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Old 05-30-2000, 10:48 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Getting to Know You...

This may not be appropriate, so answer or not as you choose, but I thought it might be nice if we got to know a bit about one another. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything personally identifiable or anything to make anyone uncomfortable. But what do you like, what do you want out of life, and what are you about?
For fun, I like gardening and landscaping, particularly native ferns and other native plants and also learning about medicinal herbs. I like to cook, read and watch movies and I like crafts such as knitting, decoupage and woodworking. I like to write(strictly for fun but it may become more serious one day) and I collect Breyer models and pictures and graphics off the web. I also like animals, with an emphasis on dogs, cats, horses and ferrets.
I like to learn what I can about the American Civil War, the Ice Ages and Magnetic Reversals.

How about you folks out there?
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Old 05-30-2000, 11:06 PM   #2
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

Some of you know this already, especially those of you I converse with via ICQ (*looks at anduin*)

Hobbies: 3D graphics... I really have to get back to my 3D-rendered re-creation of the Battle of Gettysburg with an army of two thousand snowmen that I stopped working on back in April. (I was bored one night.) I'm also a writer - gotten some articles, poems and short stories published. I'm trying to rework a short story I wrote last year into a novel, but have only gotten through the first two paragraphs

I'm a big film nut, as well... online critic and everything. Oh, and web design... sometimes for money, sometimes out of boredom. Depends on the season.

My musical abilities: I play the piano and the clarinet. I also whistle in tune. I can sing, and am usually a hit on my family's Karaoke Night (which is on a whenever-we-feel-like-it basis)... but suffer a disadvantage to some extent because my range is certainly low by definition. I also can't dance worth dick though I'd like to learn the tango, because... well, I like the tango! But anyways. I've done some composition in the past, but nothing serious. If anyone would like to offer me some hints on jazz improvisation, please do so...

Miscellaneous Interests and Extracurricular Shnizit: War history, particularly Napoleon. I'm also quite a modern cyber-geek as you can all see... then you've got Star Wars, of course... and LOTR! (Why else would I be here) Oh, and I like debate. And philosophy. And stuff like that.

I also hope to make a film one day... and command a battleship, too.

Religion: ABefore anyone asks... I'm agnostic... but really, I absolutely love it when people preach their beliefs to me. They provide me with much perspective about... everything.

Fashion sense (or lack thereof): I look good in naval uniforms, though I rarely wear them (unless you count my school band uniform). Sometimes I'm seen wearing a fedora, or carrying an umbrella around. I also twirl my calculators around like Colt .45s sometimes, just for the hell of it. And of course... I wear pens on my belt.
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Old 05-30-2000, 11:08 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

Oh, and I neglected to mention how my life's been lately... there's one little added twist. It begins the same way all big plot twists begin... I met this girl...

But that's enough about me. Back to you guys
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Old 05-31-2000, 02:36 AM   #4
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

I'm green, have pointed ears and generaly have difficulty relating to humans.

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Old 05-31-2000, 09:24 AM   #5
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

I like to hang out with friends, listening to music, read books and walking. I also like to go riding my bike in the forests here but I rarely get the chance. Other things I enjoy are watching movies, surf the net and chat with the friends I have online.

I have a passionate love for learning, that´s why I spend so much time reading and studying. I love learning about history, religion, philosophy, mythology, archeology, psychology and literature. One could say I´m interested in learning about the human mind and human cultures. I´m a college student, pursuing a degree with a major in history and a minor in religion as well as one degree in education. My big dream is getting a Ph.D in history as well as being a teacher one day .

I also like travelling, partly because I want to see all the places I read about, partly because I want to encounter different cultures. I´d love to go to Egypt and see the pyramids one day.
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Old 05-31-2000, 12:01 PM   #6
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

I like to spend a lot of time outdoors camping, reading, watching animals, and hanging out at night at our fire pit with friends. The outdoors lend a good balance to the amount of time I spend indoors online. I don't think I could do one without the other.

I also like to watch ppl, see how they interact with others, and I consider sociology a hobby. One friend of mine says that I definitely have the mind of a sociologist, although, I have had no formal training or anything.

I like to sew, and have made it my career. I work in a costume shop for children's theater. (That is, plays performed by professional actors for children audiences.)

I have no firm beliefs concerning religion and I too enjoy talking to those that do.
(Honest Tater )

I consider my self an expert on the Beatles, but have become a little rusty in the last 5 years or so. I also enjoy listening to Jazz, Swing, and Bluegrass.

Currently I am planning the biggest party of my life.....my wedding. But you probably already know that.

Oh yeah, I am also a proud Mac user.
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Old 05-31-2000, 03:49 PM   #7
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

I saw I forgot to mention one thing I wanted to include. I don´t belong to any religion, I follow my own ethic standard, but I, like IP and anduin, enjoy learning about other people´s faiths.
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Old 05-31-2000, 04:07 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

I live in Canada now, but grew up in the US. I love watching figure skating, and discussing it on message boards. I also love JRRT and discussing that on the internet. When we moved into our house I inherited a garden from the former owners, so I try to keep it up. I am a stay-at-home mother of two, married 12 years. I am fully bilingual (French and English) and have studied German and Russian as well; I love learning foreign languages. I love to laugh and joke around. I, too, do not really practice a religion, but find other's beliefs interesting.
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Old 05-31-2000, 05:18 PM   #9
Fat middle
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Re: Getting to Know You...

i´m Spanish and i´ve always found very difficult defining myself, so i´ll just list some thigns y´all probably know or guess already: i love Tolkien works , and literature i general. i have a special passion for Shakespeare and a special hate for SW EU (though i love the movies of course). i also like listening music, specially "classical" music, but also great bands as Queen, U2, and "flamenco" (i guess y´all probably have no idea how flamenco can sounds)

Since my literature taste may appear a bit odd and of course none of my friends likes the music i listen, i don´t speak with them about those things and take the usual themes everybody speaks about when sitting around a table full of beers. and no, i´m not a drunkard though my sig may suggest it, but sometimes when beer is reaching my mind and my friends´ i also like to speak about religion and philosophy. BTW, i´m a convinced Roman Catholic.

oh, and i like internet because there are a lot of good stuff if you know where to look for and a lot of giood people, though the greater part of those are usually found around Entmoot
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Old 05-31-2000, 05:53 PM   #10
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

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Old 05-31-2000, 06:17 PM   #11
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

Yep, I have to agree with the prior posts concerning religion. I am not officially a member of any church. I feel that there is a great deal of merit to all religions and in the end, who am I to say who is right and who is wrong. Personally, I suspect that all Gods are the same God who presents a different face to his different worshippers. There seems to be too much that is similar from religion to religion for it to be otherwise.
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Old 05-31-2000, 07:38 PM   #12
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

Well I've been an avid Tolkien fan ever since I read The Hobbit awhile back. I also like other authors such as Raymond Feist and Timothy Zahn. When I saw the Star Wars Special Editions in 1997 I became a Star Wars fan(atic ) as well. We first got a computer before most other people, in 1990 or so, and were among the first people with an online service (we initially had Prodigy). I enjoy going online to visit bulletin boards, use Napster and talk to people. In March 1997, I started my first website. I frequented bulletin boards such as the 3D Realms Board and the Jedi Council (where I first encountered Tater) but now I mainly focus on Entmoot. Currently, Tater and I are working on a new website, called The Tolkien Trail, due to open in about a month or so.

I'm in my eighth year of playing the piano. I also play the mallet percussion (orchestra bells, xylophone, marimba, chimes, etc.) at school. I got into the prestigious Regional Band this year and was ranked the Number One mallet percussion player .I generally tend to despise "popular" music, so my Napster library is filled with movie soundtracks, classical pieces, Weird Al parodies and video game music.

I am in my last year (last days actually) of middle school, and I will be entering high school (9th grade) in the fall. I'm an honors student and have gotten straight A's this entire year
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Old 05-31-2000, 09:45 PM   #13
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

Well, I'll start off with competing with ben.

At first, I used my dad's bussiness laptop (not even full color, just shades of black and gray and a couple other colors!) in the early 90's (dont remember year, probably in '92 cuz I was in 2nd grade). About the time i started using it was when I first got the internet. I used AOL. Chatting wasnt big, so I would just download little games and stuff. Computers just came pretty natural to me, and I've been a junkie ever since.

In school, I'm very good at at history (interests me very much and I'll probably be a war fanatic like IP), and usually pretty good at science. When it comes to Math and English, I can never be good at both at the same time. If I'm getting an A in English, I'll be getting a B in Math, and vica-versa.

I know for a fact that practically nobody here likes my taste in music. My absolute favorite bands and singers are:
koRn, Rage Against the Machine, Limp Bizkit, Eminem, and Kid Rock.

I play alto saxaphone and I'm pretty good, i guess.

When it comes to movies, some of my all time fav's are:
-SW movies
-The Matrix
-6th Sense
-Adam Sandler movies
-other various sci-fi, comedy, and action movies

I'm also a very big SW fan, and proud to say, have been one longer than ben! I had seen so many SW references in my life, but never understood them. I told my parents, and they rented them. I saw ANH and ESB, but never got around to seeing ROTJ. When the SE came out, I saw all three.

Also, I love animated TV shows, as you can see from my sig and personal pic. Simpsons, Family Guy, and Futurama are my absolute favorites. I'm very depressed that Fox is canceling family guy after they finish airing the remaining episodes this summer.

Lastly, I'm a big WWF fan. I wont go into this in detail cuz nobody here cares.
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Old 05-31-2000, 09:59 PM   #14
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

I'm a hobbit.......
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Old 05-31-2000, 10:00 PM   #15
captain Tarpols
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

I'm bmilder's brother and a close friend of HOBBIT
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Old 06-01-2000, 12:51 AM   #16
The One Hobbit
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

Yeah, and I'm a close friend of The One Ring.

He, by the way, enjoys reading science fiction of all sorts, though especially Tolkien, Robert Jordan, and, well, a lot of other authors I can't think of right now. He's played the piano for nine years and is considered to be quite good, considering that he's won state-wide competitions and all that stuff. He mainly plays classical music, but he's also played jazz for five years and enjoys it very much. He's willing to give IP any tips on improv he needs, but doesn't know where to start.... ask me (I mean him) sometime. He also composes music in his spare time, and hopefully will have some of it available as the background music for the Tolkien Trail. In addition to playing the piano, he also sings in his high school choir (baritone, if you want to know), and accompanies them as well. He likes drama too, and has been involved with his high school plays and musicals, some of which have won state awards. He's sure there's more, but he can't think of anything else right now.
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Old 06-01-2000, 01:17 AM   #17
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

My close friend IronParrot thanks you...
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Old 06-01-2000, 11:35 AM   #18
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

CT, you didn't tell us anything about yourself. Come on d00d, spill it!
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Old 06-01-2000, 06:51 PM   #19
captain Tarpols
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

ok 1. my name is Tristan Milder
2. my brother is bmilder
3. i am 12
4. he is 14
5. i go to school
6. i play the trumpet and baritone horn
7. i enjoy posting (especially posting and nonsensical phrases. and spellings...
8. i first posted at entmoot.. ENTMOOT ROCKS!
9. i am HOBBIT and forum mod of the hobbit forum
10. uhhhh
11. d000d!
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Old 06-01-2000, 08:09 PM   #20
The One Ring
Posts: n/a
Re: Getting to Know You...

Ah, I see my alter ego has already been here. IP, the first step in learning jazz improv is learning the chords. Take, for example, the 12-bar blues form. C7 for four bars, F7 for two bars, back to C7 for two bars, then (in its simplest form) G7 for a bar, F7 for a bar, and back to C7 for a bar. Now, what this means is that you'll want to play the correct scale for each chord. The C7 scale is C, D, E (or, in a blues scale, Eb), F, G, A, Bb, C. Transpose that up a fourth for F7, up a fifth for G7. There you have it! Concentrate, while playing notes in those scales, on the chord tones. These are always the third and seventh of the scale (in a C7 scale, they're E and Bb). Emphasize those more when you play them.

That's lesson 1 in Jazz Improvisation. Further details will follow.
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