I rushed to the candle that barly ulluminated the dim hall and read the note which seemed to have been written out of pure joy and speed.
Dear Sicirus,
The one ring has been located and we wish to have your report in Gondor as soon as you can leave. If this is the last prisoner freed then your job is fufilled for the time bieng. This meeting should give you a brake from the poisond lands of Mordor. We wish for you to come by horse for the tunnel will be used for anther purpose. We expect your arrival soon.

I at once woke Swift Paws and packed what iteams had. I told the confused wolf of the news and he at once woke up fully and bounced up and down hitting the chairs and wall with his tail.
I went down to the stables and informed the other guards that I was to join the other soldiers in the destruction of the humands of Rohan. The wolf gave them his trademark hungry look and they asked no more questions. belegdaer on his neck and sped of towards the city of Gondor.

ooc: Sorry its soooo long.
"I know less then half of you half as well as I should like. And I like less then half of you half as well as you deserve."
Bilbo Baggins
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Old 02-04-2003, 03:54 PM   #8
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ooc:yes,our characters can meet in Lorien.I will be there and you can come later,having a break from your job.what do you think?

The sun had faded into the West,leaving a sweet colour of orange-red in the sky,that was later replaced by a steel,cold blue.Yet,the heavens were cloudless and clear and the stars appeared shining white upon us.
While riding I turned my glance upwards,looking at the night skies.A smile appeared on my face,when seeing the silver moon looming above.Yet,the night was cold.I wrapped my cloack more tight about me and speaking no word,I continued riding.Thus much hour was gone in silence,as no noise was to be heard except for an owl,hooting sorrowfully.
We had made it to Caradhras and the mountain did not seem so ferocious now.Narcalen neighed softly,as if feeling the presence of another being.I slowed his pace and scaned the area behind us.Then I heard the sound of mighty wings coming nigh and a hawk came into view.It flew twice in circles above us.I outstretched my arm and the hawk stopped dead,flying downwards in great speed.Narcalen snorted,but calmed down in a second.The falcon settled on my wrist and ruffled its feathers.I smiled lightly as its golden eyes peered into mine. "Le abdollen Gwairim" I said to the hawk,knowing he would follow me after leaving Imladris,for this hawk was Elladan's,my brother's but also loved me dearly and joined me to my journeys.Gwairim ruffled his feathers once more and looked to the ground.I spoke no more and bade Narcalen to ride forth,seeking shelter for the night.

Last edited by Ithilwin : 02-05-2003 at 08:37 AM.
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Old 02-04-2003, 04:03 PM   #9
Chieftain of The Order of The Blue Flame
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I'll join!

Name: Gablon. (Eveybody just calls him gabby)
Description: 2 feet tall, large feet and small body, Large pointed head(Kinda like the gnomes off Harry Potter. Wears a Big Red Jumper that reaches down to his knees, and a belt strapped around the middle so that it makes the bottom half of the jumper into a Kilt. He wears a Big Brown scarf around his neck. Has a Small Pick-Axe strapped to his back.
Personality: Get's extremely nervous when surrounded by Big Folk, when he get's nervous he Sweats and Re-arranges his scarf continuously. He is very jumpy and frightens easily. He is very clumsy and is known for causing 'accidental' destruction wherever he goes. Being so frightened all the time, his voice is now permanantely squeaky and when dangers is at hand his best move is to 'Duck And Cover'. He has been known to 'laugh in the face of Danger and then Hide until it goes away'. He may be a bit of a coward but his courage is Remarkable when he uses it. He is quite intelligent but not very wise.
Weapons: Being not very skilled with a sword, because his size let's him down, he uses his Pick-Axe to defend himself against anything that might harm him.
Visit http://nilore.suddenlaunch2.com
Gil- galad was an elven king.
Of him the harpers sadly sing:
the last whose realm was fair and free
between the mountains and the sea.

His sword was long, his lance was keen,
his shinig helm afar was seen;
the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.

But long ago he rode away,
and where he dwelleth none can say;
for into darkness fell his star
in mordor where the shadows are.

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Old 02-04-2003, 04:33 PM   #10
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I looked backwards and saw the sun setting. I was late! I scuttled forward through the dark trees. I was continuing running when I bumped straight into a Dark Man Hodded and Cloaked. I stood to attention saluting the man.

''Hello Sir!! I was just...Returning!'' I said nervously.

The Dark Man Looked down and nodded.
''I understand.'' Hus voice was soft and of a young person, although you could only see his eyes.
''I want you to take on another job. There are two people wandering through the lands...One comes from the GreyHavens and I think is an Elf...the other I do not know. I want you to follow them and find what they're up to. I am...Interested. Do not Fail!!'' He said sturnly.

''I won't Fail sir!! Oh no!! I won't fail!'' I said Re-Aranging my scarf.

''Good! Report as soon as possible! I will be watching...'' At this he turned and dissapeared into the Shadows under the trees.

''I will be watching! Huh! Wooooh! Scary!'' I said sarcasticly under my breath.

I proceeded forward and soon I heard voices upon the road ahead. I came to a bush and saw two figures coming up the road. I watched intently.
Visit http://nilore.suddenlaunch2.com
Gil- galad was an elven king.
Of him the harpers sadly sing:
the last whose realm was fair and free
between the mountains and the sea.

His sword was long, his lance was keen,
his shinig helm afar was seen;
the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.

But long ago he rode away,
and where he dwelleth none can say;
for into darkness fell his star
in mordor where the shadows are.

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Old 02-06-2003, 07:08 AM   #12
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ooc: Weclcome Zavron!

ic: I hooded my self overshadowing my face with my flappy worn hood and threw on my dark green cloak for travel. Swift PAws trotted next to me as I led belgdaer to the gate were the guard barly questiond me and let me pass. I jumped up onto the horse who shifted for a second and then started off towadrs the north.
ooc: I am going to fast forword for my character because it takes awhile to get through Mordor.
ic: We rode on for four days and never quite for we did not want to spend one night in Mordor by resting in one spot. We reached the boardor of the lands and camped out there. I gave beleg water and Swift ate his Lembas. I sat and watched the blood red sun kissed sky turn dark blue and a hawk floating past us as if searching for something of great importance. The next day I rode off again towards the city of Gondor. I knew it would only take me about two weeks to get there so I chalenged Beleg to take less then that and beat my bet. Beleg with one force from his back legs pushed off into a full run and Swift Oaws panted to keep up but managed all the same.
"I know less then half of you half as well as I should like. And I like less then half of you half as well as you deserve."
Bilbo Baggins
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Old 02-06-2003, 03:38 PM   #13
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Shelter I found in a cave well hidden in the mountain slope.There we stayed for the night and rested and rose ere sunrise.
I stood in at the entrance of the cave and watched the eastern sky.As the sun rose,it was turning orange and red and purple.The sun came into view from the few white clouds,scattered in the sky.As soon as her sun rays hit the tree tops,nature awoke and the birds started their singing.I remained there for a short time,closing my eyes for a minute and enjoying the sun's warmth.Narcalen came behind me and neighed softly.I then walked back into the cave,took my belongings and coming out,I mounted Narcalen and thus continued our journey to Lothlorien.Gwaimir flew once in circle above and followed us,scanning the area below him.
We had come down Caradhras and the pass by nightfall and rested by the river Nimrodel until the morning.We had reached Lorien.
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Old 02-06-2003, 07:34 PM   #14
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ooc: This is fun.

ic: We finally after two more weeks arrived in Gondor and soon after(the next day) we were to go to council with Lady Galadriel. I told my news in a brief council and the next morning I was cleaned up and was clothed in more of an elfish atiar(sp). I rode off to Lothlorien.
Swift Paws and I walked instead of riding for we found it was a nice day out and the eagle friend was back searching again for his mysterious shadow friend. We walked along the bordor of Fangorn and Rohan trying not to catch the attention of the humans of Rohan scanning the fields looking after their grazing horses.
After about two more weeks we arrived at the edge of Lothlorien and made our way to the stream of Nimrodel and there we rested for the night.
"I know less then half of you half as well as I should like. And I like less then half of you half as well as you deserve."
Bilbo Baggins
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Old 02-07-2003, 01:07 PM   #15
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ooc:yea!I've found the verses of 'Lose Yourself'

The sun rose upon the golden tree tops.I walked to the river and washed myself.A few minutes later we were crossing the Golden Forest,after having breakfast.On this fine day I prefered to walk than ride as usual.I took Narcalen's reins and my bow in my right hand and as my left hand was free,Gwairim settled on my wrist scanning the forest intently with his keen eyes.
As we walked I looked at the forest about me;golden mallorn trees stood at the banks of Nimrodel,shading the sun above,yet leaving her sun rays penetrate the leaves.The ground was laid with their golden leaves and with niphredil in some spots.A beautiful forest it was and my heart rejoiced,for I had been away for a long time.
Narcalen walked quietly beside me,yet suddenly Gwairim ruffled his feathers and looked around,as if someone else was here.Soon I found that he was right,for a hooded person and a wolf sat by Nimrodel,not far from us.Narcalen was not apprehended by the wolf's presence and I did not make any move to fit an arrow to my bow,for they did not seem dangerous.I approached them,slowly...
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Old 02-07-2003, 05:34 PM   #16
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May I join?

Name: Anarwen (Sun maiden)
Race: Elf
Hair: Golden brown,
Height: 6'3, she gains the height from her mother’s side of the family.
Eyes: soft sea blue
Personality: She has an adventurous nature, but loves all things that grow, and is found to be very secretive unless she knows you. She is patient and kind, but would gladly accept a duel at any time. She is skilled with the bow, and uses the sword once in a long while. She has two throwing daggers, but uses them very rarely. She has no dwelling place, but is usually found in the wilds between Lorien and Imladris.
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Old 02-08-2003, 05:31 AM   #17
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old buddies!

hi Ithilwin!
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Old 02-08-2003, 01:08 PM   #19
Her Infernal Majesty
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Friends........ still i hope

hey iridal and ithilwin, can i join. what am i saying do i ever ask you that!!!!!
"It is a good viewpoint to see the world as a dream. When you have something like a nightmare, you will wake up and tell yourself that it was only a dream. It is said that the world we live in is not a bit different from this." - Yamamoto Tsunetomo
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