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Old 09-15-2005, 12:29 AM   #1
The last sane person
The Black Númenórean
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Calling All Nazgul : Formal Info Thread

Okay, this is where we will post important tidbits for all those wishing to join to read, without having to wade your way through the chit-chat, side notes or other unrelated things within the discussion thread! ButterBeer and I will update as soon as there are Important changes in story line or thread.

Story Setting:
(inserted by Valandil)

This story begins in early September of year 49 of the Third Age. Wasn't all THAT long ago that the Last Alliance of Men and Elves gathered to defeat Sauron and his forces, when Elendil and Gil-galad fell in mortal combat with Sauron himself, and when Isildur cut the One Ring from the finger of their dread foe.

Nowadays, things are much more peaceful. Aging veterans tell stories about the war in inns up and down the lands - but war and strife are already distant things to most people who didn't see them - especially those who were too young to understand - or not even born - at the time.

It looks like the Third Age will be a glorious one for Men. Exiles from among the Faithful of the Numenoreans hold sway in two great kingdoms; Arnor in the north (where Valandil, the High King over both kingdoms rules) and Gondor in the south. Although somewhat ravaged by war, these two allies (ruled by first cousins, no less) have no major enemies and no rivals. They both seem poised for greatness.

The Elves are still mighty, but definitely a fading force. They seclude themselves in their realms and sing about times long past. Their greatest stronghold is in Lindon, where Cirdan has taken over leadership of Gil-galad's kingdom. Elrond has his followers in Imladris, where he plans ambitious building projects - like adding at least one major addition to the place every 144 years. There are also Elves in places like Lorien, Greenwood and Edhellond, and a few other Elves wander about, but rather discretely. They mostly don't seem inclined to take part in whatever events may come.

Of the Dwarves, the Longbeards are thriving the most - expanding their realm in Moria - but they keep mostly confined to their underground homes, and don't grow in number as swiftly as Men do.

Nobody has heard of Istari or Hobbits - for it's about 1000 years before any of them will come into history.

Of Sauron's minions, the Orcs suffered some major setbacks and keep themselves pretty well hidden in out-of the way places. Dragons and trolls and fierce things like that have faded into vast wilderness areas and are rarely, if ever heard about - already seeming no more than 'fairy tales'.

Sauron and his greatest servants are gone - or thought to be. But in fact, the Nazgul have begun to stir. They are much weakened, and have their own liabilities, but still... they ARE Nazgul. And now they are free from Sauron, and the control he had over them by the One. But say... where IS the One now? Did anyone see Isildur take it? And Men talk as though he is dead - but has anyone seen a body? Is it all a ruse? And now Men are ruled by Isildur's young son - these great Men ruled by one who was too young to fight in the War - how DOES he command their respect?

Yes - the Nazgul are somewhat at peace, like everybody else - but their peace is troubled by thoughts of the One. What if someone else comes forward wielding it, to make them slaves once more? What if... unthinkably... Sauron was not ultimately destroyed in that mortal combat? What if... each one must think... what if I could be the one to find it, and take it as my own? And... they get these visions sometimes, and wonder if the One calls out to them... something that seems like a 'river'...

So - now we have Valandil taking courses at the University of Southern Arnor in Tharbad. The tabloids of both kingdoms had a hay-day with this one, since the place has a 'party-school' reputation (perhaps because it IS a coeducational institution, quite rare for its day - but there's another in Pelargir and a couple others in less hospitable climes), but the official palace response was that it was the royal family's opinion that 'one can find whatever one is looking for, wherever one goes' - and Valandil always has SEEMED to be a serious student. But frankly, he has a lot of other things on his mind, as you'll see.

Valandil will be 60 later this year, which seems rather old to us people today, and those who were not of Numenorean stock then, for the histories tell us he would live to be 260! He hasn't even had to think about 'settling down' yet - although that may come in a few decades. But he has come to Tharbad, here on the southern edge of Arnor; to relax, to distract himself, to pursue a mystery. He must take care lest another mystery overtake him!

Players may be nazgul or their associates, Men or Elves, with maybe a Dwarf.
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

Last edited by Valandil : 10-13-2005 at 06:48 AM.
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Old 09-15-2005, 06:54 AM   #2
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Please note this thread is for reading ONLY except by the Watch - that's THE GUVNOR' , Captain Shah of the watch and Constable BB (biogs later) ...

please post all posts and discussion in the Nazgul and kings discussion thread. Only when and if you have a short character bio will it go in here! and it'll be posted by the Shah or myself as an edit to our regular patrolling posts.

Evening' all.

Last edited by Butterbeer : 09-15-2005 at 07:03 AM.
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Old 09-15-2005, 07:02 AM   #3
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A Brief Chronology as it relates to our RPG and MAPS of tharbad and surrounding area

Chronology from the Tale of Years (LOTR Appendices)
Second Age

3319 Ar-Pharazôn assails Valinor. Downfall of Númenor. Elendil and his sons escape.
3320 Foundations of the Realms in Exile: Arnor and Gondor. The Stones are divided (II, 54). Sauron returns to Mordor.
3429 Sauron attacks Gondor, takes Minas Ithil and burns the White Tree. Isildur escapes down Anduin and goes to Elendil in the North. Anárion defends Minas Anor and Osgiliath.
3430 The Last Alliance of Elves and Men is formed.
3431 Gil-galad and Elendil march east to Imladris.
3434 The host of the Alliance crosses the Misty Mountains. Battle of Dagorlad and defeat of Sauron. Siege of Barad-dûr begins.
3435 beautiful boomerang born
3435 (2 days later) beautiful boomerang sat on by a gondorian soldier and killed in the sacred spiritual butterfly burial grounds: becomes a wraith
3440 Anárion slain.
3441 Sauron overthrown by Elendil and Gil-galad, who perish. Isildur takes the One Ring. Sauron passes away and the Ringwraiths go into the shadows. The Second Age ends.

Third Age

2 Isildur plants a seedling of the White Tree in Minas Anor. He delivers the South-kingdom to Meneldil. Disaster of the Gladden Fields; Isildur and his three elder sons are slain.
3 Ohtar brings the shards of Narsil to Imladris.
10 Valandil becomes King of Arnor.
48 Beautiful Boomerang makes the wraith call under the butterfly moon


Here be A Chronological reference note placing the origins of Rian's character:

(approx) 510 First Age : Fall of Gondolin
(approx) 600 First Age : end of First Age
.................................................. ..........................................
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The centre of the City

2. And a small-scale map of the surrounding area:

3. A wider view of the City of Tharbad


the three floors of Orrodel
in order: ground, first and second:




Constable BB plods whistling down the Street, 'the 3rd Way' in old Tharbad town... it's a hazy foggy night

"All's well" cries the Town crier.

... mmm maybe a quick rest and a drink he thinks, merry face smiling. ...aaagh! there's the Guv' (Captian Shah of the watch) already got me a drink and pastry by the looks of it...

"Evenin' all!"

Last edited by Butterbeer : 11-22-2005 at 03:08 PM.
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Old 09-16-2005, 05:50 AM   #4
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Nazgul concept

Nazgul Rings and Invisibility

At the time of our RPG story, at the beginning of the Third Age, we believe that the nazgul still had their Rings. (Note: At the time when the LOTR story is set, the nazgul had no rings, it was Sauron who held the Nine. Having no rings, nazgul bodies were permanently invisible, while their clothes were visible.)

In this RPG we assume that a Nazgul ring, when it was fully mastered, could make the wraith visible or invisible at will, exactly like when Sauron was wearing the One. The wielder only had to master his Ring and know the appropriate spells. Presumably, the freshly-made nazgul, when first assembled in Mordor, had some “Advanced Training for Ring-users” by Prof. Sauron himself. After that, they could wield their Rings to their full power. The absence of reports of nazgul activity from the late Second age till TA 1300 could probably be explained by their ability to look “normal”. The Witch-King during his reign of Angmar managed to hide his identity and pass for a mortal for hundreds of years.

We assume that mortals and most elves could be easily fooled by a visible Nazgul. To remain undetected, the main idea was to avoid wizards, Calaquendi (Valinorean) Elves and the wielders of the Three, as they could see the nazgul’s fea in the spirit world and so recognize him for what he was.

Additional RPG concepts:
- Nazgul leave no reflection in mirrors.
- A nazgul can’t be in both worlds at once. If he is invisible, he does not see material objects, can’t read a letter for instance. If he is visible, he can’t see the Spirit world objects, so another invisible nazgul or a wraith can pass by him unnoticed.

Nazgul Powers and Weaknesses

The nine were of different power. The Morgul-Lord (later called the Witch-King) was more powerful in all things than the other 8.

-The nazgul shriek is a powerful spell causing terror and despair in others.
-The nazgul can cause “Black Shadow” or “Black Breath” disease in mortals at will.
-Morgul blades permit them to turn mortals into wraiths under the nazgul control.
-Nazgul are capable to communicate with each other silently by mind-speech via their rings (but not at a great distance).

However, all the above spells would hardly suit nazgul in disguise. They will give them away immediately.
Any number of additional powers and spells could be expected. Nazgul are capable of reading minds and control other’s minds to an extent. They easily catch unguarded thoughts, they can delve deeper unnoticed by most mortals. They can also break into a shielded mind, but that requires direct confrontation of wills, time, potions and torture.

Nazgul appearance

The nazgul have never died, but faded, their bodies becoming invisible. We have no indications that the nazgul turned into zombies, or mutated monsters, or walking skeletons. Instead, we know that Bilbo and Frodo looked exactly the same, not a day older, as long as they kept their Ring. So every nazgul, when visible, looks the same age he had when he was given the Ring.

.................................................. ..........................................
.................................................. ..........................................

Constable BB plods whistling down the Street, 'the 3rd Way' in old Tharbad town... it's a hazy foggy night

"All's well" cries the Town crier.

... mmm maybe a quick rest and a drink he thinks, merry face smiling. ...aaagh! there's the Guv' (Captian Shah of the watch) already got me a drink and pastry by the looks of it...

"Evenin' all!"
whistling still constable BB heaves himself into the chair next to Cap'n Shah of the Watch with a contented sigh ....

"it's hard work out there t'night' Guv ..."

constable BB picks up the beer and takes a long drink from the tankard...

"seen anything unusual around here latetly Guv?" asked constable BB.

"Evenin' all - mind how you go."

Last edited by Butterbeer : 10-07-2005 at 07:28 PM.
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Old 09-19-2005, 06:13 PM   #5
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Nazgul identity and special powers:

Tolkien wrote that 3 of the Nine were Numenoreans. In this RPG we have 3 female nazgul, though, most likely, Tolkien meant all the Nine to be males.

1. The Captain of the Nine is the Morgul-Lord or Lord Morgul. Our story is set 1250 years before Angmar period, so he can’t be called “Witch-King” yet. In Tharbad he is known as Lord Ilmenzor, Arch-Chancellor of the University. Former King of Numenor, Tar Ciryatan.
The Morgul Lord is the most powerful in ALL respects, which is canon.

2.Lord Khamul, the “Shadow of the East”, is a canon name for the Second to the Chief. In Tharbad he calls himself Galadannun, the “Light of the West”, Professor of Oriental Languages.
Easterling. Formerly ruled Rhun and Khand. Khamul has an extremely cunning and cruel mind. He is good at mind-reading, even though he is an Easterling. His canon abilities to sense the presence of the One indicate that he is good at sorcery. He is also a good fighter, but his lesser stature and slighter built are a disadvantage.

3. Lord Tolvadok, ex-ruler and very loyal to the shade of sauron, wandering scholar. Name used to be Girithron when he was alive, and he is using that as his name here in Tharbad. Good with a sword, even better with two. Can also use bows n arrows, spears, axes, hammers etc. etc. with skill. Shields his thoughts well, but that doesn't help much as he tends to show his emotions on his face.

4.Vacant, though covert operations rumoured ...

5.Lord Buzukkumarz or simply Five. In Tharbad he calls himself Pengolod, or Penny.
Easterling from Rhun. Nice guy, given to silly pranks. He is a good healer, knows herbs, animals and human anatomy. Knows sorcery, excels in potions and poisons. Not a good fighter. Likes drinking wine, eating cheese and making love to Lilly.

6.Lady Lilaenwen or Lilly. Calls herself by her real name. Half Easterling, half Numenorean. Very sexy. No sorceress. A skilled swordsman. Great to command orcs. Swears artistically, loves to screech. Hot temper. Not too bright. Badly educated, sometimes vulgar. And she seduces men without having to summon any supernatural powers!

7. Lord Udukhaturz. His real name is Aramaethor - “King-warrior”, but in Tharbad he is known as Maethor, Professor of Siege Tactics. Originally Numenorean royal. His abilities are in warfare, fighting and horsemanship because he studied those subjects extensively. The Ring heightened his knowledge to a good degree. He is good at mind-reading and mind-shielding. He can do some sorcery, but it is not his greatest ability. Well educated. Likes women and wine.

8. Lady Gordis. In Tharbad she is known as Lady Aiwendis, the only daughter of the Arch-Chancellor of the University. Aiwendis happens to be her real name.
Numenorean Lady of the royal line. A very skilled Witch, taught by the Morgul Lord himself. Good in mind-reading and mind-shielding. No good in fight, unless she uses sorcery. Even-tempered and quiet. Intelligent and well educated. Loves flowers and the Morgul Lord.

9. Lady Viniglaen or Viv. Calls herself by her real name. Numenorean from Andunie, but of uncertain origin. THE BEST burglar in Middle earth. Very good at mind reading. Hot temper. Miscievious. Not a skilled witch, but when angered, can use very powerful spells. Can hold her own in a swordfight well, but excels in hand-to-hand combat and dagger-throwing. Intelligent. Not very well educated, but tries to remedy that. Loves art and owls.

.................................................. ......................................

"Not a dickey bird... nah, it's all quiet and normal round Tharbad these days... the Guvnor took another hearty swig of his ale ... "mores the shame" replied Cap'n Shah of the watch.... thinking back to the heady days of panic on the street when supplies of pastry and ale had been disrupted by flooding upstream....

Evenin' All! Remember to lock your doors at Night, now, and mind how you go!

Will Cap'n Shah make a patrol? Will the Guv' enlighten the street with his hell for leather , win or die spirit?

...will anyone who actually knows HOW to make a link help the watch post a character biog here?

Last edited by Butterbeer : 11-13-2005 at 08:22 AM.
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Old 09-20-2005, 01:54 AM   #6
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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Character bio - R*an

Character name - R*an

Mooter behind the character - R*an

Picture of character - This picture of Luthien and Huan is how I picture her - here
She has long, dark hair and hazel eyes, and is a lovely (aren't they all?!) unmarried elven maiden.

Brief history -
R*an is a half-elven maiden from Gondolin. Her parents met while Turgon & co. were still in Nevrast. Her mother was an elf who lived in the environs of Nevrast, and her father was a human who lived ditto. They married, and then joined Turgon's company when they left Nevrast and headed to Gondolin. R*an was born before this journey, and remembers it faintly. She was one of the few escapees from Gondolin, and was never really able to settle in among the various refugee settlements, and has instead chosen to wander Middle Earth. She relates most strongly to the Elves, but also is drawn to humans. (more later...)
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

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Last edited by Rían : 10-11-2005 at 01:31 PM.
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