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Old 01-29-2003, 03:18 PM   #41
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Nazgul The might of the mumakil

The battle did not seem to be coming to an end.thrice the men of harad scaled the first wall of minas tirth and thrice were they thrown down.the man of harad were in despair as they saw the great piles of their own men dead.But still they fought on.Then it was to call forth the mumakil. Five of these great beast of war rumble forward.they shook the very earth with their feet.Archers on their backs fired onto the wall dislodging enough gondor men to let the men of harad scale the wall and get into the first courtyard of minas tirith.

By now 3000 of the 5000 army of harad were slain but the other 2000 were pouring in like ants.a ferocious battle raged but the men of gondor were pushed back into the second courtyard were they closed the gate and the men of harad had to scale another wall.
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Old 01-29-2003, 03:26 PM   #42
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Nazgul Lord manafirogh

The mumakil burst the first gate from its hinges and entered the courtyard. 2 were shot down as they were hit in the eyes many many times by the great steel bows of gondor.As they fell they smote the ground and cause death to any beneath them.but as a third one was shot down its great mass fell upon the second wall and broke it open.
The man of harad rushed in with new force of attack and fought right up to the third gate were a battle was fought which lived forever in the songs of men.

From the citadel upon the highest reaches of minas tirith was heard the silver horn of lord manafirogh with his guard of the citadel.they were armed in glittering mail and bore lofty helms with wings on either side.Lord manafirogh raised his sword and stormed in the battle. Such was his skill and power of arms that none could stand before him.
Upon the third wall of minas tirith the army of harad was destroyed.the remaining two mumakil still fought on but were surrounded and shot down with flaming arrows.
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Old 01-29-2003, 03:32 PM   #43
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But as the last of the army of harad was destroyed the forces of gondor had suffered heavily.4,000s did they lose in that battle and still the army of the easterlings was still at full force.
they were positioned at the gate of minas morgul and were waiting for the instuction to attack.

Lord manafirogh stood upon the first wall and looked upon his men and roared
''hither the darkness comes swiftly but i tell you now people of gondor i swear an oath that as long as i live minas tirith shall not be taken by the enemy!''

Melkor heard this oath then said
''if i cannot take minas tirith while manafirogh is alive i shall take it when he is dead!!
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Old 01-29-2003, 03:44 PM   #44
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Nazgul The wrath of morgoth

Soon melkor became full of rage and his heart burned with hatred for the world.The orcs trembled before him and named him morgoth enemy of the world as they saw his power unfold before them

They burning in his heart could not be contained and mount doom exploded a river of swift flame.the river sped west to the shadowy mountains and across the land of gorgoroth.the river of flame clove a road through the thick rock and smashed against the mountains were it pooled and gathered strenght.here it burst through the mountains and collided into the ruins of osgiliath until it reached the river Anduin were it was cooled but the river of flame was continuous and cut the path of gondor off from the north.No longer could gondor use the road of North ithilien as it was barred with fire and no bridge could be built to cross it.

But also from mount doom came from the deep lava caverns Angrodouk the mighty dragon of morgoth.
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Old 01-29-2003, 03:53 PM   #45
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Nazgul Angrodouk

For long had morgoth kept Angrodouk a secrect in the vast caverns beneath mordor but he could contain him no longer and wen he came he was at full power.He flew with vast wings like that of some bat from hell.His scales were of steel his horns of iron.The rage of his eyes could melt the bone and his flame could consume the earth.He flew in three circles around barad-dur then went west at the bidding of morgoth his head was pointed for rohan.

The men of Gondor were in great fear and terror as they saw the massive monster of Angrodouk pass over their heads and off into rohan.They sent their prayers for rohan for no horse could run fast enough to warn them.

Agrodouk came upon the vast fields and pastures of rohan and laid them to waste in an inferno of blazing fire.He first went to helms deep were he broke the wall and destroyed the keep,he allowed the men women and children to depart for Gondor and to their safety he would have allowed the men to leave as well but they chose to fight him which was their deathwish.They were destroyed.Angrodouk then flew to an empty edoras were he laid waste to the wooded villiage and burnt the harvest to a dust on the wind.With his mission done Angrodouk returned to mordor and to the side of his master who was filled with a great fulfilled desire.
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Old 01-29-2003, 04:11 PM   #46
Gothmog the great
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the elven lords now new of the terrible new force that had risen from the firey pits of mount doom. Rohan and gonodor would fall to the might of the dragon of morgoth. 200 dwarfs were dispatched to rohan and to the aid of lord manafiroug. the dwarfs wore thick armout that could resist the burning flames of the beast. also the ancestors of the dwarfs had fought many dragons when they were attcked for there vast amounts of wealth and riches so the dwarfs had knowlegde of how to defend from an attck.
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Old 01-29-2003, 04:24 PM   #47
Gothmog the great
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the dwarfs arrived at minis thirith with great spheres that the had taken from the armouries of moria. Spheres that rivaled the arrows that were given to the nazgul. They were placed in the mortars and the wait began. Also other defences were set for the dragon that will become aparent soon(one major one)
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Old 01-30-2003, 11:29 AM   #48
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Nazgul Evil of durin

of the 900 dwarves that entered the realm of mirkwood to the aid the elves 200 of those were spies sent by durin to penetrate the walls and discover the secret paths and weaknesses of their fortresses.
After the other 200 left for minas tirith the 200 spies waited till nightfall then fled south to dol-guldor.
There they brought news to the nazgul of the dwarves that had gone to gondor and of the defence of mirkwood.The nazgul were very pleased.The strenght in dol-guldor was now immense.With 5,000 heavily armed uruk-hai, 3 nazgul ringwraiths armed with bows of mithril and flew on winged steeds now it was reinforced with 200 stout dwarves.They began work on seige weapons such as catapults,ballistas, iron capped battering rams and many crossbows.The final stroke against mirkwood was coming soon.
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Old 01-30-2003, 11:38 AM   #49
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Morgoth sat on his iron throne and was happy with the way that the war was falling apart.
The army of mordor was 10,000 strong and morgoth put much time and energy into them.they were trained rigourously none stop save to eat food that was touched by morgoth.

For them The dwarves from moria sent great armours of steel and mithril.For the first time ever the orcs wore shining armour.
Their mail was of steel but 250 of the first had mail of mithril.
They all bore helms of steel which was plain but strong.they had brestplates of dulled iron and wore cloaks of black.

For weapons all bore steel longspears with broad black heads they looked like a forest of steel great and strong.
they were girt with straight swords of iron and sheilds of thin steel covered in thick black leather.The best part of the host had longbows strapped to their backs with a whole quiver of iron arrows.Morgoth was pleased with what he saw assembled before the gates of barad-dur.But in memory of his old fortress morgoth renamed barad-dur to Angband the 'iron prison'
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Old 01-30-2003, 11:46 AM   #50
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Nazgul Destruction of Dol-Amroth

As morgoth persieved the dwarves could withstand Angrodouk so a new plan was hatched.
Angrodouk was to lead the army of the easterlings to minas tirith and as the battle begun would depart for dol-amroth and the unprepared King Imrahil.

The 4,000 strong easterlings were delighted to hear that they would be led by the wrath of morgoth for they knew not that Angrodouk would leave them to their doom.

So they marched off with heads held high and spears higher.
When they came insight of the city Angrodouk flew high and roared ''ATTACK!!'' such was the feroscity in his fell voice that the easterlings found themselves running towards the wall.
Angrodouk watched then flew south.

It did not take long to reach the city by the mountains and the sea.And neither did it take long for Angrodouk the mighty to break open the walls and cause an inferno of all that liver there.
But Angrodouk was amazed to see that frm the rubble crawled a man.Prince Imrahil.
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Old 01-30-2003, 11:58 AM   #51
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Nazgul The battle of Imrahil and Angrodouk

Angrodouk saw that this was no ordinary man.he was part of the race of the elves which he was forced to hate with a terrible vengence.But Imrahil did not flee before the monster but said
''why is it that a creature of your strenght must come upon my city from the rear and without notice and destroy my people with out a chance,do you fear us?''

But this did not enrage Angrodouk he just smiled and showed his great fangs and said
''No imrahil king of dol-amroth i do not fear thee but i sense in you a strenght,would thy put that to the test?''

And as Angrodouk finished his sentence Imrahil drew his white sword and it shone and glittered like ice.and Angrodouk feared it.
For on the ground he was not as agile and imrahil smote him heavily upon his snout causing an expolsion of blood.a great flame burst from his jaws and imrahil recieved the flame on his right side.then Angrodouk tried to get airbourn and finish this pest off but imrahil jumped to his feet and clove the wing of Angrodouk redering him flightless.Three more blows came to Angrodouks head and flank before he hit Imrahil with his tail and smashed him into the rocks.Thinking him dead Angrodouk turned and headed back to mordor on foot cursing the name of Imrahil.But with the last strenght in his body Imrahil threw his sword and it smote deeply into the back of Angrodouks head slaying him instantly.there they died together and that battle was never forgotten or forgiver by morgoth.
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Old 01-30-2003, 12:16 PM   #52
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Nazgul i found out

(this isnt part of the story but ive just found out that you dont need register or join or sign up to anything to help me.all you have to do is click on this site and thats all.my army will get money just by people looking at the site so pleeeeease help me.
www.kingsofchaos.com/page.php?id=150459 and thats all thank you)
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Old 01-30-2003, 02:23 PM   #53
Gothmog the great
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the forest of mirkwood was now not safe
the elves were now gainst a to power full foe
the elves by the cover of night made there way to minis thrith were the was the strongest prescance of man.
there the final battle between the forces of morgoth and the last alliance of freedom would be fought.
the elves, dwarfs and ents marched over anduin through lorien and then finally fengorn to reach there destination gathereing any force they could.
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Old 01-30-2003, 02:25 PM   #54
Lord Manafirogh
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Hearing of the death of Prince Imrahil lord Manafirough told all his man and dwarfs to reinforce Minas Tirith. They would build the gates that were distroyed and also the mortans would have dwarf's spears instead of the normal ones of Gondor. Lord mannafirough would not flee hes home. He would defende it as long as he lived.
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Old 01-30-2003, 02:37 PM   #55
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The force in dol-guldor was now ready and decided the time was nigh to end the world of elves.one of the nazgul flew to erebor to rally the whole force to leave immidiatly.the forces of erebor and dol-guldor would come upon the halls of mirkwood like a hammer on an anvil and smash it to pieces.

But as the armies crashed through the forest they came to empty halls and deserted forts.A great panic arose and the 2 armies fled to mordor to the safety of their lord morgoth.

now morgoth saw the elves ents and men prepare minas tirith so he prepared his force.
10,000s he had of orcs bearing great force of war.
5,000s of the mighty uruk-hai.
500 war trolls armed in black mail and held iron axes and hammers.
2,000 dwarves of erebor and still 1,000 in moria.
then he had his captains.
8 of the winged nazgul armed with mithril bows.
and the high captain of angband - Gundred the balrog.

The easterling men that had attacked minas tirith before Angrodouk had left them had been totally wiped out and had caused little damage to the great city.
Soon the army of Morgoth was assembled and mobilsed and stood before the gates of Angband before Morgoth.
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Old 01-30-2003, 02:49 PM   #56
Lord Manafirogh
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The elfs of mirkwood were greatly welcomed in Minas tirith. The elfs had brough with them the finest bows in middle-earth. Elfs were laid upon the wall of Minas Tirith. Dwarfs started to reinforce the gates. Ents moved huge rock for for the dwarfs to craft and place on defence of the gates. Suddenly a horn was heard from distance. A message came to lord Manafirough.
"Sir its the man from dol-amroth its looks as some of them have survived and come to fight with us in revenge of Imrahil"
"Please welcome them and aid the enjured" said the lord.
The man of dol-amroth looked weary but they were of tall sructure and grim faces. They bore long spears that shone in distance and helms greatly crafted. Some of the man had taken their armour of because it was burned by the dragon Andrpdouk. The man of dol-amroth looked to be around 500.
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Old 01-30-2003, 02:56 PM   #57
Gothmog the great
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now the men of gondor marveled at the coming army for the elves were tall in silver/gold armour with beutifully carfted armour, shields and great elven blades.Follwed by the remaining dwarfes. There was a cre from the dwarfs in minis thrith wehn they saw there fellow comrades. Finallt the great ents could be seen as great giants that moved in great strides. Now morgoth had realsied what had haped but it was to late to stop the coallition being formed.
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Old 01-30-2003, 02:59 PM   #58
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Durin and the dwarves of moria

Durin had not left with the host of erebor for mordor he had stayed behind with 200 of his most greatest warriors.He left erebor and 50 of them stayed behind as Durin did not wish to leave his halls empty.

Durin and his 150 joined with the remaining 1000 in moria and left from the west gate of moria.With great speed they marched north and assailed the city of rivendell.

As elrond was not there and most of the elves had departed for war the battle was brief.Durin led his 150 warriors right to the gates of rivendell while being supported by a vast hail of steel arrows which flew over the walls of rivendell causing much damage to all inside.Durins great red axe clove the wooden gates and they poured in slaying all in their path.they then torched the beautiful city and watched it burn.
When all was black dust and soot Durin departed with his host for mordor and the last battle.
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Old 01-30-2003, 03:17 PM   #59
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Nazgul The coming of Morgoth

Morgoth laughed to himself at the petty gathering in minas tirith.
Ents! what could the ents do against the black axe and hell flame of Gundred the mighty.

Morgoths armies were now savage and bloodthirsty they wished nothing more but to destroy their enemies.
Morgoth laughed at the stupidity of his enemies.they had cornerned themselves with no escape.No rashional general would place their whole remaining force in one place.
and to remind his enemies of his power Morgoth climbed from his iron throne deep in Angband.He took upon himself GROND hammer of the underworld and he wore great iron armour of deep black.
He was huge as a tower and stonger than the foundations of the earth.He towered above even the height of Gundred.
The armies of mordor cowered before him but morgoth bellowed
''Soldiers of Morgoth you should fear me more than your enemies and you should fear the consequences of my deepest rage if you fail!''
all heard this and now a black fire was lit in their evil hearts they marched for minas tirith with morgoth behind them.
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Old 01-30-2003, 03:26 PM   #60
Gothmog the great
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now it was the coming of the final battle
50 elves were set out being backed up with some ents to the ships of the harads. They sat sail for the valar and two eagles were choosen, the 2 that had the most stamina to caary on the miisions of the ships if the elves should fail. Morgoth now had no way of finding out abou this unti his spies wouldreach him but they were stiill far.
(he was not on his throne and could not c all the land)
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